| - The Brumak (Locustus Gigantus) is a sub-species of the underground dwelling Locust. They are commonly used as a means of transportation and as vehicles of warfare in the Locust Horde. The adults grow to a height of roughly 50-feet for males; 60-feet for females (a common trait amongst the Locust species is genetic superiority for the females) and weigh on average at about 120 metric tonnes. They are usually found sporting armor on their faces and most of their body, as well as very large guns strapped to their backs.
- Brumaks are huge monsters of creatures with extremely thick hides which are bred by the Locust Horde from smaller hominoid indigenous to their homeworld of Sera. It is likely that they were mutated by Imulsion in a similar manner to how the Lambent Wretches were created from the typical Wretch species. Their species are extremely well-armed, and are deadly at both close range and distance. They are capable of carrying Locust Drones in combat as a transportation device. Even with their powerful weapons, they are certainly not above using their fists to crush opponents.
- The Brumak were one of the largest species of Hollow creature, believed by COG scientists to be the apex predator of the Hollow. COG research indicated that they were bred from apes by the Locust, often growing to about 12+ meters in height (39 feet) and weighing around 10,000 kilograms (22,046 lbs). These huge monsters had extraordinarily thick hides, even without their heavy armor. Unlike the Corpser, Brumaks only had two eyes, but their helmets are covered in luminescent lenses, giving the illusion that they have more.
- Los Brumak son unas criaturas enormes de la Hondonada esclavizadas por la Horda Locust. Capaz de aterrorizar a quien se cruce por su camino. Se caracterizan por su enorme tamaño y múltiple armamento equipado en su espalda (un paquete masivo de cohetes). Los Locust las utilizaban para atacar a grandes grupos de soldados CGO en grandes batallas y asedios a ciudades humanas. Afortunadamente el Gear rara vez se encuentra un Brumak sin la ayuda de equipamiento. Dicho esto, un encuentro con el Brumak mientras está de pie es inevitable, y es recomendable buscar inmediatamente algún escudo y utilizar rifles de asalto, Mulcher, Vulcan, Boomshot y destruir a sus Jinetes montados.
| - The Brumak (Locustus Gigantus) is a sub-species of the underground dwelling Locust. They are commonly used as a means of transportation and as vehicles of warfare in the Locust Horde. The adults grow to a height of roughly 50-feet for males; 60-feet for females (a common trait amongst the Locust species is genetic superiority for the females) and weigh on average at about 120 metric tonnes. They are usually found sporting armor on their faces and most of their body, as well as very large guns strapped to their backs.
- Los Brumak son unas criaturas enormes de la Hondonada esclavizadas por la Horda Locust. Capaz de aterrorizar a quien se cruce por su camino. Se caracterizan por su enorme tamaño y múltiple armamento equipado en su espalda (un paquete masivo de cohetes). Los Locust las utilizaban para atacar a grandes grupos de soldados CGO en grandes batallas y asedios a ciudades humanas. Afortunadamente el Gear rara vez se encuentra un Brumak sin la ayuda de equipamiento. Dicho esto, un encuentro con el Brumak mientras está de pie es inevitable, y es recomendable buscar inmediatamente algún escudo y utilizar rifles de asalto, Mulcher, Vulcan, Boomshot y destruir a sus Jinetes montados. Es piloteado por Jinetes. Y al matarlos la capacidad ofensiva del Brumak se daña de forma significativa aunque sin jinete pueden volverse más agresivos. Con el Jinete destruido, puede disparar a la cabeza del Brumak o intentar una maniobra que consiste en disparar en la luz roja de la batería que se desgasta. Esta es una estrategia efectiva cuando juegas con amigos que pueden distraer a la bestia. De lo contrario, a menudo es mejor para mantenerse firmes en la cobertura y reducir poco a poco la salud del Brumak y se acerca, alejarse de él lo más posible, porque sus ataques cuerpo a cuerpo son devastadores, capaces incluso de destruir una excavadora por sí solos si no es bien defendida, e inclusive, si es defendida. Estas gigantescas abominaciones se cree que son mutaciones creadas por los Locust a partir de antiguos primates del planeta Sera. Algunos de ellos están armados con cañones acoplados a sus espaldas, son enormes y con fuerza brutal, totalmente destructiva, además de su cañón principal, tienen otras cuatro armas a su favor, dos ametralladoras gigantes superpotentes en sus brazos, un lanzamisiles, una torreta troika , invulnerabilidad a las balas de armas comunes, y su brutalidad y fuerza excesiva a la hora del combate, no hay ningún arma extremadamente poderosa para contrarrestarlos,son muy peligrosos.La forma más fácil de matarlos es dispararles en las torretas y destruirlas,después el cañón, los ojos y finalmente al tanque de combustible de su espalda.
- The Brumak were one of the largest species of Hollow creature, believed by COG scientists to be the apex predator of the Hollow. COG research indicated that they were bred from apes by the Locust, often growing to about 12+ meters in height (39 feet) and weighing around 10,000 kilograms (22,046 lbs). These huge monsters had extraordinarily thick hides, even without their heavy armor. Unlike the Corpser, Brumaks only had two eyes, but their helmets are covered in luminescent lenses, giving the illusion that they have more. They were equipped with wrist-mounted chainguns and a back-mounted rocket launcher, (making them deadly at both close and long range) and possessed incredible strength, capable of pushing over an Assault Derrick with a single shoulder-shove. The giant reptillian-like creatures were enslaved by the Locust and used in battle as massive, sentient tanks. There were rumors of Brumaks carrying energy beam cannons instead of the chainguns, but this was never confirmed. Despite several sightings of Locust riding on the backs of the beasts, no Human had attempted to ride one until Marcus Fenix and Dominic Santiago, during the last hours of the Sinking of Jacinto.
- Brumaks are huge monsters of creatures with extremely thick hides which are bred by the Locust Horde from smaller hominoid indigenous to their homeworld of Sera. It is likely that they were mutated by Imulsion in a similar manner to how the Lambent Wretches were created from the typical Wretch species. Their species are extremely well-armed, and are deadly at both close range and distance. They are capable of carrying Locust Drones in combat as a transportation device. Even with their powerful weapons, they are certainly not above using their fists to crush opponents.