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- Namin haaveena on piirtää koko maailman kartta, mutta tuon haaveen hän on unohtanut jo aikoja sitten, sillä hänen ei nähdä koskaan päivittävän karttojaan. Todennäköisesti karttojen piirto jäi jo seikkailun alkuvaiheessa, eikä kukaan ole edes kysynyt Namilta asiasta.
- Nami was the pirate captain of the Villain. In 1169 they were boarded by the Sea's Justice, a Mantis ship that patroled the seas. The Villain was carrying a Crane cargo, an acceptable prey for the Mantis magistrates, and were released unharmed. Nami revealed to Yoritomo Eriko that another pirate ship, the Western Wind, had attacked, plundered, and sunk a Phoenix vessel not long ago. Nami guessed the pirate ship would head toward a Crane port, so the Mantis ship left immediately to chase down the Western Wind.
- Nami, Aquamancienne est un champion dans League of Legends.
- Nami (「イザナミ」?; Izanami) was the sake brewer of Kamiki Village 100 years ago, and also Nagi's love interest. She is the chosen maiden whose house was marked by Orochi as a sacrifice, although Nagi defeated him and freed the village and all of Nippon from his rule, ruling her over.
- thumb|Nami mit ihrem Vater Nami ist die letzte Nachfahrin der Azumi-Mönche und kommt in Godzilla gegen King Kong vor, wobei sie von Beru-Bera Lin gespielt wird.Sie ist eine noch junge Frau und sehr traditionell. So hält sie noch immer an den alten Gebräuchen ihrer Vorfahren fest. Deshalb beherrscht sie die alten Tänze und glaubt an den Schutzgott Okinawas, King Caesar, dessen heiligen Schrein sie, zusammen mit ihrem Vater, beschützt.
- "Cat Burglar" Nami is een piraat en een lid van De Straw hat pirates. Ze is het derde lid van de crew en ze werd lid van de crew in de Orange Town Arc. Later verliet en verraade ze de crew tijdens de Baratie Arc, maar aan het einde van de Arlong Park Arc werd ze weer een vast lid nadat haar ware bedoelingen duidelijk werden. Haar grootste droom is om een kaart te tekenen van de hele wereld.
- __NOWYSIWYG__NamiKategorie:Champion Hauptseiten
- "Cat Burglar" Nami is a pirate and the navigator of the Straw Hat Pirates. She was the third member of the crew and the second to join, doing so during the Orange Town Arc. She was formerly a member of the Arlong Pirates and initially joined the Straw Hats in order to rob them for her real crew, but joined the Straw Hats for real after they rebelled against Arlong. She has a bounty of File:Beli.png66,000,000.
- Nami is Tokubetsu Jōnin level Owl from the Dark Forest and is the personal summon of Moko Kaguya
- Nami, is a character most often featured in Timely Insanity and Snickers V-2, as a secondary character. She has a large crush on Vahi, and she is his biggest fan. She is also the biggest rival of the character Sali. She is hyper and can be annoying.
- Nami ist Bell-mères Ziehtochter und Nojikos jüngere Schwester. Sie die Navigatorin der Mugiwara-Piratenbande und mit das hellste Köpfchen der Bande mit einem besonderen Näschen für Schätze und Wertgegenstände aller Art – allerdings ein fast ebenso großer Hasenfuß wie Chopper und Usopp. Nami hat wie fast alle Mitglieder der Mugiwara-Bande eine schwere Kindheit hinter sich, die sie aber dank ihrer Freunde endgültig hinter sich lassen kann. Ihr Traum ist es als erster Mensch alle Weltmeere zu kartografieren und eine Weltkarte zu zeichnen.
- When Amu asks them why they were at the mall, Nemi tells her that Nami came to buy a present for an upperclassmen she had a crush on and she came to help.
- Nami is the younger brother of Dori. He is the lighter, more energetic, purer and the comic relief of the two. His innocent and playful younger self foreshadows his path of Chi and eventual replacement of Ganieze.
- Nami is a pirate and the navigator of the Straw Hat Pirates. Currently separated from her crew she finds herself mysteriously stuck at St. Edelweiss receiving treatment for illnesses she swears she doesn’t have.
- Nami is a member of the Straw Hat Pirates and the most powerful yet. She is often seen making out with a Daisy statue, as well as the real Sanji (though this is usually by his force,) and a waffle. She is a victim of the 4kids disease along with the rest of her crew, except Franky and Brook.
- The Nami were a nomadic species of sentients in the Outer Rim Territories.
- Nami ist eine braun getigerte Kätzin mit weißen Flecken und gelben Augen.
- Nami ist sehr still und lebt für sich. Sie hat keinen Job im Tal, deshalb wandert sie am Strand und am Schildkrötenteich herum. Es ist nicht ganz klar,ob sie mit Ruby, der Gasthofleiterin,nur befreundet oder sogar ihre Tochter ist. Namis Geburtstag ist am 24. Herbst, und ihr Lieblingsessen ist Gratin. Rivale: Gustafa Nami ist eines der Mädchen in Harvest Moon DS, FoMT und AWL,die zum Heiraten zur Verfügung stehen.
- Nami is one of the main protagonists in the anime One Piece. She and Nico Robin are the only female members of the Straw Hats.
- Nami is a character from the popular MOBA League of Legends. A kindly mermaid, Nami has powerful healing magics and a caring attitude toward most people. She also is a common character seen in the Hospital of Light and healing fallen combatants at the Arena. This is the first time Nami has been played on the board. She has been active since 15 June 2014, and is also played by the same RPer as Judith, Variphyla, and Frank Fontaine.
- Nami este o tânără curva, oarecum înaltă, cu părul portocaliu/alb şi un scurt construi subţire. Multe persoane considera ca ea este cea mai mare curva din lume. Ea are un tatuaj albastru (in forma de pula)pe umăr stâng şi care reprezintă mancarea ei favorite(un omagiu catre toate curvele cazute), în cazul în care ea a folosit pentru a avea un tatuaj pentru a fi un membru al Night Clubului Arlong.
- Nami adalah seorang gadis muda yang menarik, tinggi sedang dan bertubuh langsing dengan rambut oranye sebatas leher dan mata cokelat muda. Dia memiliki tato baling-baling dan jeruk mikan di bahu kiri, menggantikan lambang bajak laut Arlong, tato lamanya yang ia pakai saat masih menjadi anggota bajak laut Arlong.
- Nami (ナ ス カ Nasuka) es un personaje de Harvest Moon: DS y Harvest Moon DS: lindo. Ella es una de las solteras elegibles en DS. Nami puede ser una persona difícil de leer, ya que ella tiene una personalidad silenciosa y apática. Ella no deja que las personas se acercan a ella, y trabajar amistad con Nami puede ser difícil. Ella es una viajera que vive en el valle temporalmente.Reside en el Inn con Ruby, y la ve como una figura materna.
- Nami (ナミ) is a member of the Straw Hat Pirates. She is the crew's navigator who plans their ship's course throughout the series. She first meets Monkey D. Luffy during his first confrontation against Buggy. To keep the map she stole from Buggy, Nami tries to double-cross both men but is ultimately swayed by Luffy's personality. Accompanying his travels for a time, she piffles Going Merry during the fight for Baratie. Once Luffy and company track her down and learn about her past with Arlong, Luffy accepts her as his comrade. When he liberates her home from Arlong's control, Nami gladly becomes a permanent member of their crew.
- Nami 「ナミ, Nami ?」 es una pirata y la navegante de los Piratas del Sombrero de Paja, natal de la villa Kokoyashi en el East Blue. Ella es el segundo miembro en unirse a la banda y el cuarto oficialmente después de la derrota de Arlong. Durante el Arco del Baratie traiciona y abandona a la banda, pero al final del Arco de Arlong se une oficialmente tras descubrirse sus verdaderas intenciones.