| - Now credit where credit is due, the environments in these games look absolutely stunning... Shame they're so goddamn restrictive on where you can go. Seriously, this is meant to be an adventure game, why can I only move ten feet in any direction? In fact, restrictive is a good description for these games as a whole. The game chooses which character you play as for a certain area, you don't. The game chooses which rooms you explore, you don't. The game chooses when you go into stealth mode, you don't. It may seem okay on a first playthrough, but these aren't a series of games you'd return to in order to get a different experience out of it the next time you play them, because you will never have a different experience. Of course, that's not exactly a bad thing, just look at Portal - one of
| - Now credit where credit is due, the environments in these games look absolutely stunning... Shame they're so goddamn restrictive on where you can go. Seriously, this is meant to be an adventure game, why can I only move ten feet in any direction? In fact, restrictive is a good description for these games as a whole. The game chooses which character you play as for a certain area, you don't. The game chooses which rooms you explore, you don't. The game chooses when you go into stealth mode, you don't. It may seem okay on a first playthrough, but these aren't a series of games you'd return to in order to get a different experience out of it the next time you play them, because you will never have a different experience. Of course, that's not exactly a bad thing, just look at Portal - one of the most awesome games ever made and it's more confined than Karen Gillan's acting ability. Speaking of which, Karen, Matt Smith, Arthur Darvill and Nicholas Briggs return to voice their roles from the TV show for these games. Karen, Nick and Arthur sound absolutely fine in all of the installments they appear in. Matt Smith? While he does sound normal in the final three, in City and Blood he is such a BORE to listen to. Seriously, you know how zany and upbeat his Doctor usually is, right? Well in those games, it sounds like he has only just woken up, is seriously suicidal, has an extreme case of bronchitis, and is on every depressant and sedative known to man all at once. It's incredibly jarring to witness, especially if you're just coming off of watching him in something like The Lodger. The control feels kind of sluggish, specifically in the first four games. The characters slowly build up momentum before reaching top running speed and it's kind of frustrating to play. The stealth sections are okay in City and Blood (there isn't any in TARDIS), kinda meh in Shadows and fucking ridiculous in Gunpowder. Like, in Series 1 the enemies' awareness of you would go from safe (where they don't know you're there) to detected (where they're aware of you) to danger (where they're actively trying to kill you). In Gunpowder though, as soon as you're detected, BAM. Instant death. As for the character models themselves though, they look alright. Matt's one needed a bit of work, and Amy's hair is sooooooo realistic. Kek. Rory though... Holy fuck...