| - Sekiren becomes concerned of after seeing the erosion of a Buddhist idol, and begins going through the city. Meanwhile, Itsuki and Adelicia are enjoying a meal, and see a boy saving Genbu, one of Nekoyashiki's cats, stuck in a tree. They aid him and return to the Astral mansion, where the boy reveals he is Fin Cruda, a member of the Association assigned to oversee Astral. Fin voices the Association's suspicions that Astral is breaking a taboo, but leaves after seeing Honami, his former student. Itsuki follows Fin and the two discuss Itsuki's Glamsight. After Fin leaves, Itsuki's Glamsight begins to cause him pain, and the city becomes covered in mist. Sekiren arrives, noting that the seals on a dragon in the city have been broken. Itsuki, realizing Fin is behind this, leaves to confront him. In the city, Honami is aiding Fin in summoning the dragon, believing it can heal Itsuki's Glamsight.
- Kagezaki confronts Adelicia over the suspicion that Goetia has broken a taboo, but Itsuki's intercession mollifies Kagezaki's suspicions. Itsuki forms an alliance with Adelicia to destroy her father. Outside, Honami apologizes to Itsuki for underestimating the magical pollution. Itsuki then asks her why she joined Astral, and she whispers to herself that it was because of Itsuki. The Magi Night is predicted to occur an amusement park. Beforehand, Adelicia tells Itsuki that she does not want to destroy her father, but rather protect his honour and dignity. Oswald arrives, defeating the assembled Astral members; however, Itsuki reveals his Glamsight and overwhelms Oswald, destroying him. Itsuki is then admitted to a hospital with a broken leg, and Adelicia lies down beside him. Outside, Honami and Nekoyashiki talk about the Glamsight's strengths and its dangers. Honami swears to protect Itsuki.
- Astral is contacted by Kei Isurugi, a member of the school of Onmyōdō that Nekoyashiki once attended, to perform a ceremony at a mountain. Itsuki accompanies Nekoyashiki and Mikan, but they are attacked by Kei during the ceremony. Kei remarks that he lost his sister, Sakuya Isurugi during a similar ceremony three years prior because Nekoyashiki left the school at the time to take Mikan to Astral. Nekoyashiki challenges Kei to a personal duel, and Itsuki upholds this, stopping the arriving Honami and Adelicia from interfering. Despite Kei's use of kuda-gitsune, Nekoyashiki manages to defeat him, with Kei pleased that he was able to pose some level of challenge for Nekoyashiki, his idol at the school. As Kei lies in defeat, Nekoyashiki reminisces on his last experience with Sakuya as the group watches an aurora in the sky.
- Honami travels throughout the city, writing runes in her blood for the dragon summoning ceremony. Nekoyashiki explains to the remaining Astral members that Itsuki's father, Tsukasa Iba, chose for Astral's headquarters to be in the city in order to keep watch over the dragon, and he casts a spell to retrieve Honami and Itsuki. Elsewhere, Adelicia confronts Fin, who overwhelms her with his magic. Itsuki and Sekiren arrive and Fin quickly disables the latter. Fin reveals that he is a changeling and possesses the Glamsight, which knocks Itsuki unconscious. Nekoyakishi's spell reaches Itsuki, Sekiren, and Adelicia, but Fin disrupts it, causing the spell to leave Itsuki behind. Honami and Fin take Itsuki to a tower, where they begin to summon the dragon. Nekoyakishi surmises the dragon is a sacrifice to heal Itsuki's eye, and that Honami feels guilt over exposing Itsuki's Glamsight to damage from the dragon when they were traveling in a mansion as children.
- In a flashback, Honami recalls how she attended a wizarding school in Britain, and was widely considered a failure. Despite the criticism, she was fully committed to learning Celtic magic. Adelicia, also at the school, quickly gained the reputation of the brightest and strongest magician in the school. As their qualifying exam for the school, students were expected to survive in pairs in a site of magical pollution. Adelicia was paired with Honami, who refused to follow Adelicia's plan to destroy the source of the pollution and display her superiority. The two separate, but Honami saves Adelicia when she fails to destroy the source of the pollution, endangering the students present. With aid from Adelicia, Honami shows her skill with Celtic magic, and destroys the source. In the present, Adelicia is commenting on their schooling with Itsuki and Kuroha while reviewing old photos. Honami arrives and takes the two home, and when Itsuki asks her why she tried so hard at school, Honami thinks to herself it was because of Itsuki.
- The members of Astral go to the tower, and are confronted by the dragon. Sekiren, Mikan, and Kuroha begin to battle it, and the others continue into the tower. Nekoyashiki arrives first, but is stopped by Fin's and Honami's combined efforts. Adelicia enters the battle and summons Asmodai, her most powerful demon, and Honami responds with one of her most powerful spells. Nekoyashiki stops the confrontation to prevent the area from being destroyed from the accumulation of energy. Itsuki awakens, revealing his Glamsight and admitting to Honami that he does not blame her for their childhood incident with the dragon. Itsuki and Fin battle, and as Fin conjures an unblockable attack, Honami betrays him, declaring her love for Itsuki. The Association members, headed by Kagezaki, begin to arrive on the scene, and Fin retreats. Due to Fin's betrayal of the Association and a lack of evidence against Astral, the Association acquits Astral of any wrongdoing. Afterwards, Itsuki and Honami go to see the dragon before it is sealed, and upon its request, Itsuki names it "Astral."
- Due to the low amount of work Astral has shown since Itsuki took over, Kagezaki threatens to cancel Astral's registration with the Association. They are assigned to dispel a Magi Night, a case of high magical pollution. Goetia arrives as well, and summons a host of demons to attack Honami and Itsuki. Honami dispatches the demons but Adelicia arrives to do battle. However, the sea becomes turbulent and Adelicia and Itsuki are thrown into the sea as it freezes, trapping them. Below the surface, Adelicia reveals to Itsuki that the pollution's core is a Goetia mage that broke a taboo, and she swears Itsuki to secrecy. The mage is revealed to be Oswald Lenn Mathers, Adelicia's father. Oswald attacks Adelicia and Itsuki, but Honami arrives to save them. Oswald withdraws and Itsuki makes Honami promise not to reveal the taboo before fainting.
- Shinogi and Moroha Minagi request that the Astral members return a funadama they found to a shrine on a beach. When Itsuki and Kuroha attempt to return it, they are sucked into the past due to the magical pollution in the area. They meet a fisherman, Hyōdō, who explains that he has been attempting to find a mermaid due to the miraculous healing abilities their flesh gives when it is consumed. In the present, Honami, Adelicia, Mikan, and Nekoyashiki are told the legend of the mermaids from an old woman, who recounts that mermaids return to eat those that consumed them. Itsuki and Kuroha are subsequently attacked, and Kuroha manages to call upon the spirit of Hyōdō's daughter, which materializes in a funadama, causing the mermaids to chase after it instead, and Itsuki and Kuroha return to their own time. Later, Shinogi recounts that the shrine is being worshipped again, and Itsuki realizes it is likely one of Hyōdō's descendants.
- As the Astral members converse about dates and corresponding unluckiness, Itsuki complains about the responsibilities of becoming president. As he takes a walk from the city, he is confronted by Adelicia, who is incensed that he is unaware of Goetia, and uses her magic in an attempt to coerce Itsuki into pulling out of a bid. Honami stops her, and Adelicia retreats. Later, Nekoyashiki asks Itsuki to join Honami in dispelling a spell wave contamination. However, a mansion appears, and Honami recalls how in their youth, Itsuki saved her from a magical creature, changing his Glamsight in the process. Honami saves him from a Dullahan in the mansion, fulfilling her desire to protect Itsuki. At school, Adelicia arrives as a new student, much to Itsuki's embarrassment and Honami's chagrin.
- Daphne begins searching for Clive in order to find Adelicia, meeting Gara, Goetia's secretary, in the city. Gara is not aware of Clive's location, but after he leaves, Sekiren appears, and Daphne attacks him. Sekiren explains he wishes to help Daphne with her search, and after witnessing Daphne's abilities, questions why she lowered herself to being Adelicia's servant. Daphne replies that she is content to be Adelicia's servant, although she is embarrassed when Sekiren declares his love for her. The two eventually find Clive dead, and confront Gara over killing him. Gara uses forbidden techniques to fuse with a demon, causing Sekiren to realize that he is part of Ophion, an organization of mages that do not follow magical taboos. Sekiren defeats Gara and forces him to retreat. Afterwards, he tells Daphne of his association with Oswald Mathers, notes Daphne is Adelicia's sister, giving up her former blond hair and green eyes to do so, and falls asleep in the grass while proclaiming his love to her again.
- While training in the mountains, Itsuki is attacked by a larva, a magical creature that makes nightmares reality, and is saved by Sekiren, a traveling member of Astral. On Itsuki's request, Sekiren trains him in martial arts. In a break in training, Sekiren visits Astral and asks Nekoyashiki to allow him to take on a mission offered to Astral. Kuroha takes tea to Itsuki, who claims that he is training so that others can rely on him. Magical pollution appears on the mountain, and Kuroha leaves to seek help, but after she and Honami return, Sekiren stops them. Meanwhile, Itsuki is attacked by the larva in the form of an armored soldier, and using Sekiren's training, is able to defeat it without using his Glamsight. Afterwards, Sekiren reveals he set up the conflict for Itsuki's benefit, and advises him to fight with his Glamsight rather than have it control him.
- Adelicia is forced by the Association to either appoint a new head of Goetia or get married to legitimize her claim. To resolve this, she offers a marriage proposal to Honami. She explains to a bewildered Itsuki that they will only be married as mages, which does not have the same weight as an actual marriage. With aid from Diana, Adelicia and Honami pick out the clothing and jewelry for their wedding while a disgruntled Itsuki accompanies them. At the marriage ceremony, Daphne administers the rites, but before the final stages are concluded, Itsuki takes both Adelicia and Honami and leaves the church. He explains to both of them that he realized that both did not have their hearts in the ceremony, and were doing it against their wishes. Adelicia subsequently contacts the Association to inform them that the marriage is canceled, and she and Honami throw their rings into the river, which Itsuki is later forced to retrieve.
- The members of Astral fail in their efforts to capture a demonic hound due to the incompetence of their president, Itsuki Iba, and the hound is claimed by Adelicia Lenn Mathers, the head of Goetia. Afterwards, Astral is approached by Shōko Kunugi, one of Itsuki's classmates from school, for a mission to find her missing grandfather. However, her grandfather, consumed by his magic after committing a magical taboo, attacks Itsuki and Kunugi. Astral members Honami Takase Ambler, Mikan Katsuragi, and Ren Nekoyashiki go to reinforce Itsuki. Itsuki reveals his Glamsight eye, and, under his orders, the Astral members defeat Kunugi's grandfather. At school later, Itsuki is approached by Adelicia and Honami, who bicker in the process. However, when Kunugi says hello to Itsuki, both Honami and Adelicia angrily punch Itsuki in the head.