See also Fruit and Vegetable Tropes, Hard-Drinking Tropes
* Acid Reflux Nightmare
* Alcohol Is Poison
* Alien Lunch
* And a Diet Coke
* And Your Reward Is Edible
* Anthropomorphic Food
* Artificial Meat
* Ate the Spoon
* Autopsy Snack Time
* Bacon Addiction
* Bad Humor Truck
* Balloon Belly
* Bar Slide
* Beef Bandage
* Beergasm
* Beverage Spill
* Black Hole Belly
* Black Market Produce
* Big Eater
* Bizarre Taste in Food
* Blazing Inferno Hellfire Sauce
* Blessed Are the Cheesemakers
* Body Sushi
* Brain Freeze
* Burger Fool
* Buzzsaw Jaw
* Caffeine Bullet Time
* Camp Cook
* Cannibalism Superpower
* Carrying a Cake
* Cartoon Cheese
* Cheesy Moon
* Chef of Iron
See also Fruit and Vegetable Tropes, Hard-Drinking Tropes
* Acid Reflux Nightmare
* Alcohol Is Poison
* Alien Lunch
* And a Diet Coke
* And Your Reward Is Edible
* Anthropomorphic Food
* Artificial Meat
* Ate the Spoon
* Autopsy Snack Time
* Bacon Addiction
* Bad Humor Truck
* Balloon Belly
* Bar Slide
* Beef Bandage
* Beergasm
* Beverage Spill
* Black Hole Belly
* Black Market Produce
* Big Eater
* Bizarre Taste in Food
* Blazing Inferno Hellfire Sauce
* Blessed Are the Cheesemakers
* Body Sushi
* Brain Freeze
* Burger Fool
* Buzzsaw Jaw
* Caffeine Bullet Time
* Camp Cook
* Cannibalism Superpower
* Carrying a Cake
* Cartoon Cheese
* Cheesy Moon
* Chef of Iron
* Chez Restaurant
* Chocolate-Frosted Sugar Bombs
* Clutching Hand Trap
* Cooking Stories
* Cooking Duel
* Comfort Food
* Cordon Bleugh Chef
* Crazy Consumption
* Cucumber Facial
* Cut a Slice, Take The Rest
* Dagwood Sandwich
* Date Crepe
* Death By Gluttony
* Deep-Fried Whatever
* Delicious Distraction
* Delicious Fruit Pies
* Denied Food As Punishment
* Diet Episode
* Diner Brawl
* Dinner and A Show
* Dinner Deformation
* Dinner Order Flub
* Discreet Dining Disposal
* Does Not Like Spam
* Dog Food Diet
* Donut Mess With a Cop
* Drinking Game
* Drink Order
* Drowning My Sorrows
* Eat Dirt Cheap
* Eaten Alive
* Eating Contest
* Eating Shoes
* Eat That
* Eat the Dog
* Eat the Evidence
* Eat the Rich
* Edible Ammunition
* Edible Bludgeon
* Baguette Beatdown
* Endangered Souffle
* Enemy Eats Your Lunch
* Erotic Eating
* Even the Rats Won't Touch It
* Everything's Better With Chocolate
* Evil Tastes Good
* Evil Vegetarian
* Exotic Entree
* Extreme Omnivore
* Fake Food
* Fancy Dinner
* Fantastic Fruits and Vegetables
* Far-Out Foreigner's Favorite Food
* Feed By Example
* Feminine Women Can Cook
* Fire-Breathing Diner
* Follow Your Nose
* Food and Animal Attraction
* Food As Bribe
* Food Chains
* Food End
* Food Fight
* Food Pills
* The Food Poisoning Incident
* Food Porn
* Food Slap
* Force Feeding
* Foreign Queasine
* Forgets to Eat
* French Cuisine Is Haughty
* From My Own Personal Garden
* Frothy Mugs of Water
* Fruit and Vegetable Tropes
* Fruit Cart
* Fruit of the Loon
* Fundamentally Funny Fruit
* Future Food Is Artificial
* Gargle Blaster
* Gelatinous Trampoline
* Giant Food
* Gigantic Gulp
* Gingerbread House
* A Glass of Chianti
* Gluttony Montage
* Gourmet Pet Food
* Grapes of Luxury
* Hash House Lingo
* Have Your Cake and Trope It Too
* Heartbreak and Ice Cream
* Hideous Hangover Cure
* Hollywood Cuisine
* How Do You Like Them Apples?
* Human Resources
* Hunger Hyperbole
* Hyperactive Metabolism
* I Ate What?
* I Do Not Like Green Eggs and Ham
* If It Tastes Bad, It Must Be Good for You
* I'll Take Two Beers, Too!
* I'm a Humanitarian
* Auto Cannibalism
* Food Chain of Evil
* Horror Hunger
* Invited As Dinner
* No Party Like a Donner Party
* Picky People Eater
* Brain Food
* Your Brain Won't Be Much of a Meal
* I'm Not Hungry
* Impossible Leavening
* Impossibly Delicious Food
* Improbable Food Budget
* Inappropriate Hunger
* Indestructible Edible
* Insubstantial Ingredients
* ISO Standard Urban Groceries
* I Taste Delicious
* It Came From the Fridge
* It Tastes Like Feet
* Jabba Table Manners
* Jail Bake
* Just Desserts
* Just Eat Him
* Klatchian Coffee
* Least-Common Pizza Topping
* Leaving Food for Santa
* Lethal Chef
* Let's Meet the Meat
* Level Ate
* Libation for The Dead
* Lite Creme
* Literal Junk Food
* Local Hangout
* Made From Real Girl Scouts
* Magic Mushroom
* Mascots Love Sugar
* Masochist's Meal
* Meat-O-Vision
* Meat Versus Veggies
* Midnight Snack
* Mirror Chemistry
* Motivation On a Stick
* Mountain of Food
* Must Have Caffeine
* Mutagenic Food
* Mystery Meat
* No Can Opener
* No, Mr. Bond, I Expect You to Dine
* Object Ceiling Cling
* Obsessed With Food
* Off the Wagon
* One I Prepared Earlier
* One-Note Cook
* Onion Tears
* Orgasmically Delicious
* Oven Logic
* Palette-Swapped Alien Food
* Pass the Popcorn
* Paste Eater
* Peking Duck Christmas
* Pepper Sneeze
* Picky Eater
* Picky People Eater
* Picnic Episode
* Pocky
* Popcorn On the Cob
* Pop Goes the Human
* Post-Stress Overeating
* Power-Up Food
* Produce Pelting
* Projectile Toast
* Put Off Their Food
* Ramen Slurp
* Raw Eggs Make You Stronger
* Razor Apples
* Real Men Cook
* Real Men Eat Meat
* Real Men Hate Sugar
* Reduced to Ratburgers
* Regional Speciality
* Romance-Inducing Smudge
* Satiating Sandwich
* Science Cocktail
* Schmuck Banquet
* Screwball Serum
* Secret Ingredient
* Serving Suggestion
* Single-Malt Vision
* Slipping a Mickey
* Sniff Sniff Nom
* Spaghetti Kiss
* Spit Take
* Spot of Tea
* Stock Animal Diet
* Stock Yuck
* Suck E. Cheese's
* Supreme Chef
* Swallowed Whole
* Sweetheart Sipping
* Tampering With Food and Drink
* A Tankard of Moose Urine
* Tastes Like Chicken
* Tastes Like Friendship
* Team Chef
* Thank Your Prey
* The Snack Is More Interesting
* They Wasted a Perfectly Good Sandwich
* Thirty Minutes or It's Free
* This Billboard Needs Some Salt
* Through His Stomach
* Too Spicy for Yog-Sothoth
* To Serve Man
* Trademark Favorite Food
* Typewriter Eating
* Umbrella Drink
* Uncoffee
* Unconventional Smoothie
* Unfortunate Ingredients
* Vacuum Mouth
* Veganopia
* Wacky Cravings
* Wine Is Classy
* Wizard Needs Food Badly
* X On a Stick
* You're Drinking Breast Milk
* Your Favorite
* You Taste Delicious
* You Won't Like How I Taste