Epsilon Indi was called Halless by the Race. Its first planet was inhabited by a sentient reptilian race. Many millennia ago that planet and its people were conquered by a Conquest Fleet dispatched by the Race and commanded by Hisstan the Conqueror. The entire Epsilon Indi system has been claimed by the Ssumaz Emperors ever since. Epsilon Indi is 11.4 light years from Home.
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- Epsilon Indi
- Epsilon Indi
- Epsilon Indi
- Epsilon Indi
- Epsilon Indi
| - Epsilon Indi was called Halless by the Race. Its first planet was inhabited by a sentient reptilian race. Many millennia ago that planet and its people were conquered by a Conquest Fleet dispatched by the Race and commanded by Hisstan the Conqueror. The entire Epsilon Indi system has been claimed by the Ssumaz Emperors ever since. Epsilon Indi is 11.4 light years from Home.
- Epsilon Indi è una stella situata nell' omonimo sistema, a circa 12 anni luce dal Sistema Solare. Categoria:Stelle
- Wesley Crusher zag de ster toen hij door de ramen van Ten Forward keek, nadat zijn moeder overgeplaatst was naar Starfleet medisch in 2365. (TNG: "The Child")
- Epsilon Indi ist ein Stern nahe Sol. 2365 zeigt Wesley Crusher diesen Stern Guinan im Zehn Vorne, zusammen mit Arneb und dem Lorenz-Cluster. (TNG: )
- Estrella localizada a unos 11.8 años luz de la Tierra. En su sistema estelar se encuentra el planeta Triacus, y es visible en el cielo del planeta 'Aucdet IX.
- Zone: A Type : Rock Diam (km): 2,000 Moons: 0
- Epsilon Indi (ε Ind / ε Indi), located in a system of the same name, is a star approximately 12 light-years or 3.63 parsecs from the Sol system. This star has the second highest proper motion (second only to 61 Cygni) of any naked eye star, or possibly the third highest, since the magnitude 6.4 Groombridge-1830 is a naked eye star under exceptionally dark skies. Epsilon Indi was home to a human colony, Harvest, until 2525 when it was attacked and glassed by the Covenant in search for Forerunner artifacts, making it the first human star system known of that the Covenant entered.
- Epsilon Indi était un système stellaire composé d'au moins 2 planètes, localisé à 11,8 années-lumière de Sol. (Réalité extrapolée *)
- In early history, a band of marauders based on Triacus wreaked chaos on the inhabitants of the Epsilon Indi system. After many centuries of intrusion, the inhabitants of Epsilon Indi were finally able to rise up and destroy the marauders, leading to their corporeal extinction. (TOS: "And the Children Shall Lead" ) By the mid-24th century, Humans were living on Epsilon Indi II. (TNG: "Eye of the Beholder" , okudagram) Wesley Crusher spotted this star when he was looking out of the windows in Ten Forward after his mother was transferred to Starfleet Medical in 2365. (TNG: "The Child" )
- Epsilon Indi is a trinary star system, visible from Earth in the constellation of Indus, about eleven light years distant. It was the home system of the planet Draylax. (ST reference: Star Charts) The stars of the Epsilon Indi group support the Andorian system. (ST reference: Star Fleet Technical Manual) According to Starfleet Intelligence outpost maps, this system's coordinates are 1.82N 2.22W, placing it in the Starfleet Intelligence sector 1. (RPG reference: Star Fleet Intelligence Manual) The Tarl were from Epsilon Indi. (TOS novel: Planet of Judgment)
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| - First Human system attacked by Covenant
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| - Epsilon Indi was called Halless by the Race. Its first planet was inhabited by a sentient reptilian race. Many millennia ago that planet and its people were conquered by a Conquest Fleet dispatched by the Race and commanded by Hisstan the Conqueror. The entire Epsilon Indi system has been claimed by the Ssumaz Emperors ever since. Epsilon Indi is 11.4 light years from Home.
- Epsilon Indi è una stella situata nell' omonimo sistema, a circa 12 anni luce dal Sistema Solare. Categoria:Stelle
- Wesley Crusher zag de ster toen hij door de ramen van Ten Forward keek, nadat zijn moeder overgeplaatst was naar Starfleet medisch in 2365. (TNG: "The Child")
- Epsilon Indi ist ein Stern nahe Sol. 2365 zeigt Wesley Crusher diesen Stern Guinan im Zehn Vorne, zusammen mit Arneb und dem Lorenz-Cluster. (TNG: )
- Estrella localizada a unos 11.8 años luz de la Tierra. En su sistema estelar se encuentra el planeta Triacus, y es visible en el cielo del planeta 'Aucdet IX.
- Epsilon Indi is a trinary star system, visible from Earth in the constellation of Indus, about eleven light years distant. It was the home system of the planet Draylax. (ST reference: Star Charts) The stars of the Epsilon Indi group support the Andorian system. (ST reference: Star Fleet Technical Manual) According to Starfleet Intelligence outpost maps, this system's coordinates are 1.82N 2.22W, placing it in the Starfleet Intelligence sector 1. (RPG reference: Star Fleet Intelligence Manual) The Tarl were from Epsilon Indi. (TOS novel: Planet of Judgment) Epsilon Indi had at least six planets. (TNG novel: Ghost Ship)
- Zone: A Type : Rock Diam (km): 2,000 Moons: 0
- Epsilon Indi (ε Ind / ε Indi), located in a system of the same name, is a star approximately 12 light-years or 3.63 parsecs from the Sol system. This star has the second highest proper motion (second only to 61 Cygni) of any naked eye star, or possibly the third highest, since the magnitude 6.4 Groombridge-1830 is a naked eye star under exceptionally dark skies. Epsilon Indi was home to a human colony, Harvest, until 2525 when it was attacked and glassed by the Covenant in search for Forerunner artifacts, making it the first human star system known of that the Covenant entered.
- Epsilon Indi était un système stellaire composé d'au moins 2 planètes, localisé à 11,8 années-lumière de Sol. (Réalité extrapolée *)
- In early history, a band of marauders based on Triacus wreaked chaos on the inhabitants of the Epsilon Indi system. After many centuries of intrusion, the inhabitants of Epsilon Indi were finally able to rise up and destroy the marauders, leading to their corporeal extinction. (TOS: "And the Children Shall Lead" ) By the mid-24th century, Humans were living on Epsilon Indi II. (TNG: "Eye of the Beholder" , okudagram) In 2364, the location of Epsilon Indi was named in a star chart of a stellar neighborhood with Sol at the center. This chart was stored in the USS Enterprise-D library computer. Later that year, the chart was scanned by the Portal of Portal 63. (TNG: "The Naked Now" , production art; TNG: "The Last Outpost" ) Wesley Crusher spotted this star when he was looking out of the windows in Ten Forward after his mother was transferred to Starfleet Medical in 2365. (TNG: "The Child" )
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