| - Aggh! Look out! Creeposauruses!
- There are Tar Titans nearby, too. You'd better get them.
- If the strange magic candy is what you seek, Fuse moved it to his lair. The journey ahead is fraught with danger.
- You are a valiant warrior. We must speak.
- Look out! Defeat seven Creeposaurus Rexes before they can eat you!
- You're ready to go to the Fireswamps. I'd never go there! I hope you find the Crazy Brain Candy.
- The search for the Crazy Brain Candy has got me worried. It would appear that Fuse may already have snatched it! Courage has some thoughts on the matter. Go see him right away. -Edd
- Oh, its Samurai Jack! He's really brave. Better go talk to him and see what he wants. He's in the Forsaken Valley, at the remote research station.
- Uh-oh! Fuse's Lair is about as scary as it gets. You'd better come back to Nowhere. Whine!
- Oh, dear me. The Crazy Brain Candy is in Fuse's Lair? You don't want to go there. It's the scariest place you can imagine.
- I am in the Forsaken Valley, at the research facility.
- I think you're ready to go to the Fireswamps. I'm sure you'll find the weird candy. Don't let anyone eat you! And don't burn up! Or fall in the lava!
- Fuse's Lair?!? You don't want to go there. Come back and see me.
- If Fuse has all the Crazy Brain Candy, he could give it out to kids and scramble their brains! We need to get it back, and you're the kid to do it. Good luck! -Edd
- Now you'd better defeat seven Tar Titans, just to be on the safe side.