| - In the era of the Mage Wars, two mages fought each other for supremacy. The good Mage of Silence, Urtho, led an army against the evil Ma'ar. He had a tendency to group people according to their origin or ethnicity in armies rather than spreading them out. One of these groups was called the Third Army. Once there, they managed to wait out the devastation of the Cataclysm, only to be attacked by a remnant army of Ma'ar's. Praying to the human's God Vykaendys for protection, he answered their prayers by erecting the Wall around the country that protected and isolated it for centuries.
| - In the era of the Mage Wars, two mages fought each other for supremacy. The good Mage of Silence, Urtho, led an army against the evil Ma'ar. He had a tendency to group people according to their origin or ethnicity in armies rather than spreading them out. One of these groups was called the Third Army. The humans of the Third Army served a God, whom they called Vykaendys, who decreed that those with magic powers must be the priests, so the army had no mages. Since they didn't object to working with others of other faiths, a group of mages with which they shared no nationality was assigned to them, as well as a wing of gryphons with their trondi'irn, a charge of dyheli, a pack of kyree, a surge of ratha, and a knot of tyrill. After the retreat from Urtho's Tower, the Third Army was cut off from everyone else. The mages opted to use a Gate to get away from the devastation, since the Priests for the army's humans had remained behind in their land with the common people. However, due to a lack of Adept mages, a lack of power, and nowhere safe to go, they were forced to Gate to the remotest point that a barbarian shaman from the North could remember. Once there, they managed to wait out the devastation of the Cataclysm, only to be attacked by a remnant army of Ma'ar's. Praying to the human's God Vykaendys for protection, he answered their prayers by erecting the Wall around the country that protected and isolated it for centuries.