Benjamin "Ben" Reilly (of Earth-616), also known as Scarlet Spider, Spider-Man, Spider-Carnage, and the Jackal, is the Miles Warren's fourth of five successes at cloning Peter Parker.
Benjamin "Ben" Reilly (of Earth-616), also known as Scarlet Spider, Spider-Man, Spider-Carnage, and the Jackal, is the Miles Warren's fourth of five successes at cloning Peter Parker.
Ben received a few new powers when he bonded with Carnage symbiote. Mostly, he didn't use these powers.
* Enhanced Superhuman Strength: Originally able to lift 10 tons, after merged with symbiote, he could lift about 80 tons.
* Camouflage Capabilities: The symbiote possessed limited shape-shifting abilities in the sense that it was able to immediately change itself to appear as any type of clothing or garment.
* Constituent Matter Generation: Ben was able to generate tentacle-like appendages from various parts of his body.
* Constituent-Matter Manipulation: With symbiote, Ben was able to morph sections of his body, such as his hands or feet, into bladed weaponry such as spikes, blades, or axes. He could also detach this bladed weaponry if he chose to.
Benjamin "Ben" Reilly (of Earth-616), also known as Scarlet Spider, Spider-Man, Spider-Carnage, and the Jackal, is the Miles Warren's fourth of five successes at cloning Peter Parker.