| - Note: This text was written by Diego Grez, the rick roller which created this wiki. If you don't want to read the bigger Wikipedia article about rickrolling or the simple Rick Roll Wiki article, read this. 1.
* Born as a Internet meme, a Rick Roll consists to send a friend a link of something "supposed to be" interesting but really takes he to Rick Astley's music video Never Gonna Give You Up... finally, confuse the victim. 2.
* Is a variant of the prank known as Duck Rolling, in which links to interestant news takes to a duck with wheels photo. 3.
* As a surreal practice created in Internet, this was converted in certain phenomenon in people. Anti-scientology protest have used Rick Roll as masive destruction weapon, also considered a anthem (video). 4.
* Also, Rick Roll have been used with crying babies: (video) 5.
* Have been used in prestigious universities in the world, including the Venezuela Bolivarian University: (video) 6.
* Also the olympic antorch got rickroll'd (video) 7.
* Is used in each April Fool's Day, example, in the Featured Videos in YouTube. Rick Astley said he don't wants to make a remix or a re-recording of the song and said textually "It is hilarious" "That's what brilliant about the Internet". Based on Esquizopedia's Spanish article "Entendiendo el fenómeno Rick Roll en 7 sencillos pasos" Translated by Diego Grez