- The cucumber (Cucumis sativus) is a widely cultivated plant in the gourd family Cucurbitaceae, which includes squash, and in the same genus as the muskmelon.
- Type: Food Health Recovery: 2 Mana Recovery: 2 Required Will: 1% Cannot be used in Battle Cannot be sold at Auction cannot be crafted Fixed Price: 100 Craftable items:
- Cucumbers are a culinary vegetable (technically fruit) eaten in the World of Daventry. Cucumber sandwiches are often served with tea. The Laburnum are said to have cucumber shaped bodies.
- In the 2012 TV series episode Tale of the Yokai, 16 years in the past, Tang Shen met and befriended the time-traveling mutant turtles Leonardo, Donatello, Raphael and Michelangelo—the same turtles who would later be adopted by her husband Hamato Yoshi. After she brought them to her home, she fed them chopped cucumbers in accordance with myths about kappa. The turtles were initially not enthusiastic about eating cucumbers (Mikey demanded pizza instead), but by the end of the episode they had already started enjoying them.
- its green. it tastes like shi*
- The word cucumber comes from the dutch word 'Komkommer'. The Dutch female word for a cucumber is 'komkommerin', which means come-on-in. so whenever you see a Dutch lady with a cucumber, it means that you will be welcome in her neighborhood. But if any Dutch lady you see is not holding a cucumber then it is best to stay at a safe distance. Cucumbers have wicked souls. They make rituals in your stomach when digested giving you a strange sense of goodness but after ward when they are ejected the natural way they give excruciating pain causing several ruptures and welts.
- A cucumber was a type of vegetable that grew on the planet known as Earth, which was located in the sol system in the Milky Way Galaxy. Cucumbers were often put in containers called jars, which were filled with a liquid that was designed to preserve them. These cucumbers were called pickles. When Green Arrow went to Gulliver's Castle, he found the Super Friends were shrunk and placed in jars. He then planned to rescue them, because he realized they were no good to him "bottled up like pickles."
- In Mario Kart DS, Yoshi's Unlockable Kart is the Cucumber, which can be obtained by winning the 100cc Special Cup. At first, it is only open to Yoshi, but after winning the 150cc Special Cup, it is open to seven characters. Completing the Mirror Mode Lightning Cup opens up the Cucumber to every racer.
- The Cucumber is a kart used by Yoshi in Mario Kart DS. This kart has the best item stat of this, the Egg 1, and the Standard YS. This kart is in the shape of a cucumber and appears to resemble a car from the 1930s. This kart is long, so it sometimes doesn't need to jump over small holes in tracks. This kart is similar of all Yoshi's karts that it's great on all stats, but weight. This kart is also very similar to the Classic Dragster in Mario Kart Wii in both appearance and stats.
- When he was 4 he got a unicycle, which he used to run over tiny frogs. When he was 6 he got a bicycle, which he used to run over kinda small frogs. When he was 8, he got a tricycle, which he used to run over medium sized frogs.
- Cucumbers are are a fruit or vegetable that probably originated in India, Christopher Columbus took cucumbers to America. They are generally considered to taste a bit watery. Cucumbers taste great if you cut them up and mix them with Yoghurt, Cottage Cheese, Tomatoes or any combination of these. The picture shows a cucumber, in all its elongated, green goodness.
- The Cucumber is a vegetable crop available on FarmVille. A farmer must be at least level 43 to plant cucumber and will be rewarded with 2 experience . They cost 290 coins to plant, will grow in 1 day, and can be harvested for 450 coins.
- __NOEDITSECTION__ A cucumber is an ingredient. Its rarity is rated 4 out of 5 in the game. It was released on .
- Cucumber was an edible Rokugani plant. Some stories claimed the Kappa could be mollified through the gift of cucumbers, which they loved even more than blood.
- Something similar in appearance to cucumbers grew on vines on Hanon IV. In 2373, the crew of the USS Voyager was able to use the foodstuff as sustenance when stranded on the planet. (VOY: "Basics, Part II")
- Cucumbers, by definition, are the quickest way of giving your nan genital herpes.
- Wikipedia Article About Cucumber on Wikipedia The cucumber is the edible fruit of the cucumber plant Cucumis sativus, which belongs to the gourd family Cucurbitaceae, as do melons and squash. The plant has been cultivated for 3000 years and is still a major part of worldwide crops today. Based on statistics about the amount of area harvested for fresh market cucumbers in the U.S., as much as 50,000 acres of land is used for that purpose. As a plant, the cucumber has large leaves that form a canopy over the fruit. The vine grows on the ground or on trellises, often also in greenhouses.