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- Does not include Ascension & Kingdom bonuses * Visit Ascending & Leveling Troops for more information
- Mercy è una Imulsion struttura comunale situato vicino alla città di Char. Categoria:Luoghi
- Mercy was an alien that came to Earth to kill those who lacked the strength to commit suicide. She only killed those that wished themselves dead and hated themselves, and thus she believed she was doing Earth a favor. When she came across the Hulk, who hates himself as well, she tried to make him commit suicide, but she failed. The Hulk could never stop fighting, as he feels he always has to be the strongest one.
- Mercy was the chosen name of a telepath, one of the Kith who chose to join the MRA. Considered by Blood to be the soul of the group, Mercy was also the least powerful and could only mindspeak through physical contact.
- "Mercy" is a song performed by Steve Jones recorded on the album Mercy in 1986. The song appeared in the Miami Vice episode "Stone's War".
- thumbTrata-se de um comando de não-finalização realizado durante o "Finish Him/Her". Ao realiza-lo, o oponente derrotado recebe uma quantidade mínima de vida, após o que a luta prossegue normalmente. Somente após o oponente ser derrotado uma segunda vez é que é possível aplicar-se a finalização "Animality".
- Mercy was the last play written by Matsu Sinoku, a playwright of the Lion Clan. The play was performed only once, ending in a bath of blood by the hands of Akodo Kuinjin. All the copies of the play were destroyed after that performance but one, that had been sent to Matsu Sanuro, Sinoku's cousin.
- Mercy is the 4th episode of Season 3 and is the 48th episode overall.
- "Mercy" is a song by Joe Perry.
- right|200px Mercy – sklep, bądź restauracja, występująca w Grand Theft Auto I, w Liberty City, m. in. we wschodnim Eaglewood. Kategoria:Sklepy Kategoria:Restauracje Kategoria:Biznesy w Grand Theft Auto I
- Martha and Lionel are caught in a dangerous cat-and-mouse game by a vindictive former LuthorCorp employee, and Clark must save Martha, but risk revealing his powers to Lionel in the process.
- mercy e uma alieniena que tem poderes de laser,teletrasporte,brilhar e levitar objetos ela ja enfrentou o hulk muitas vesses ela apareceu em hulk ultimate destruction ela tem muito poder
- Mercy was an Imulsion pumping facility township located near the city of Char and built on the side of a cliff. It is Maria Santiago's home town.
- Mercy was the wife of Si, and a resident of River Crossing.
- Gdy największy dotąd plan zniszczenia kogoś kończy się niepowodzeniem, Emily musi polegać na pomocy z niespodziewanego źródła, aby prześledzić, co poszło nie tak. Tymczasem chcąc zapewnić sobie przyszłość, Victoria robi śmiały ruch w celu zabezpieczenia swojej niezależności.
- Mercy is the girlfriend of the Warriors' Warlord Swan, ex-girlfriend of the Orphans' Warlord Sully, and previously a prostitute. She was played and voiced by Deborah Van Valkenburgh.
- Mercy is a virtue gained from completing deeds.
- Mercy is the fourth track from the album Drones.
- Mercy is the from the Circle universe.
- Mercy es una instalación municipal de Imulsión situada cerca de la ciudad de Char. También es el lugar de nacimiento de la familia de Maria Santiago y la primera ciudad infestada de los "Formers" y lugar de la muerte de Dominic Santiago. Categoría:Ciudades Categoría:Lugares
- Mercy is a song by Dave Matthews Band {| class="collapsible collapsed" style="width: 100%; text-align: center;"
- The series initially aired on Wednesday at 8:00 pm (ET) as part of the 2009 fall season, but it was pushed back to 9:00 pm in April. On October 23, 2009, 'Mercy" was picked up for a full 22-episode first season. On May 14, 2010 (after one season and 22 episodes), "Mercy" was cancelled due to low ratings.
- Mercy is open to anyone. Membership priority given to previous members of Grace & Mercy. Currently apart of [RivyU]
- A dead baby shows up in a cooler in the Hudson River and it's discovered the baby had a terminal illness.
- Mercy is a Halo 5: Guardians multiplayer Arena map, which is a remake of Halo 4's map Haven. It was released as part of the free Anvil's Legacy DLC update.
- right|200px Mercy — магазин или ресторан, появляющийся в Grand Theft Auto 1 и располагающийся в восточном Иглвуде, что в городе Либерти-Сити. Заведение недоступно игроку и не играет никакой роли в сюжетной линии.
- Mercy is a available on the Republic starting planet of Ord Mantell.
- Mercy is the wife of Si and a very old resident of River Crossing. Twenty five years before The Gunslinger, she was blinded by harriers, who said she was looking at them em pert. That is why when the ka-tet arrives, Si has to convince her they are gunslingers.
- Mercy is the act of relenting, halting an attack out of pity, refraining from doing further harm, or of saying thankyou in French. (Warning: Mercy is not an advisable or legally condoned course of action; practitioners risk failure to accomplish one's selfish and fiendish designs.)
- Mercy is a unique 40mm grenade machinegun in Fallout: New Vegas.
- The song was originally uploaded onto YouTube on May 3, 2011. A day later, CircusP closed his original account. Later on, the video was reuploaded by a fan. The song itself is supposed to be a response to "iNSaNiTY".
- From [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Mercy]] [[merci#|merci]], from [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Mercy]] merci, from [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Mercy]] mercēs (“‘wages, fee, price’”).
- Además de una sanadora sin par y un auténtico ángel de la guarda para sus pacientes, la doctora Angela Ziegler es una científica brillante y una defensora acérrima de la paz. Ziegler llegó a ser la jefa de cirugía de un importante hospital suizo antes de encabezar grandes avances en el campo de la nanobiología aplicada que mejoraron de forma radical los tratamientos de enfermedades y heridas mortales. Fue su pericia en este ámbito lo que llamó la atención de Overwatch.
- Mercy (慈悲 Jihi) is a skill that appears in Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn, and can only be assigned to Elincia, reflective of her benevolent nature. Any strike that will have otherwise killed an enemy unit will leave the unit with only 1 HP, with subsequent hits being dodged. This skill may be removed, giving Elincia the chance to receive proper training. As this skill is nothing but a hindrance in the Tower of Guidance, it is thus advisable to remove it from Elincia, if she is selected to enter the tower.
- The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines mercy as follows:
* Compassion or forbearance shown especially to an offender or to one subject to one's power.
* A blessing that is an act of divine favor or compassion. Although the Lord has offered mankind a plan whereby Christ will suffer the punishment for man's sin when there is repentance, the Lord makes it clear that He will not show mercy to the unmerciful. Those who judge others without mercy and offer no forgiveness, will receive no mercy from the Lord:
- The J-type star skiff symbolized the changes sweeping through the galaxy in the final days of the Galactic Republic. Though the star skiff retained the sleek, teardrop-shaped main hull and wide, sweeping wings of previous royal cruisers, a duller finish, exposed access grills and discolored Sossen-7 sublight engines indicated that the star skiff was a product of turbulent times. Perhaps most shocking of all for a Naboo royal vessel, was the inclusion of a pair of top-mounted laser cannons. The J-type star skiff was 29 meters in length, and 49.3 meters wing to wing. Inside, It had a remarkably fast 0.5 hyperdrive and was spacious despite its small size. The Naboo star skiff was equipped with lockers and a medical suite, in addition to the standard cabins and compartments. It could also hold
- Yet another hospital drama based on the stories of dysfunctional but fun to watch staff. The gimmick of this particular version is that the three primary characters are nurses instead of doctors. It is also timely because the lead is an Iraqi war vet suffering from various levels of PTSD. There are regulars who are doctors too, of course, as well as family and love interests. Better than it sounds, because the writers are adept at backstabbing their own characters and some critics have called Mercy a rip off of Grey's Anatomy, but a good one worth watching. Unfortunately canceled in May 2010 due to low ratings.
- Mercy, en español "Misericordia", "Piedad" ó también "Compasión" es un movimiento utilizado por primera vez en Mortal Kombat 3. Este movimiento es indispensable para realizar un Animality. El movimiento consiste en darle una revancha a tu oponente pero con el mínimo de energía, tú barra de energía quedará igual como ganaste el round anterior. Para realizar un Mercy tienes que hacer la siguiente:
* Ganar el tercer encuentro.
* Mantenerte a una distancia de un poco más de la mitad de la pantalla.
* Mantener el botón Correr.
* Apretar 4 veces 12px Categoría:Plantillas.
- Mercy (Japanese: マーシー Pity) is a damage dealing Normal type move introduced in Generation XV. It is a stronger version of Hold Back or False Swipe. The following template is known to be broken and should be fixed soon.{| width="35%" align="right" style="margin-left:3px; margin-bottom:3px; border-radius: 10px; -moz-border-radius: 10px; -webkit-border-radius: 10px; -khtml-border-radius: 10px; -icab-border-radius: 10px; -o-border-radius: 10px;; background:#A8A878; border:3px solid #6D6D4E" |- | align="center" colspan="2" | Mercy |- | colspan="2" align="center" style="border-radius: 10px; -moz-border-radius: 10px; -webkit-border-radius: 10px; -khtml-border-radius: 10px; -icab-border-radius: 10px; -o-border-radius: 10px;; background: #999999; border:1px solid #6D6D4E" | Battle Data
- Mercy is one of the last medic production models of her make and build. A medic with excellent skills and good judgment when on the job, usually involving retrieval and/or emergency/long-term patch-up. Has a reputation for a temper that is very slow to heat, destructive when it goes off. She feels it's her duty to see to the complete and utter protection of anything in her care, and has been known to 'mother' even the hardiest of soldiers. Has a tendency to come across as impatient, even when she tries to be serene and calm. When in robot form, she carries a laser gun for self-defense or patient-defense. The rest of her gear is medically oriented. Can transform into a sleek, fast semi-pick-up hovercar that has room for two 'Bots - assuming they were really close friends - or one large 'Bot