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- Witch Cave was learning while doing, getting used to tools and processes... and not necessarily by doing it right. I started it the first week I was at Turbine.
- As you went through the cave you'd find notes dropped by Geowulf talking about what he faced and his sketchily-developed relationship with Branwyn. Honestly, Greg Slovacek later worked the same tropes to far better effect in his Frore expedition notes, and by that point I had a grasp of the lore that allowed me to better stitch his superior writing and dungeon design into the greater continuity.
- If you think text that made it in game was dry, you should have seen the draft. You know how most medieval literature seems dull and grammatically overcomplicated to modern readers? I nailed that, unfortunately. Eri Izawa must have wondered if I could write at all after seeing it, because she sat down with me to rewrite it line by line.
- :Using the powers of the ring, a young forester named Bannhorn managed to escape the slaughter, and fled to the woods. Most of his comrades were put to death by Alfrega, though a few, still moldering in the dungeons, were freed when Osric the Wise came to power. With no further use for magical protection in the budding golden age, Bannhorn locked the Rose up in a trunk. Years later, he would, upon being smitten with the daughter of a merchant, use the Rose as an engagement ring. He never told her the true extent of its power, only that it would protect her from harm; neither she nor her family would have approved of his participation in the Alfregan underground.
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