| - tba
- __NOEDITSECTION__ Biography:
- [[Category:Breath of Fire II |Grandpa]][[Category:Breath of Fire II Residents|Grandpa]][[Category:Breath of Fire |Grandpa]][[Category:Breath of Fire II |Grandpa]][[Category:Breath of Fire III |Grandpa]][[Category:Breath of Fire IV |Grandpa]][[Category:Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter |Grandpa]] Grandpa is a character found in Breath of Fire II.
- Joined the forums on New Year's Eve of 2007. Grandpa was later to be confirmed as Shoku's alter-ego.
- Grandpa was a British comic strip which originally appeared in the magazine The Beano from 1955 to 1957, drawn by Ken Reid. It was later revived from 1971 until 1984, but this time by Robert Nixon and afterwards Jimmy Glen.
- Grandpa is Dexter and Dee Dee's grandfather.
- It is possible that Grandpa is related to either Bella or Mortimer. Grandpa could be Milton Bachelor, though this is unlikely considering the difference in skin colors, facial features and clothes.
- Suddenly Raj is the personification of Hindu respect to one's elders, and gives the bemused Grandpa a bow and a folded-hands Namaste!.
- Grandpa is the caretaker and grandfather of Klonoa. He is the elder of the Wind Village, Breezegale. A natural scholar, he has vast knowledge of Phantomile's history and legend.
- Grandpa (vreemd genoeg niet Grootvader, echte naam onbekend) is een overleden sim op de begraafplaats bij de van de Kerkhof familie in The Sims. Zijn relatie met de familie is echter onbekend. Het zou mogelijk kunnen zijn dat hij een overleden familielid is van Cora, dus deel van de Vrijevogel familie. Hij zou eventueel Cora's vader Milton Vrijevogel kunnen zijn. Het is ook mogelijk dat hij familie is van de andere geesten die op dezelfde begraafplaats liggen. Zo zou Grandma zijn vrouw kunnen zijn en Auntie of Uncle eventueel één van zijn kinderen.
- Grandpa is a character from the game Beneath The Lighthouse. He is the grandfather of the main protagonist, the Boy.
- Grandpa is Jade Harley's genetic father and adoptive grandfather, known to many on the MSPA forums as Hass "The Flame" Harley as a result of this page. In his first appearance, he is shown to be dead and preserved by taxidermy.
- Originally created by Ken Reid and later drawn by first Robert Nixon and then Jimmy Glen, Grandpa debuted in The Beano #680 on 30th July 1955. He reappeared after a short break in the early 1970s under Nixon, Reid having left DC Thomson's stable by that time, although when Nixon himself left the company Jimmy Glen took over. Grandpa continued to cause mayhem until 1984. The central character, who did not seem to actually be anyone's grandfather, was an elderly version of the Beano's mischief making kid characters such as Dennis the Menace and Minnie the Minx, and would frequently cause chaos before being whacked with a slipper by his even older Dad (!) In a strip published in 1956, Grandpa was said to have been born in 1874. Goodness knows how old his Dad was...
- Grandpa, also known as Grampaw, WoodysGamertag, Grampa, GrandaddyJoe, or Grandfather, is your mother's or father's father, or (in case of incest) both. Grandpa is widely noted for the great big fish he caught back in '63, his hatred of foreign cars, and rambling, pointless stories about the Depression, the Big War, or life in general.
- Grandpa is an elder Ishvalan who lives in the slums. In the 2003 anime, he is Rio and Rick's grandfather.
- Grandpa is a character that only appears at the very beginning of Samus and Joey. The grandfather of Joey Apronika, he works to maintain a windmill on Liberty and may have been Joey's caretaker after the death of his father and departure of his mother. Like with the other villagers on Liberty (except for Joey), Grandpa is not skilled in combat. Joey wishes to become strong so he can protect his Grandpa. The Space Pirates and Samus Aran intervenes. As she is leaving, Joey desires to accompany her. Grandpa is against this idea, but Joey goes along with her and later becomes her trusted partner.
- Little is known about Grandpa's past before the events of Santa Carla, although he is (or was) an experienced vampire hunter. He moved to Santa Carla and into the craftsman style house in Pogonip Creek after his daughter Lucy had grown up and left home. He is believed to have died sometime in 1987. Some have come to believe that the Johnson raid is purely a work of fiction, that Grandpa Emerson simply married the Widow Johnson and moved away, and that reports of his death were greatly exaggerated so as to afford him the opportunity to retire from vampire hunting.