| - Pippin (ピピン Pipin?) is a member of the original Band of the Hawk. His weapon of choice is a spiked mace. When aiding Guts in the Hawks' escape from the Black Dog Knights, Guts refers to the pair as the "power duo".
- In The Battle for Middle-earth II, Pippin can only be summoned by with the Summon Hobbit Allies power - alongside Frodo, Merry, and Sam - which is temporary.
- Pippin is an amulet.
- Recruit the brave hobbit Pippin, friend of Merry, member of the Fellowship of the Ring, and Guard of the Citadel. He is the of Gondor.
- Pippin is the fourth level of Bloons Player Pack 2. To complete it, pop the Triple Dart Bloon and use it for popping the Lightsaber Bloon. The level design consists of three spike bloons, one lightsaber bloon, thirteen tack bloons, thirteen bomb bloons, and one triple dart bloon.
- A games & multimedia platform derived from the Macintosh, designed by Apple and licensed to Bandai (@WORLD, ATMARK) and Katz Media (KMP 2000). It was much more expensive, yet less powerful, than the other consoles at the time. In Japan, the games were primarily licensed off anime, particularly Gundam. It was such a flop, people laughed at the idea of Apple ever releasing a successful game platform... until they made the iPhone.
- Pippin follows the son of Charlemagne (who is leader of the Holy Roman Empire) as he struggles to find meaning in his life. The original Broadway production combined suggestions of medieval times in sets and costumes with the themes of sexual experimentation and political upheaval present in the American 1970s. The show was originally choreographed and directed by the inimitable Bob Fosse, who also heavily edited composer and lyricist Stephen Schwartz's somewhat saccharine themes.
- Esta página pertenece a la Negropedia. Este alto extremeño llegó al colegio dispuesto a estudiar Ingeniería Superior de Montes y diciendo que le llamaran Kiko, pero Jimy decidió que ese nombre no tenía el suficiente gancho para un novato y le dió a elegir ente Pipi (Francisco->Curro->Currupipi->Pipi->Pippin, ya que ya había un Curro) y otro nombre aun más ridículo que no recuerdo. Tiempo después este mote derivó, dios mediante la labor friki acabó convirtiéndose en Pippin (Peregrin Tuk, joven insensato), miembro de la comunidad del anillo.
- Pippin (ベック Bekku) est un personnage d'Oracle of Ages. leftIl habite une maison au nord-ouest du village Lynna, dans le passé. C'est un fermier, qui semble être l'ancêtre de Bipin, en raison de son apparence et nom similaire, et de son métier. Cependant, contrairement à Bipin, il déteste les graines Gasha, et lorsque Link le rencontre pour la première fois, il lui donne, à ce titre, une graine Gasha, et lui demande de s'en débarrasser. Il lui interdit de la planter dans le sol fertile près de sa maison.
- Pippin (ピピン, Pipin) is a secondary character in Berserk and a non-playable character in BERSERK and the Band of the Hawk. Formerly a coal miner, Pippin joins the Band of the Hawk and leads as one of its commanders. He and Guts are the power duo of the mercenary group; his differences from his counterpart are his unfailing reliability, controlled strikes, and staunch defense. Pippin also has a hyper-sensitive reflex for danger; the instant he feels something is afoot, he never fails to alert his comrades in a booming voice.