| - By 1895 according to the Christian calendar of Earth (which is in a galaxy far, far away), young Darth Vader was suffering from hallucinations of alter-ego Darth Vaders, many of them similar to Darth Vader's appearance, yet starkly different. One such alter-ego appeared in the form of a "Hello Kitty" Sith Lord, whilst another was a strange combination of Batman and Darth Vader. The Dark Lord was unable to consolidate these diverging identities, and as a coping mechanism began speaking in the third person. Imperial Officers such as Admiral Ozzel and Captain Piett testified at the ultimate trial to overhearing comments spoken by Lord Vader such as, "Darth Vader's failed himself for the last time," and "Darth Vader doesn't know the power of the Dark Side." The most damning testimony at trial
| - By 1895 according to the Christian calendar of Earth (which is in a galaxy far, far away), young Darth Vader was suffering from hallucinations of alter-ego Darth Vaders, many of them similar to Darth Vader's appearance, yet starkly different. One such alter-ego appeared in the form of a "Hello Kitty" Sith Lord, whilst another was a strange combination of Batman and Darth Vader. The Dark Lord was unable to consolidate these diverging identities, and as a coping mechanism began speaking in the third person. Imperial Officers such as Admiral Ozzel and Captain Piett testified at the ultimate trial to overhearing comments spoken by Lord Vader such as, "Darth Vader's failed himself for the last time," and "Darth Vader doesn't know the power of the Dark Side." The most damning testimony at trial came from Boba Fett, who swore under oath that he had heard Darth Vader say, "Darth Vader is Darth Vader's father." Darth Vader refused to admit to the psychological strain he was suffering under and instead determined to seek redress through the intergalactic legal system. Bringing a civil action to quiet title to his name, Darth Vader filed the case that infamously came to be known as "Vader v. Vader." Through the case, Darth Vader sought a judicial declaration that he was the one and only Vader. He imagined legal adversaries such as Darth Hello Kitty, Bat Vader, and Darth Steampunk (all of whom are pictured in this article as described by Vader himself during his trial testimony). He even convinced his mentor, Darth Sidious, to act as his lawyer and advocate for his version of events, i.e., persecution at the hands of a series of (imaginary) evil Sith Lords.