| - So, this jerk was walking down the sidewalk one day, when he tripped over a rock. "What was that for, a$$hole?" the jerk demanded. The rock stared at the jerk. "Hey!" barked the jerk, "I'm talking to you!" The rock stared at the jerk. "How dare you not pay attention to me when I'm talking to you!" the jerk howled. The rock stared at the jerk. As this confrontation continued to escalate, an idiot happened along, and saw the spectacle. "durr, wuzzap?" asked the idiot. "What the H-E-Double-Hockey-Sticks do you want?" the jerk demanded. "uh, i dont no," the idiot verbed averbly, "watsit 2 u?"
| - So, this jerk was walking down the sidewalk one day, when he tripped over a rock. "What was that for, a$$hole?" the jerk demanded. The rock stared at the jerk. "Hey!" barked the jerk, "I'm talking to you!" The rock stared at the jerk. "How dare you not pay attention to me when I'm talking to you!" the jerk howled. The rock stared at the jerk. As this confrontation continued to escalate, an idiot happened along, and saw the spectacle. "durr, wuzzap?" asked the idiot. "What the H-E-Double-Hockey-Sticks do you want?" the jerk demanded. "uh, i dont no," the idiot verbed averbly, "watsit 2 u?" The jerk's face was deep crimson, a thick vein was visible on his forehead, and steam was emanating from his body in great amounts. In short, he was about to blow his top. "I'll blow my top if I don't get any RESPECT around here!" the jerk cried. "i dont hav 2 respect u," the idiot spoke with speakingness, "u r not me, an im da best!" The rock stared at the two egotists. "What in God's name is going on?" came a voice. The idiot, jerk, and rock turned in the direction the voice came from. Then, from behind them came a roundhouse kick, knocking down the idiot and the jerk. The rock was flung further down the sidewalk. The jerk looked up to see Chuck Norris. "What ungodly demons do we have here?" Chuck inquired, "Two bickering sinners, and a demonic rock!" "wat r u goin 2 do 2 us?" the idiot askingly questioned with inquiry. "I am going to show you what happens to unholy sinners who disturb me!" Chuck declared. Before the Christian martial artist could lift a finger, Thomas the Tank Engine barreled in. The jerk and the idiot got up, and ran for their lives. The rock stared down the charging engine. Chuck Norris readied his fist. "SIX-DAY CREATION FIST!" Chuck slammed a bible-charged fist into Thomas. The tank engine flew into the air in slow motion, and landed upside-down behind Chuck. "No one can take down Chuck Norris when he has God on his side!" Chuck declared proudly. I can, came a voice from below. Chuck looked down. The rock stared up at him ominously. You will be assimilated, the rock said in a deep, booming voice. Slowly, the rock's eyes met Chuck's. In a flash of red light, Chuck was turned to stone. "dur, ur mothr wuz a dinosaur," the idiot said with sayingness from behind. The rock stared at the idiot threateningly. "uh, an dinosaurs r awesome!" the idiot quickly added recoveringly. "Yeah, you're cool," the jerk said fearfully. The rock stared into the jerk's eyes. "Wait, no!" the jerk protested, "Don't make eye contact with me!" The jerk dissolved into a pile of sand. The rock then turned to the idiot. "ermahgerd its goin 2 kil me!" the idiot clamored tristisnessly with horroring. The rock glared at the idiot. The idiot's head exploded. Anyone else? the rock questioned. No answer came. The rock sighed, and settled down on its sidewalk. Then, Thomas rolled over. Wait, no, watch out! the rock cried. Thomas's wheel landed on the rock, shattering it. The unstoppable steam engine then started up again, and began to move, plowing through everything in its path.