| - Phazon is a highly radioactive substance originating from the living planet known as Phaaze, known for its extreme mutagenic and energy-producing properties. Strangely, it's not only a radioactive substance, but also an extradimensional living being. Phazon appears throughout the Prime Trilogy. The substance has been responsible for the near-destruction of two worlds, Tallon IV of the Chozo and Aether of the Luminoth. In both cases Phazon arrived on the planets via interstellar objects, now known to be Leviathans. On Tallon IV the Phazon devastated and poisoned the ecosystem, eventually destroying the Chozo society that existed there. In Aether, the Phazon Meteor struck the planet and split it into two dimensions, driving the planet and its inhabitants into turmoil.
- El Phazon, también llamado Gran Veneno por los Chozo (Great Poison en las versiones inglesas), es una especie de sustancia con una primitiva consciencia originaria del planeta Phaaze, la cual es parte clave de los juegos Metroid Prime, Metroid Prime 2: Echoes y Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, es decir, los juegos de la Sub-saga Prime. Fue nombrado así por los Piratas Espaciales. El Phazon puede crear horribles mutaciones a su huésped pero también puede utilizarse como fuente de energía y como arma. El Phazon es el responsable de la casi destrucción de los planetas Tallon IV y Éter.
- thumb|Le Phazon s'accroche à Samus Le Phazon est une substance chimique apparaissant dans la trilogie Metroid Prime, comprenant les jeux Metroid Prime, Metroid Prime 2: Echoes et Metroid Prime 3: Corruption. Cette substance causera bien des ennuis à Samus, mais finalement elle parviendra à en débarrasser l'univers dans Brinstar.
- Phazon is the sixteenth issue of the series.
- Phazon was a radioactive, sentient substance that kills all it touches. Anything that does survive it is horribly mutated, increasing their power while destroying their willpower. Eventally, all it's prey care about is obtaining more Phazon. Despite these effects, Phazon was sought by both the Space Pirates and the Galactic Federation due to it's usefulness as an energy source.
- Phazon appears throughout the Metroid Prime Trilogy, where its presence is linked to much of the antagonists' actions. Its contamination is responsible for the near-destruction of many worlds, including Tallon IV of the Chozo and Aether of the Luminoth. Its true nature becomes apparent throughout the plot of Corruption, when its spread is targeted toward multiple planets as the result of previous encounters with Samus.
- However, despite this, it's also a very dangerous and potentially fatal element at direct or close contact. It is well known that it's killed many civilizations and have also corrupted the four bounty hunters Rundas, Ghor, Gandrayda, and of course Samus Aran. The former three all became controlled by Dark Samus and attempted to murder Samus, who ended up being victorious in the fights, but was also forced to kill them all. Phazon seems to be incredibly efficient as fuel (it surpasses Fuel Gel by far), or as an energy source. Prolonged exposure degenerates cerebral tissue and can cause insanity (called 'Phazon madness' by Space Pirates). Phazon infection's capabilities go have a wide range, as they go from resurrection (Dark Samus), to animation of inert objects (Thardus).
- thumb|250px|Das orangene Phazon im Einschlagskrater Über das hochradioatkive, orange gefärbte Phazon ist kaum etwas bekannt. Seinen einzigen Auftritt hat es in Metroid Prime, im letzen Gebiet, dem Einschlagskrater, wenige Minuten vor dem finalen Kampf gegen Metroid Prime. Es ist möglich, das orangene Phazon zu scannen, was jedoch kaum Informationen bringt. Lediglich dass der radioaktive Wert den von normalem Phazon um ca. 83% übersteigt. Das orangene Phazon ist also wirklich EXTREM radioaktiv. So radioaktiv, dass nicht einmal der Phazon-Suit ausreichend Schutz bietet und bei einer Berührung Schaden erleidet. Aufgrund der ohnehin schon hohen Abschirmung des Phazon Suits beläuft sich jedoch der Schaden etwa auf der selben Höhe, als wenn man mit dem Varia Suit durch blaues Phazon laufen würde