The Force is a source of energy in Star Wars. It resembles magic in most fantasy stories. The Jedi and the Sith both tap into this energy when fighting. However, the Sith use an evil, corrupt part of the Force, called The Dark Side (also known as the "Dark Side of the Force), similar to black magic. These powers are forbidden among Jedi, but Sith tap into these powers. Sith who tap into the Dark Side use abilities like force choke, sith lightning, dark rage, and many more.
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| - Dark Side of the Force
- Dark side of the Force
- Dark Side of the Force
| - The Force is a source of energy in Star Wars. It resembles magic in most fantasy stories. The Jedi and the Sith both tap into this energy when fighting. However, the Sith use an evil, corrupt part of the Force, called The Dark Side (also known as the "Dark Side of the Force), similar to black magic. These powers are forbidden among Jedi, but Sith tap into these powers. Sith who tap into the Dark Side use abilities like force choke, sith lightning, dark rage, and many more.
- The dark side of the Force, called Bogan by the ancient forerunners of the Jedi, was the primary tool of the Sith Lords, and was the more destructive side of the Force. Unlike the light side of the Force, dark force users draw power from raw emotions, both negative and positive; the power coming from strength or severity. Where the light side was associated with creation and life, the dark side was associated with death and destruction. A Force-user who followed the dark side was known as a darksider.
- De Dark Side of the Force of Bogan (zo genoemd naar de 'duistere' maan van de Jedi-oerwereld Tython) was een visie op de Force die bijvoorbeeld werd gevolgd door de Sith. De Dark Side of the Force wekte geweld en angst op. Deze kant van de Force kon worden opgeroepen door emoties extreem de vrije loop te laten. De bekendste Dark Side gebruikers waren de Sith, zoals Darth Maul, Darth Sidious, Darth Tyranus, Darth Vader (Anakin Skywalker) en Darth Plagueis.
- The Dark Side of the Force, or Bogan, was an aspect of the universal energy field of the life known as the Force. The dark side and those who drew upon its power used the strength of their passions for guidance. The usage of the dark side was addictive and all consuming which most often lead its users down a path of destruction. Using the Force to attack in the course of battle as was so common in war opens up even a virtuous user of the light to the influence of the dark. This influence started first, which was subtle and unassuming, became an overwhelming drive distorting the users perceptions through rage and fear.
| - Σκοτεινή πλευρά της Δύναμης
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| - Nobody Expects the Imperial Inquisition
- Star Wars Rebels: Meet the Inquisitor, the Empire's Jedi Hunter
- Star Wars: Galactic Defense
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| - Тёмная сторона Силы
- Тёмная сторона Силы/Канон
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| - Cânon:Lado sombrio da Força
- Lado sombrio da Força
| - Lado oscuro de la Fuerza
- Lado oscuro de la Fuerza
| - video/star-wars-rebels-meet-the-inquisitor-the-empire-s-jedi-hunter
- news/nobody-expects-the-imperial-inquisition
- /games-apps/star-wars-galactic-defense
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| - The Dark Side of the Force, or Bogan, was an aspect of the universal energy field of the life known as the Force. The dark side and those who drew upon its power used the strength of their passions for guidance. The usage of the dark side was addictive and all consuming which most often lead its users down a path of destruction. Using the Force to attack in the course of battle as was so common in war opens up even a virtuous user of the light to the influence of the dark. This influence started first, which was subtle and unassuming, became an overwhelming drive distorting the users perceptions through rage and fear. Force abilities which drew exclusively on the power of the dark include all those techniques designed to manipulated the Force to cause suffering and pain. Force Lightning used by Sith Lords like Dooku and Palpatine was one such ability. Even powers which were commonly used by the Jedi like a simple force push could become dark and sinister turning into the force crush technique in which one crushed the vital organs within the target causing severe discomfort and even death. It could be said that the Dark Side's most potent ability was to shroud and mislead even the strongest Jedi Knights as Sidious did masking his evil prescense and intentions from the entire Jedi Council allowing him the power and freedom to start the Clone War and even destroy the Republic.
- De Dark Side of the Force of Bogan (zo genoemd naar de 'duistere' maan van de Jedi-oerwereld Tython) was een visie op de Force die bijvoorbeeld werd gevolgd door de Sith. De Dark Side of the Force wekte geweld en angst op. Deze kant van de Force kon worden opgeroepen door emoties extreem de vrije loop te laten. De bekendste Dark Side gebruikers waren de Sith, zoals Darth Maul, Darth Sidious, Darth Tyranus, Darth Vader (Anakin Skywalker) en Darth Plagueis. De Dark Side gaf haar gebruikers kracht, en sneller en gemakkelijker dan de Light Side; volgens meester Yoda was the Duistere Zijde niet sterker dan de Lichte, maar wel verleidelijker en gemakkelijker. Door toe te geven aan angst, woede en haat, zoals in een ander beroemd citaat van de meester, kon een Kracht-gevoelige naar de Duistere Zijde getrokken worden. De Duistere Zijde gaf niet alleen kracht, maar vrat ook aan haar gebruikers; vaak werden hun lichamen op den duur vervormd of verminkt. Maar meestal kon dit hen tegen die tijd niets meer schelen, alsof hun uiterlijk alleen maar hun innerlijk weerspiegelde. Veel Duistere Zijde-gebruikers streefden naar een lang leven of zelfs onsterfelijkheid, maar het is hen geen van allen ooit gelukt, mede doordat de Duistere Zijde al de kiem van vernietiging in zich bergt. En omdat het uit de aard zeer individualistisch is, zijn Duistere Zijde-gebruikers altijd en zonder uitzondering rivalen; het einddoel is altijd om zélf meer macht te verwerven.
- The Force is a source of energy in Star Wars. It resembles magic in most fantasy stories. The Jedi and the Sith both tap into this energy when fighting. However, the Sith use an evil, corrupt part of the Force, called The Dark Side (also known as the "Dark Side of the Force), similar to black magic. These powers are forbidden among Jedi, but Sith tap into these powers. Sith who tap into the Dark Side use abilities like force choke, sith lightning, dark rage, and many more.
- The dark side of the Force, called Bogan by the ancient forerunners of the Jedi, was the primary tool of the Sith Lords, and was the more destructive side of the Force. Unlike the light side of the Force, dark force users draw power from raw emotions, both negative and positive; the power coming from strength or severity. Where the light side was associated with creation and life, the dark side was associated with death and destruction. A Force-user who followed the dark side was known as a darksider.
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