| - Member of the Order of Mystics in 2651 CE.
- Esther was one of the unhappy campers at Camp Chippewa and part of the rebel faction led by Wednesday and Pugsley Addams.
- In the musical Malice in the Palace: The Story of Esther, Esther was never referred to as "Hadassah," and she sings part of "Beauty Secrets" among her fellow contestants and "Wings of the Dawn."
- Over the centuries Esther has been a popular name for Jewish girls. In Hebrew, the name Esther is spelled אֶסְתֵּר The Gemara in Megilla states she is one of seven women prophets, along with Sarah, Miriam, Chuldah, Devorah, Avigial, and Chana.
- thumb|Esther montrant son cul à une pomme Esther McFlurry, ou Esther (césonprénom enfait) est une gogoleuse très célèbre. Après que ses parents, Emma et Jojo ont fait l'amour sauvagement, une fille leur naquit, Esther. Mais découvrant que sa fille était mosh, ses viocs décidèrent de l'abandonner sur une autoroute. Mais en fait c'était illégal donc les 2 cons ils se sont retrouvés en pyjama à 4 heures du mat en train de chercher un hamster rouj sur une autoroute.
- Esther (エスタ, Esuta) est une citoyenne vivant à Dressrosa.
- Misc:
* Current Contact/Alt: Quidnunc
* Creation Date: Not long before May 97
* Creation Rank: Fostern
* Departure Date: Died 12th November 1998 Esther came to the Hidden Walk when it was still the Wheel renewed, having previously been at the Sept of Fire Rock.
- Esther Himmelsfall - Ein Elfenblut, welches den Barbiersalon 'Die rostige Schere' führt.
- Esther is a student in the fourth grade at South Park Elementary. She has shoulder length black hair, with messy bangs. She wears a sky-blue jacket with pink trimming, pink trousers, and pink gloves. Under her jacket, she has been shown to wear a sky blue blouse. It can be speculated, due to the similarities in their appearances, that she and Kevin are siblings and that her surname may be Stoley.
- Esther was a resident of Stansbury, a small town in which Professor Layton lived for 3 years. She is very friendly and very fond of him. After Randall's disappearance and the establishment of Monte d'Or, Stansbury began to shrink. She moved to Monte d'Or five years before the appearance of the Masked Gentleman.
- Esther is a Retirement Castle resident.
- Esther is a regular customer of the L&L Automat.
- Esther was a regular customer in the L&L Automat.
- Esther was one of Metatron's followers.
- Players can speak to her to learn about the Bruma tree's special properties, which is to keep the Wintertodt weakened. She will also tell the player about Xeric, an evil mage who ruled Great Kourend for a hundred years.
- Esther is one of Meg's circle of friends, along with Ruth and Patty. Like Meg and Patty, she wears glasses.
- Esther has always been an angry young lady. It has to be said that her home life was not exactly rosy and she was generally misunderstood at school. So she ended up running away and taking refuge at the Red One Motel using her savings “acquired” from her step-father’s house. And now that she’s one of the Berzerks, she can finally take out her explosive anger on anyone who crosses her path!!
- Esther is a librarian at the Jimmy Carter Presidential Library.
- Esther was a sad, lonely and desperate actress always trying to commit suicide. Without her knowing she was stalked by Dr. Fredric and his lover Orrin working for The Colonel's experiments.
- Esther (voiced by Regina King) is a legendary Elliciper, which makes her the alpha (leader) of the tribe. She is the oldest of her two sisters. She appeared to be romantically interested in Nightmare.
- Esther is one of the popular girls at South Park Elementary. She has never played a prominent role, however, she does often speak in episodes which heavily concern the female students. She can be seen in the background of many episodes, usually playing with or talking to Heidi Turner.
- Esther, a lovely young high school girl whom Bud meets as a phone call counselor for the Virgin Hotline, appears in the episode of Married... with Children is played in the episode by Monica Lacy.
- Esther (アップル, Appuru en japonais, Apple en anglais, Rosi en espagnol, Jessi en allemand) est un hamster apparaissant comme villageoise à partir d'Animal Crossing: New Leaf. Sa carte Amiibo est également compatible avec le jeu Animal Crossing: Amiibo Festival.
- A human girl that was kept on Ghorah Khar. She served Hassa, the priestess of Sivar. She wore short brown hair and a shirt with the sigil of Sivar. When Ralgha nar Hhallas was released from his prison, she followed him and asked him to follow her to the Temple of Sivar. Hassa sent her to fetch them a drink a arakh leaves, but she didn't return; as it turned out, Imperial soldiers encircled Hassa's house.
- Esther (Gloria in the British version) is a character in Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask.
- Esther Chambers, a.k.a., The Mysterious Spider Lady, is a professional lady wrestler at the Olympic Sports Auditorium. Her wrestling partner is often April Armitage, but during a championship bout title, her teammate was changed to "Battling" Betty.
- To find a new queen suitable to King Ahasuerus, it was decreed that beautiful young virgins be gathered to the palace from every province of his kingdom. Each woman underwent twelve months of beautification in his harem, after which she would go to the king. When the woman's turn came, she was given anything she wanted to take with her from the harem to the king's palace. She would then go to the king in the evening, and in the morning go to the harem where the concubines stayed. She would not return to the king unless he was pleased enough with her to summon her again by name.