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| - Batman and Robin Vol 2 23.4: Killer Croc
- Batman and Robin Vol 2 23.4: Killer Croc
| - Es una noche lluviosa en Ciudad Gótica, y algunos de los mejores policías de SWAT son dirigidos por tres policías corruptos a través de las alcantarillas en busca de algo. Pero sin saberlo, mientras que ellos se adentran en mas en los tuneles, Killer Croc los acecha desde las sombras dispuestos a cazarlos.
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| - Batman and Robin Vol 2 23.3: Ra's al Ghul and the League of Assassins
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| - Joey Cavalieri
- Matt Idelson
- Mike Marts
- Kyle Andrukiewicz
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| - Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
* Auntie Flowers
* Officer Hoolihan
* Eddie Geisel
Other Characters:
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| - Joey Cavalieri
- Matt Idelson
- Mike Marts
- Kyle Andrukiewicz
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| - John Kalisz
- Patrick Gleason
- Mick Gray
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Executive Editor
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| - Twenty-six years ago, young Waylon Jones had refused to let his Auntie Flowers scrub the scales from his flesh. She warned that in their rough neighbourhood of Crown Point, the way he looked would make him a target, and he had better do the scrubbing himself, if he wouldn't let her do it.
These days, corrupt cops Detectives Boone, Greer, and Sanchez of the GCPD SWAT team, are trudging through the sewers looking for Jones, who is now the Killer Croc. Waylon feels that, like him, Gotham City is going through a period of - reverting to its a more primitive state. And that chaos means murdering the detectives is fair game.
Seventeen years ago, Waylon had joined a travelling circus outfit with Ed Geisel, appearing at music festivals and fighting a real crocodile as a shock-act for punks and grunge enthusiasts. That was where he earned his title as Killer Croc. Unfortunately, once he got out on the road, the $100 per show that he was promised became $40, and Ed was willing and eager to take advantage of Waylon's seemingly gentle demeanour, despite his appearance. This was a mistake on Ed's part, because Waylon was more than willing to bite the hand that fed him.
Three years ago, Waylon had his first encounter with Batman and Robin. He had been thwarted in a jewellery store robbery, and he was demoralized when Robin suggested that he was too dumb to pull off a job like that on his own, and should stick to being muscle instead.
Now, Boone and Greer - the only members of their team to survive Croc's attack, struggle to escape the maze of tunnels beneath the city. They are surprised when they encounter a group of street-people living down there, and beg for help. Unfortunately, the people are loyal to Croc, because he took them in and showed them how to live down there, and they break Greer's leg. Hurrying away, Boone is forced to leave Greer behind while he gets help. Unfortunately, the first door he opens contains the body of Hoolihan - a clean cop that he had killed just weeks before for threatening to rat he and his partners out to the brass, and dumped into the bay.
The day before, Boone, Greer, and Sanchez had received a note threatening that evidence against them had been found in the form of a key, and they would need to go to the sewer to get it - and bring money. Now, Jack Boone manages to find the key on Hoolihan's body, and gleefully announces his success to Greer, only to see her torn to pieces by the Killer Croc. Rather than attack Boone, Waylon plays on Boone's fear, and simply follows him through the tunnels as he runs for his life. Before long, Boone falls from a sudden ledge, and is impaled on some junk-metal below. As he lays dying, Boone realizes that it was Croc who sent them the note, and wonders why he had sent it. Rather than answer him, Waylon just crushes his skull.
Twenty-six years ago, Waylon had been bullied by the other kids in his neighbourhood, and he was depressed because he felt that maybe they wouldn't have if he could have brought himself to do as his aunt warned him to, and scrub off his skin. He had an unexpected friend in Officer Hoolihan, who had brought him ice-cream and explained that whatever Waylon looked like, he would be something - a king maybe.
With his old friend avenged, Waylon returns Hoolihan's body to his followers, and explains that while they had been told for all of their lives what they could not have and could not be, the people who had told them that were wrong. While the people above fight over territory in Gotham City, he would begin an empire underground - the largest territory in all of Gotham. His followers will be his eyes above ground, and he will be the deadly jaws beneath.
As the people cheer him, Waylon realizes that he was made to be a king.
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| - Batman and Robin Vol 2 23.4 Killer Croc Textless.jpg
| - You are my eyes, above the surface. And I am the deadly jaws beneath it!
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| - Es una noche lluviosa en Ciudad Gótica, y algunos de los mejores policías de SWAT son dirigidos por tres policías corruptos a través de las alcantarillas en busca de algo. Pero sin saberlo, mientras que ellos se adentran en mas en los tuneles, Killer Croc los acecha desde las sombras dispuestos a cazarlos. thumb|left|308pxCroc embosca al pelotón de policías y acaba con todo ellos,dejando solo con vida a los tres lideres. Mientras continua con su cacera Waylon recuerda su niñez cuando su tía antipática trataba de "ayudarlo" frotando su piel con piedra pómez para extraerle sus escamas. Tras varios años de sufrir por su condición, Croc finalmente consiguió trabajo en un circo, pero cuando el jefe del circo trato de estafarlo este literalmente mordió la mano de su amo. Luego de un par de años atrás regreso a Gótica, en donde se dedico a la delincuencia pero fue rápidamente detenido por Batman y Robin. De vuelta en el alcantarillado, solo quedan dos policías ya que el Capitán Jamie Sanchez fue devorado por la bestia. Los sobrevivientes logran encontrar un grupo de personas por uno de los túneles y les piden ayuda, pero estas personas trabajan para Croc, por lo que una niña le rompe la pierna a la mujer policía y les cortan las luces de los túneles. Los dos policías llegan hasta un camino cortado, por lo que la mujer debe quedarse atrás para que su compañero pueda saltar y buscar alguna forma de ayudarla a cruzar. Pero mientras registraba la escena encuentra el cadáver de un ex compañero, el cual estaba buscando. Finalmente se revela que los tres eran corruptos y que uno de sus compañeros llamado Eddie Geisel planeaba delatarlos, por lo que ellos lo asesinaron y lo arrojaron al río desde los muelles, donde los seguidores de Croc lograron recuperar el cuerpo. La razón por la cual los policías habían ido hasta el alcantarillado era porque habían recibido una nota diciéndoles que alguien tenia pruebas en su contra ,y que si las querían debían bajar hasta allí con dinero. Calculan que las pruebas podrían estar en la caja de seguridad de Eddie, ellos fueron hasta allí con la esperanza de conseguir la llave de su cadáver. De vuelta al presente, el Detective Jack Boone registras el cuerpo y encuentra la llave, pero al darse vuelta ve que detrás de su compañera esta Killer Croc, quien la mata en el acto. El detective comienza a correr por los túneles mientras Croc lo acecha, pero sin saber por donde ir termina cayendo desde una gran altura y termina quedando empalado en los resto de una construcción. Silenciosamente Croc se acerca hasta el policía y le pone fin a su vida. Finalmente Croc recuerda nuevamente su niñez, cuando todo el mundo se burlaba de él, a excepción del policía Eddie Geisel quien era su único amigo y la única persona amable con él. Una vez que todos los corruptos fueron asesinados Croc regresa con sus seguidores, y promete no volver a abandonarlos ya que ellos poseen el mayor territorio en toda la ciudad, los tuteles subterráneos, y él les promete llevarlos a la gloria. Todos sus seguidores comienzan a alabarlo, diciéndole "Rey Croc", y estas alabanzas suenan tan fuere que se puede escuchar desde la superficie. Categoría:Batman y Robin (Volumen 2) Categoría:Mes de los Villanos Categoría:Comic Categoría:The New 52 Categoría:Forever Evil
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