| - Jon: There it is. Maria: Today is the day. Maria: Let’s win this! Nurse Joy: Maria Winterman, you are now registered to take part within the Pokemon Performance Rookie Class. Jon: All you need to do now is win! Maria: And I will! Kyle: You, Fennekin and Litwick will do great. Pierre: Welcome, ladies and gentlemen. I’m Monsieur Pierre. Welcome to the rookie class. Today, our performers will partake in a theme performance. Jon: Theme performance? Pierre: Today, our performers will have to dress one of their Pokemon. That is today’s theme. Kyle: That’s the theme? Jon: Maria will pass easily. Pierre: Begin! Maria: Let’s get you looking good Fennekin. Pierre: Finish! Now, point your glow sticks and choose the colour of the performer you want to go through. Pierre: And the winner is Maria! Kyle: Yes! Maria: I can do this. Jon: I wonder what will happen. Kyle: She’ll be fine. She’s got this princess key. Maria: Ready? Maria: Now, Fennekin Flamethrower! Jon: Cool. Kyle: Just like when you showed her the other day with Fletchling and Typhlosion. Maria: Now, Litwick use Hex! Maria: Now, Double Team! Maria: Litwick, Energy Ball! Jon: This is beautiful. Maria: Now, use Flame Charge and Dark Pulse! Fennekin surrounds itself with Flame Charge and stays still while Litwick uses Dark Pulse. The moves collide and Fennekin gets sent into the air. Maria looks scared, but Fennekin composes herself and then spins till she is on the ground. The three of them bow. The four performers are now on stage with Pierre. Kyle: I hope she gets through. Dark Pulse and Flame Charge combining like that wasn’t meant to happen. Jon: It’s all practice, and she done well. Pierre: Now, choose the performer you think was the best. Jon: I hope she is okay. Kyle: I do too. Lilly: For your first performance, you were great. Maria: Really? Lilly: Yeah. I was told once, you can only give people and Pokemon hope by your smile. Jon: I can agree to that. That’s how I know my Pokemon have faith in me, and vice versa. Maria: Thanks. Maria: I’m going to keep on practicing and when the next performance arrives, I’ll win it! Lilly: That’s good to hear. I’ll see you later. Maria: Okay Lilly, and thanks! Kyle: What now? Maria: We go to Shalour City. Jon still have a gym battle, and I can keep on training and focusing on my way over there. Jon: That’s the spirit. Maria: Well, what are you guys waiting for! Narrator: Maria entered her first performance, but unfortunately she didn’t win. However, she is now more determined than ever. Our heroes now travel towards Shalour City, and onto Jon’s next gym battle.