Reneget Vause, conosciuto anche come Serpente del Vuoto, Sarlaac in Scala o Cacciatore di Mondi, era un maschio Trandoshano e un lord pirata attivo durante la Guerra Galattica.
File:WookieepediaFavicon.png Reneget Vause on Wookieepedia
Reneget Vause, known as the Serpent of the Void, Sarlacc in Scales, or Hunter of Worlds, was a dangerous Trandoshan male Pirate Lord who was active during the Galactic War.
Reneget Vause, conosciuto anche come Serpente del Vuoto, Sarlaac in Scala o Cacciatore di Mondi, era un maschio Trandoshano e un lord pirata attivo durante la Guerra Galattica.
File:WookieepediaFavicon.png Reneget Vause on Wookieepedia
Reneget Vause, known as the Serpent of the Void, Sarlacc in Scales, or Hunter of Worlds, was a dangerous Trandoshan male Pirate Lord who was active during the Galactic War.