| - BrainScratch Commentaries ("BSC" for short) is a commentary group on YouTube, created by Nayrman214, Solaris Paradox, and SomecallmeJohnny. Inspired by Hellfire-Commentaries, the trio perform videogame and movie commentaries, as well as occasional "random rambles," ranging from discussions of various irrelevant topics to the lampooning of the list-based opinions of such well-known gaming media outlets as IGN and GameSpot. Known for their professionalism as might Ray Charles be known for his accuracy at the shooting range, these three up-and-coming commentators aim to provide various laughs at any cost -- even at the price of their own intense boredom. As such, there is nearly as much padding in their commentaries as there is in the games they routinely lambast.
| - BrainScratch Commentaries ("BSC" for short) is a commentary group on YouTube, created by Nayrman214, Solaris Paradox, and SomecallmeJohnny. Inspired by Hellfire-Commentaries, the trio perform videogame and movie commentaries, as well as occasional "random rambles," ranging from discussions of various irrelevant topics to the lampooning of the list-based opinions of such well-known gaming media outlets as IGN and GameSpot. Known for their professionalism as might Ray Charles be known for his accuracy at the shooting range, these three up-and-coming commentators aim to provide various laughs at any cost -- even at the price of their own intense boredom. As such, there is nearly as much padding in their commentaries as there is in the games they routinely lambast. Nayrman (Ryan Malis) could be considered the brains behind the operation, as it was his hair-brained idea to start the group in the first place. The idea was first pitched to Solaris (Lewis Medeiros), a fellow member of the Sonic fan-forum, who then invited Johnny (Juan Ortiz) to take part. Recently, ExandShadow (Ted Wiesen) has recently been made a permanent fourth memeber to add "youthful innocence to the jaded old men" in the group. In addition to the four main commentators, the team occasionally invites along a guest to join in the fun as an additional commentator -- usually planned, sometimes at complete random. Guest commentators so far include:
* BigAl2k6 in Klonoa, Donkey Kong Country, the Knuckles run of Sonic 3 and Knuckles and Metroid Fusion.
* Spax3 in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 4: Turtles In Time and its remake
* Johnny's younger brother Elliot in Star Fox 64 and Scott Pilgrim vs. the World
* ClementJ642 in Mega Man 1, Mega Man 4, Mega Man 6, Sonic the Hedgehog CD, Sonic '06, Gradius 3, Batman: Arkham Asylum (Part 19 onwards), Sonic Generations, Mega Man 7, Mega Man X3 and Sonic 4 Episode 2.
* Fastest Thing Alive in Sonic 4 Episode 1, Sonic Generations and Mega Man 8.
* TypingBlank aka "Not-Lewis" aka "The Scrappy" in Mirrors Edge
* The best guest commentators they ever had, Pretzel Bag in Final Fantasy 6 & Pringle Tin in Portal 2 Co-Op
* ParanoiaSonik from Sonic Paradox in Mega Man 7 and Mega Man X3
* Matt from The Super Gaming Bros. in The Legend of Zelda
* SonicandShadowfan15 aka Aylee the Hedgehog aka The Girl aka A Skarmory, who joined in various impression videos and will appear in their Pokemon Leaf Green Playthough