| - The Star Wars Vault, to publikacja, której autorem jest Steve Sansweet i Pete Vilmur. Wydana w 2007 roku.
- The Star Wars Vault, subtlited Thirty Years of Treasures From the Lucasfilm Archives, is a 2007 reference book written by Steve Sansweet and Pete Vilmur. It contains a variety of elements replicated from the Lucasfilm Archives which explore the Star Wars phenomenon. According to StarWars.com, the book contains: The book was published in the United States, the United Kingdom, Japan, France, Germany, Spain, Netherlands and the Czech Republic.
| - The Star Wars Vault, subtlited Thirty Years of Treasures From the Lucasfilm Archives, is a 2007 reference book written by Steve Sansweet and Pete Vilmur. It contains a variety of elements replicated from the Lucasfilm Archives which explore the Star Wars phenomenon. According to StarWars.com, the book contains:
* 50 interactive, rare and some never-before-published memorabilia, including reproductions of Lucas's own handwritten script pages, flip-through catalogs, swag, posters, T-shirt transfers, tattoos, stickers, blueprints, production notes, animation cells and much more!
* Hundreds of photos and pieces of artwork.
* 2 CDs containing over 2 hours of vintage radio ads, original cast interviews, excerpts from the NPR Star Wars radio drama, the complete Star Tours soundtrack, George Lucas's commentary and other tracks that tell the story of everyone's favorite galaxy battle as never before. The book was published in the United States, the United Kingdom, Japan, France, Germany, Spain, Netherlands and the Czech Republic.
- The Star Wars Vault, to publikacja, której autorem jest Steve Sansweet i Pete Vilmur. Wydana w 2007 roku.