| - Melody (born as Melodira Keth) is a fiesty young lady that lives her life on the edge. She flirts with death, the enemy and sometimes her own allies and isn't exactly what one would expect for a Keth. She loves pushing the buttons of her siblings, finding out what makes them tick, but she also knows there is a time and place for such things, though out of playful spite, she may continue to argue with a sibling until they snap then remind them to focus on the task at hand. She is also indiscriminate on who the enemy is. Even though Raien and Kiara are her siblings, Melody knows they made their choices, and she has made her own.Background
Coming from a long line of Force Sensitives, its highly unusual for a Keth to not be Force Sensitive, and unfortunately for Melodira, known as 'Melody', she was the one 'black sheep' in the family that lacked Force Sensitivity. While the children were trained in Echani Arts, Melody often found herself feeling resentful when she was chastized for injuring herself more often than her kin, so much so that she was often left in the wings while the others trained. As a result, Melody didn't always get on with her family quite as well as she's liked, jealous of their abilities and how quickly they progressed through training, compared to the others with only Issra being the only other kin that had the same problems as her. She did, however, have extremely high standards of herself because of this and was constantly pushing herself harder than the others, becoming bitterly angry at her siblings when she failed because she was constantly feeling like she'd failed her kin. Isolating herself, Melody concentrated on her Echani arts on her own along with other forms of martial arts, yet deep inside, Melody still felt like a failure. It eventually drove her to run away from her kin at the age of 16. She left with no fanfare, no notes, and the only things missing from her room, were her credstick and her weapons. Just because Melody broke contact with the family, however, doesn't mean she didn't keep an 'eye' on their activities. The fall of her elder brother, Raien and baby sister, Kiara to the Sith and the disappearance of Aiden Keth were disconcerting for Melody and believing the Keth name was a name of shame, she stopped using her last name when introducing herself to others. Turning to the life of a Merc to get her way around the galaxy, Melody learned to put her Echani and martial fighting skills to good use, but she only took on jobs that 'felt right' that they were for the best for everyone. This allowed her to develop a heart as such and slowly, she began to miss the life she once had. As she grew older, she learned to accept that she would never be like her family, but it was 'okay'. She was a unique person and there was no point in competing with her Force Sensitive siblings. While life continued to take her as far away from her family as she could get, she prepared herself for the day she would return to the Echani, in an effort to make peace with her family and herself. Some time in her journey across space, Melody joining forces with an Echani Merc named Kirin Garras on Nar Shadaa. Initially sent to kill him, Melody began to fall in love with him and he soon became her Echanar. The two made a formidable pair in space when it came to contract missions, but soon, both she and Kirin wanted to settle down and the pair left their respective groups and made a life for themselves on Thyrsus. Four months later, life as she knew it came to an abrupt halt as Raien started attacking the populace. Among the casualties was her Echanar, Kirin, shot in the head while looking out a window to find out what was going on. While holding onto her Echanar's lifeless body, her home collapsed around her, trapping her inside the rubble. Knowing she had to fight her way out, Melody said her final goodbyes to Kirin and dug her way out before taking out a number of Trandoshans and Bothans. She eventually found her older sister, Raya, bloodied and in need of help. After fighting off an enemy that came close to killing Raya, Melody found herself feeling mixed about the situation. She had lost her Echanar, but was reunited with one of her sisters. Trying to bury her feelings, Melody throws herself into the fight for Thyrsus.Family
Raien Keth - Raien always liked to complicate things in ways that gave others a headache. Don't ask me why because I get a headache just thinking about a response. Raya Keth - There's a saying out there that Opposites Attract and its so true between Raya and I. Raya is so proud and protective...perhaps a little too overprotective sometimes but she has a good heart on her. I on the otherhand live life on the edge. According to her I'm 'wild' but I just like to live. Still. despite our differences I love her to bits...I also love to push her buttons to annoy her at times. She's good fun really when she lets go of her inhibitions. Aiden Keth - Aiden's pretty cool. Got some sense of humor on him. Issra Keth - Issra is the only other Keth kin that understands how difficult it is to live amoungst a family of Force Sensitives Kiara Keth - Oh Kiara...you always looked up to our Elder Brother with such obsession. Didn't matter how much I told you to be your own person, you never did listen. Ahani Najwa - Oh my...the new sister in law. And there was me thinking we had enough crazy in our family. Hana Quane (Ressa's mother) - I'm not sure what to make of her but I understand why she doesn't like us. I just wish she wouldn't put us all in the same pot...its too crowded in there! Ressa Quane - She's smarter than she looks but I worry she's trying to live up to expectations that are too high for her. It will only lead to her downfall if she's not careful Aizen Keth - Looks a lot like his dad, poor sod. Saeria Aldan - Probably quite the cutie...then again she is only a baby.