| - The Purple Dragons (also know as the Flaming Dragons) are a common enemy of the Ninja Turtles in many incarnations of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise, with their first appearance in the opening pages of the very first comic. They are a New York street gang mostly consisting of low-level thugs.
- Formed durring The War of the Scepter in order to defend Hirvatyknia from the armies of Deinksvund; the Purple Dragon Knights where a group of elitle heavy armoured horsemen who have always defended Hirvatyknia's borders. The knights are know as much for their fairness and mearcy as their speed and ferocity in battle. They have, over the years, turned their focus from the western boarder Hirvatyknia shares with Deinksvund and now operate mostly along their boarder with Aremenastan their Arunni neibours to the south.
- Die Purple Dragons (Die Purpurnen Drachen) sind eine New Yorker Straßengang, welche in mehreren Versionen der Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles-Franchise ihre Auftritte hatte, besonders in der 2003 Zeichentrickserie.
- All loyal Cormyrean citizens were eligible to join the Purple Dragons by taking an oath. Although the oath was available to non-humans provided they are Cormyrean citizens, extra measures may have been imposed on non-humans to ensure their loyalty, due to the fact that Cormyr was predominantly human. Nobles were actively expected to take the oath, and would generally be given positions of leadership. Non-nobles would form part of the militia with an initial service of two years.
- In MNT Gaiden, Purple Dragons are a favorite target of vigilante fights involving Raphael Hamato, Casey Jones and Shadow Jones, the latter two fighting the Purple Dragons while masked. According to Chapter 13: Back into the Shadows, the renegade NYC Foot Clan leader Eikichi Gotoh holds the Purple Dragons in contempt as an organization, because Purple Dragon members only follow their own individual desires, whereas the NYC Foot Clan establishes a common group goal that is served by all its members as a whole. An unnamed gang that is similar to Purple Dragons was featured in 1987 TV Series. They were led by Bebop & Rocksteady.