- In combat, it has Frozen Pulse, Desecrator and Thunderstorm affixes. However, its real weapon are hordes of Winged Talus swarming around, which will spawn again and again until their leader is dead. Sharpclaw itself is easily recognized by its greatly increased size.
- Sharpclaw is the dog term for a cat. Dogs view cats as mildly troublesome for their sharp claws and hisses.
- Sharpclaw was the name of a vine cat residing on Dromund Kaas around 3643 BBY, when it was killed by an Empire-affiliated individual.
- Sharpclaw was a 23rd century Lyran individual, an officer in the Lyran Empire's military. Sharpclaw's specialty was as a starship weapons officer. (TOS video game: Starfleet Command) No history or fate is established for this character as its name was randomly selected for a weapons officer by the game software.
- The SharpClaw are a militaristic band of reptilian pirates geared towards taking control of planet Sauria.
- 1. Blue SharpClaws are only found in icy levels like Ice Mountain and DarkIce Mines. Bigger, fatter ones are called BribeClaws, and they guard various places unless Fox can give them enough scarabs to let him pass. They are the first of these foes Fox meets. 2. Yellow SharpClaws are the most common variation of SharpClaw in the game. Like their blue counterparts, they attack with a mace, and are easy to defeat. Fox can wear a SharpClaw costume, and that costume is modeled after this type of SharpClaw.