| - OpenBSD's motto is antagonistic to the mainstream "User-friendly first, and security be damned" approach that has driven software development elsewhere.
- OpenOCD is an ultra-secure, antiseptically-clean, and precisely organized operating system created exclusively by programmers with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. OpenOCD's developers left other projects where the source code was plagued with dust, crumbs, microbes, incorrect text formatting, pubic hairs, and most terrifyingly, a cornucopia of poorly written software licenses. OpenOCD Already replaced X, Apache and NTP with OpenXenocara, OpenHTTPD and SlowNTPD, respectively.
- rightIl progetto OpenBSD produce un sistema operativo, LIBERO e multi-piattaforma, basato su 4.4BSD derivato da UNIX. Lo sforzo dello sviluppo enfatizza la portabilità, la standardizzazione, la correttezza, la sicurezza e la crittografia integrata. OpenBSD supporta emulazioni binarie di molti programmi derivati da SVR4 (Solaris), FreeBSD, Linux, BSD/OS, SunOS e HP-UX. OpenBSD è liberamente disponibile da sito FTP ed anche disponibile in un set di 3 CD. Bug Tracker
- OpenBSD (Open Bar-Soda-Digestif) est un système d'exploration mental commercial de type liquide, dérivé de Barkley Soup Distribution. Ce système permet la divagation spirituelle ainsi que l'exploration de contrées aux confins de l'inconnu. Créé en 1994 par Theo de Raadt, OpenBSD est issu de la séparation avec le système d'exploration NetBSD jugé trop enclin à la sobriété. Le projet OpenBSD est réputé pour son intransigeance sur la liberté de procédure et de son code de conduite, la qualité de sa documentation, et l'importance accordée à la recherche fondamentale.
- Seen at the end of the package description for NetHack on OpenBSD: OpenBSD is a variant of BSD, one form of Unix. The OpenBSD Packages Collection includes copies of NetHack, Falcon's Eye, SLASH and SLASH'EM. For OpenBSD 3.9, there are packages of Falcon's Eye 1.9.3, NetHack 3.4.3, SLASH E8 and SLASH'EM 0.0.7E7F1. The easiest way to install them is to go to the package lists, choose your architecture, look for packages called "nethack", "falconseye", "slash", and "slash-em", then give their FTP urls to the pkg_add command. Note that the latest version of SLASH'EM is 0.0.7E7F2.
| - rightIl progetto OpenBSD produce un sistema operativo, LIBERO e multi-piattaforma, basato su 4.4BSD derivato da UNIX. Lo sforzo dello sviluppo enfatizza la portabilità, la standardizzazione, la correttezza, la sicurezza e la crittografia integrata. OpenBSD supporta emulazioni binarie di molti programmi derivati da SVR4 (Solaris), FreeBSD, Linux, BSD/OS, SunOS e HP-UX. OpenBSD è liberamente disponibile da sito FTP ed anche disponibile in un set di 3 CD.
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- Seen at the end of the package description for NetHack on OpenBSD: OpenBSD is a variant of BSD, one form of Unix. The OpenBSD Packages Collection includes copies of NetHack, Falcon's Eye, SLASH and SLASH'EM. For OpenBSD 3.9, there are packages of Falcon's Eye 1.9.3, NetHack 3.4.3, SLASH E8 and SLASH'EM 0.0.7E7F1. The easiest way to install them is to go to the package lists, choose your architecture, look for packages called "nethack", "falconseye", "slash", and "slash-em", then give their FTP urls to the pkg_add command. Note that the latest version of SLASH'EM is 0.0.7E7F2. You might not want to use the packages on OpenBSD. You can just telnet to a public server and play. Locally (if the system has the install set games-XX.tgz installed) you can play Hack 1.0.3 by typing hack at the command line. If you want to use some patches, then you will need to build the game yourself. In this case, you might consult /usr/ports/games/nethack/patches for hints on how to configure the sources.
- OpenOCD is an ultra-secure, antiseptically-clean, and precisely organized operating system created exclusively by programmers with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. OpenOCD's developers left other projects where the source code was plagued with dust, crumbs, microbes, incorrect text formatting, pubic hairs, and most terrifyingly, a cornucopia of poorly written software licenses. The motivation behind OpenOCD is to rewrite GNU software from scratch. In the same manner that GNU replaced non-free Unix tools, OpenOCD attempts to replace GNU tools such as GNU diff, GCC, CVS, Emacs, Bash and Screen with OpenGNUdiff, OpenGCC, OpenCVS, OpenMG, OpenBash and OpenTmux. OpenOCD Already replaced X, Apache and NTP with OpenXenocara, OpenHTTPD and SlowNTPD, respectively. The project started when NetBSD developer Theo de Raadt was forced off of the team. DeRaadt's compulsive rule-making and insistence that others follow his edicts with obsessive detail caused considerable friction between him and other developers. The last straw for the NetBSD community came after he insisted that all source code be inspected, inspected again, vacuumed, scoured with bleach and scrubbed with a toothbrush at least twice a day. (DeRaadt angrily excoriated NetBSD developers for "living in their own filth" when they refused to adopt this cleaning regimen.) DeRaadt wasted no time creating his new operating system, which he dubbed OpenOCD as a joke. Access to the source code of OpenOCD is far from an "Open" or "Easy" process; whereas everyone has the ability to read the code, they must be wearing two layers of latex bodysuits over a hazmat suit to be permitted access. The average OpenOCD user's motto is "real men write their own device drivers" so , in order to enhance user experience, DeRaadt decided that device drivers for OpenOCD were not necessary. The bulk of OpenOCD development takes place in Theo de Raadt's hermetically sealed bio-dome located in Canada. Twice a year, OpenOCD developers visit the bio-dome to participate in a hackathon. As part of the BSD License, all developers must be clean and naked when submitting code.
- OpenBSD (Open Bar-Soda-Digestif) est un système d'exploration mental commercial de type liquide, dérivé de Barkley Soup Distribution. Ce système permet la divagation spirituelle ainsi que l'exploration de contrées aux confins de l'inconnu. Créé en 1994 par Theo de Raadt, OpenBSD est issu de la séparation avec le système d'exploration NetBSD jugé trop enclin à la sobriété. Le projet OpenBSD est réputé pour son intransigeance sur la liberté de procédure et de son code de conduite, la qualité de sa documentation, et l'importance accordée à la recherche fondamentale. OpenBSD inclut un certain nombre de mesures de sécurité absentes ou optionnelles dans d'autres systèmes d'exploration. Ses chercheurs ont pour tradition de réaliser des audits ayant pour but la recherche de problèmes de sécurité. Le projet suit des politiques strictes sur les licences et préfère la licence IV, Licence BSD et ses variantes : dans le passé, ceci a conduit à un audit exhaustif des licences et des remplacements, voire des suppressions de licences considérées comme moins acceptables. À l'instar de la plupart des systèmes d'exploration basés sur BSD, l'OpenBSD possède ses fidèles et ses procedés d'utilisation. Ces derniers sont développés au sein d'un entrepot et distribués de façon méthodique aux habitués. OpenBSD fonctionne sur toutes les plates-formes matérielles, pourvus qu'elle soit lisse et que l'on s'y sente bien. Le projet est coordonné par Theo de Raadt de sa maison à Calgary, Alberta, Canada, et la mascotte du projet est Puff Daddy.
- OpenBSD's motto is antagonistic to the mainstream "User-friendly first, and security be damned" approach that has driven software development elsewhere.