| - This Pokémon is terrifically strong in order to constrict things with its body. It can even flatten steel oil drums. Once Arbok wraps its body around its foe, escaping its crunching embrace is impossible.
- Arbok is a Poison pokemon introduced in Generation I. It evolves from Ekans at level 22. Its name backwards is Kobra, as in cobra.
- Arbok are the evolved form of Ekans. They resemble large purple cobras. __TOC__
- es:Arboknl:Arbok Arbok (Japanese: アーボック Aabokku) is a Poison-type Pokémon introduced in Generation I.
- Arbok evolves from Ekans at level 22.
- Arbok evolves into Seviper!
- Dieses Pokémon ist unheimlich stark. Es kann seine Beute mit seinem Körper umwickeln und sogar Ölfässer zerdrücken. Wenn Arbok einen Gegner umwickelt, ist es unmöglich, seinem Würgegriff zu entkommen.
- Arbok Categoria:Pokémon de color morat Categoria:Pokémon de tipus verí Categoria:Pokémon de grup ou camp Categoria:Pokémon de grup ou drac Categoria:Pokémon de pradaCategoria:Pokémon de primera generació Categoria:Pokémon de forma corporal 2en:Arbok es:Arbok Arbok és un Pokémon de tipus verí introduït en la primera generació. És la forma evolucionada d'Ekans.
- Arbok is a Poison-type Pokémon. It evolves from Ekans starting from level 22.
- Arbok(JP) is a species of Pokémon in the series of the same name. It is a Poison Pokémon that made its first appearance in the first generation games Red and Blue.
- Arbok es un Pokémon de tipo veneno introducido en la primera generación. Es la forma evolucionada de Ekans.
- Arbok est un Pokémon cobra au corps écailleux violet tirant vers le gris. Il a une excroissance au niveau du cou sur laquelle est dessiné un visage servant à effrayer les ennemis. Selon la région dont il vient, ce motif diffère. Durant la première génération, il avait un motif en zigzag sur l'arrière de la tête, mais cela a disparu depuis. Ses yeux sont noirs et il possède une longue langue fourchue. Contrairement à sa pré-évolution, ce Pokémon est très rarement peureux, mais agressif et fier.
- Arbok (アーボック) blurb about Arbok and what collecting it is like.
- Arbok (Japanese: アーボック Arbok) is a Poison-type Pokémon. It evolves from Ekans starting at level 22.
- He hired a Skalengeck to help him with the job. However, a female Blutbad named Angelina Lasser killed the Skalengeck who was supposed to kill Monroe, so Arbok and his assistant kidnapped her. Upon finding out that she was facing a Königschlange, this terrified Angelina, who knew that Königschlange were much more dangerous wesen. Coldly he molested her, while telling her, she was going to have to assassinate Monroe now, or he would kill her. What he didn't know, was Angelina was a old girlfriend of Monroe's, and so she betrayed Arbok, and went to Nick.