Swee Lim is a British puppeteer who worked on The Dark Crystal as UrNol and a Landstrider.
Swee Lim, sometimes mistakenly credited as Swim Lee, is a puppeteer who worked on The Dark Crystal, performing a Landstrider and UrNol (credited as "Mystic Hunter.") Lim's other credits include Return of the Jedi, as a Hoover, and Return to Oz.
Swee Lim is a British puppeteer who worked on The Dark Crystal as UrNol and a Landstrider.
Swee Lim, sometimes mistakenly credited as Swim Lee, is a puppeteer who worked on The Dark Crystal, performing a Landstrider and UrNol (credited as "Mystic Hunter.") Lim's other credits include Return of the Jedi, as a Hoover, and Return to Oz.