| - International Flight 221 was a commercial flight from Berlin to Los Angeles aboard a 747 passenger jet. Passengers aboard included photographer Martin Belkin, the assassin known as Mandy, Paul Coulander and Georgia Coulander. The plane had a capacity of at least 349 passengers, as well as 12 crew. The plane was separated into sections - 282 seats in coach class, 55 in the main deck (first class seating), and 12 in the world business class upper deck. When the plane took off on the day before the primary, it was at full capacity of passengers. ("Day 1: 1:00am-2:00am", "3:00am-4:00am", "4:00am-5:00am") Ira Gaines paid an employee at Flight 221's airline company to falsify records so that it appeared Belkin's seat was unoccupied. Mandy, whose seat was booked under the name Angela P. Elliott, boarded the plane and was seated next to him. Gaines hired Mandy to steal Belkin's identification so that Jonathan Matijevich, surgically altered to resemble Belkin, could gain access to a breakfast event at the Santa Clarita Power Plant and assassinate Senator David Palmer. ("Day 1: 12:00am-1:00am")