| - Pokémon (Perverse oder kranke einzellige Monster ohne Namen) sind Lebewesen, welche bis heute noch nicht richtig erforscht wurden. Sie wurden erstmals in Asien (Japan) gesichtet, als ein kleiner Junge (Takahaschi) ein Bisachu und ein Schicki kämpfen sah. Er entwickelte zu diesen Wesen zahlreiche Spiele, darunter Pokémon Feuergrün. Heute lebt Takahaschi auf Hawaii und geniesst sein Leben. __TOC__
- The English adaption of the series was licensed by 4Kids Entertainment, but in 2006 it was moved to the Pokémon Company.
- Pokémon (do inglês: Pocket Monsters — "monstros de bolso") é uma série de jogos para videogame criada pela Nintendo e muito popular no mundo; caso fosse uma empresa separada, "Pokémon" seria uma das dez mais vendidas no planeta. A série foi criada por Satoshi Tajiri e consiste no uso de criaturas fictícias chamadas pokémons, que possuem diversas habilidades e espécies. O Treinador Pokémon captura-as com pokébolas e pode usá-las em batalhas contra outros treinadores, pode criá-las ou inscrevê-las em concursos.
- Pokémon, abreviación de Pocket Monsters 「ポケットモンスター Poketto Monsutā?」 es una serie de anime basada en su mayoría en los videojuegos de la franquicia Pokémon. Fue creada en Japón por Satoshi Tajiri, Junichi Masuda y Ken Sugimori, siendo producida por los estudios Oriental Light and Magic y licenciada por The Pokémon Company desde 2006. Comenzó su andadura por la televisión japonesa en 1997 y todavía hoy sigue en emisión, contando con más de 960 episodios.
- Pokémon may refer to:
* The game Pokémon Go
* The creatures that can be captured in Pokémon Go, listed .
- thumb Pokémon es una franquicia de videojuegos creada por Satoshi Tajiri en 1995, que comenzó siendo de tipo RPG para las consolas de Nintendo. Su éxito fue tal que abarcó otros géneros de videojuegos y campos del entretenimiento tales como una serie de anime, manga y una gran variedad de artículos de colección, como cartas del TCG, muñecos, etc.
- Pokémon kan verwijzen naar:
* Pokémon (anime)
- thumb|right|290px|Podobizeň niektorých pokémonov Pokémon, známy aj ako pokéjmon, je najznámejší typ politického zvera, ktorý údajne pochádza z Japonska, ale nie je to overené. Podľa týchto zverov bol neskôr nakreslený aj rovnomenný animovaný seriál, ktorý napáchal vážne škody vo svete.
- thumb|352pxPokémon er en mediafranchise som eies av Nintendo.
- Die ersten Spiele (Pokémon Rot (Japan) und Pokémon Grün (Japan)) sind in Japan am 27. 02. 1996 erschienen. In den USA am 30.09.1998 und in Europa am 30.10.1999.
- Pokémon is a children's Japanese anime series, which has since been adapted for the North and South American, Australian and European television markets. it holds a TV-Y7-FV rating. It is based on the Pokémon video game series and is part of the Pokémon franchise.
- Es gibt sehr viele verschiedene Editionen der Pokémon, jede einzelne ausgefallener und abwechslungsreicher als der Vorgänger.
- Wikia zum Thema Pokémon. Kategorie:Inaktiv (+1000 Artikel) Kategorie:Anime und/oder Manga Kategorie:Sammelkartenspiele Kategorie:Computerspiele (Action) Kategorie:Filme
- Pokémon ist ein Anime und Manga. Pokémon (engl. Pocketmonster = Taschenmonster) sind Wesen, die in verschiedenen Regionen einer Fantasiewelt leben, gefangen und trainiert werden können. Bisher wurden 649 Arten in 8 Regionen von ihnen entdeckt.
- Ahora en mis últimos momentos de ocio y tiempo libre he decidido jugar Pokémon Crystal, aquí lo que he hecho hasta ahora:
- Pokémon é um anime baseado em uma série de jogos da Nintendo criada por Satoshi Tajiri. O anime conta as aventuras de Ash Ketchum um garoto que sonha em se tornar o maior mestre Pokémon.
- Pokémon is a video game franchise owned by Nintendo and developed by Gamefreak that made it's first release on the Game Boy and has turned into one of the most successful video-game media franchises by Nintendo. The series involves creatures of different types and elements fighting each other in a rock-paper-scissors-like fashion with the player trying to catch and train them. It became one of the world's most recognizable fads and it was popular enough to spawn an anime, toys, many movies, and a manga. It's the second largest selling video game franchise of all time, only surpassed by Mario Bros, another franchise owned by Nintendo.
- __INDEX__ Pokémon Image:Kratos_rendering_concept.jpg Originaltitel Sprache Land Jahr(e) Genre Format Idee Regie Titellied Musik Episoden Staffeln Produktion ausführende Produzenten Produzent(en) Produktions-Unternehmen Länge Ausstrahlung Premiere Premiere (DE) Bildformat Pokémon ist eine japanische Animeserie, die seit 1997 produziert wird. Die Erstausstrahlung in Japan war am 1. April 1997 bei TV Tokyo. Die deutsche Erstausstrahlung war am 1. September 1999 bei RTL II.
- Pokémon is a Japanese animated reality TV show where the host, Ash Ketchum is a gay kid that likes watching Gumball porn and advertizes animal merchandise and competes in cockfights for a living. It's based on a video game series. By the time the 7th generation is out, there will be over 1000 episodes.It has a knockoff called Chinpokomon, which means PINGAS Monster.
- Pokémon - z jęz. ang. - Pocket Monsters - kieszonkowe potwory. (jap. ポケットモンスター Poketto Monsutā). Pokémony - Fikcyjne stworzenia zapoczątkoawły w 1995 roku, kiedy to wyszły na GameBoy pocket.
- Pokémon es una franquicia, que originalmente comenzó como un videojuego, pero debido a su popularidad ha logrado expandirse a otros medios de entretenimiento como series de televisión, juegos de cartas, ropa, entre otros, convirtiéndose en una marca que es reconocida en el mercado mundial volviéndose muy polémica al igual.
- Pokémon - japoński serial animowany oparty na serii gier wideo rozgrywający się w fikcyjnym świecie z ponad 600 wymyślonymi stworkami nazywanymi Pokémonami. Jest emitowany nieprzerwanie od 1997 roku do dziś. Serial został podzielony na 15 sezonów i 4 duże serie. Opowiada o 10-letnim chłopcu imieniem Ash, stworku Pikachu i jego przyjaciołach, którzy razem podróżują po świecie poznając nowe Pokémony i trenerów.
- The Pokémon franchise has made references to the Godzilla franchise since it first began. __TOC__
- Pokémon are characters created and owned by The Pokémon Company. In Smosh, Pokémon characters appear in the POKEMON IN REAL LIFE! series and other videos. The Pokémon in Smosh are most commonly Smosh actors dressed up in Pokémon costumes. Multiple Smosh actors have acted as Pokémon characters, including Lee Eisenhower, Patrick Egan, and Noah Grossman. Kalel Cullen acted out the part of Jigglypuff, one of her few Smosh appearances.
- 200px|right|thumb|Logo-ul Pokémon Pokémon este o franciză media controlată de Nintendo şi creată de Satoshi Tajiri în anul 1996. Numele Pokémon este o abreviere a cuvintelor Pocket Monsters, ce în traducere înseamnă monştri de buzunar.
- Pokémon is a long running anime/game franchise with massive popularity worldwide. Gotta catch them all! Except they keep making new ones! Note: This verse is for joke profiles relating to the series. More serious profiles go here.
- thumb|right|Offizieles Pokemon Logo Die Pokémon (Pocket Monster) sind die Wesen, um die sich alles in den Spielen und in der TV-Serie Pokémon dreht und wurden von Satoshi Tajiri erfunden. Pokémon hat weltweit über 150 Millionen verkaufte Spiele und es gibt sogar Pokémon-Autos und ein Pokémon-Flugzeug.
- Pokémon (Pocket Monsters) are strange creatures that live in the forests and lakes.
- This article describes how Pokémon work in-game, including how individual Pokémon are defined and other general information relating to them.
- Pokémon (Abreviado de Pocket Monsters, ポケットモンスター Poketto Monsutā en japonés) es una serie de anime, que está basada en la serie de videojuegos de la franquicia Pokémon. Creada en Japón y adaptado para la televisión norteamericana, Pokémon es la serie más larga y completa de la televisión que se basó en los vídeojuegos y es parte de la franquicia.
- thumb| Pokémon (jap. ポケットモンスター Pocket Monsters) ist international erfolgreicher Anime. Er basiert auf einer Videospielreihe von Nintendo und richtet sich in Europa und Amerika an jüngere Kinder. In Japan jedoch, beschäftigen sich auch viele ältere Leute mit Pokémon.
- Les Pokémon [po.ke.mɔ̃] (ポケモン) sont des petits monstres vivant près de chez vous, dans vos égouts ou dans la forêt détruisant l'écosystème humain. Ils causent, par exemple, des incendies l'été, polluent les cours d'eau avec leur attaque "détritus" ou interfèrent avec les ondes radios à cause de leur attaque électrique. Il s'agit d'une nuisance à éradiquer au plus vite et pour cela il faut tous les attraper. « Les pokémons sont nos amis, maintenant attrapez les tous et forcez les à combattre entre eux !!! » ~ Sacha Guitry à propos de son rôle dans la série culte.
- Pokémon (manchmal auch Pokemon geschrieben) ist eine japanische Anime-Serie. Die Serie basiert auf einer Fantasy-Welt in der Monster von Spielern trainiert werden können. Diese Fantasy-Welt wurde unter anderem für Videospiele vermarktet.
- Chuck Norris caught Cubone's Mother with one single pokéball.
- Le Wiki Pokémon est un wiki traitant de l'univers des Pokémon. Nous vous invitons à contribuer à la réussite de ce wiki afin qu'il apporte aux contributeurs les informations recherchées.
- thumb|right|400px|Logotip oficial de Pokémon a occident.Pokémon (també abreviat PKMN, ポケットモンスター Poketto Monsutā en japonès) és una franquícia multimilionària de Videojocs de tipus RPG per a Game Boy, Nintendo DS, Nintendo 64, Nintendo GameCube, i Wii, creada per Satoshi Tajiri el 1996. El seu èxit va ser tal que va abastar altres camps de l'entreteniment com sèries d'Anime, una de Manga i una gran varietat d'articles de col·lecció, com cartes, ninots, etc...
- This is also known as Pocket Monsters. Like ma panis
- Los Pokemón, son las criaturas que debes atrapar como objetivo en Pokémon GO. Los Pokémon aparecen alrededor del mapa cuando caminas por la ciudad, dependiendo del nivel de entrenador es que podrás descubrir nuevos y cada vez más poderosos Pokémon. Los Pokémon que atrapes pueden ser mejorados, evolucionados y utilizados para retar Gimnasios rivales. Actualmente solo los Pokémon de la Primera Generación están disponibles en el juego.
- Pokémon destroyed Star Ocean in the Series Contest, giving us yet another opportunity to laugh at an incredulous Heroic Mario upset pick. Didn't do half-bad against Metroid either. Characters from the series who have made it into a Character Battle Contest include:
* Pikachu
* Mewtwo
* Nidoran F
* Mudkip
* Bidoof
* Lucario
* Charizard
* Pokemon Trainer Red
* Missingno
* Pokemon Trainer Blue
* Lugia
* Jigglypuff
* N
* Squirtle
* Magikarp Apparently Pokemon characters are L-Block's weakness.
- Pokémon is an anime created for OLM,Inc studios and licensed by 4Kids Entertainment. Ling-Ling is a spoof of Pikachu. In A Very Special Drawn Together Afterschool Special, several Pokémon characters have appeared in the shot where they were introduced to Xandir by Spanky, they are all wearing businessmen suit: Including Pikachu, himself, Jigglypuff, and some random parodied pokémons. They appear later in Jun-Jee's wedding with Toot in Freaks & Greeks.
- Pokémon is an animated anime television series in that started in Japan and later on was moved to America and is still around today. It is also a large series of video games released by Nintendo and various Pokémon movies have been released. The first few were released in theaters while others afterwards were released straight to DVD. Pokémon has also been referenced a few times on the Simpsons.
- thumb|225px|Logo Pokémonów thumb|225px|Nie no, to już przesada... 225px|thumb|right|Pokémony w prawdziwym życiu Pokémony - fikcyjne stwory wymyślone w Japonii, o których powstało mnóstwo gier, anime i innych pierdół. Z wyglądu są to jakieś dziwne mutanty jak np. żaba z kwiatkiem na głowie czy kamień z oczami. Stwory te żyją sobie w jakimś dziwnym świecie, gdzie trenerzy mogą je łapać do Pokéballi, a potem organizować spektakularne walki zwierząt. Ta gra wciągała i dzieci nie wychodziły z domu, więc powstało Pokemon Go. Teraz już tylko nie wracają do domu.
- Pokémon is media franchise that began life as a video game, and has expanded into cartoons, toys, and other merchandise.
- Pokémon is a Japanese creation enjoyed by kids and adults alike. Conservatives hate Pokémon, because it's a cool thing that young people like and most Conservatives are old. Pokémon isn't traditional and they can't control it. The website we've quoted? Well?
- In the Pokemon world, these monsters roam the world, similar to wild animals (regardless of what they are shaped like but they can either be similar in design to a Fraggle, Digimon, Moshi Monster, Alien, Transformer or any kind beyond the creatures that Pokemon can be shaped like), perferring to hide in tall grass, mountains, caves or bodies of water among other places. If they come across a human, they viciously attack. For this reason, the humans, referred to as "trainers" have developed a method of capturing Pokemon in handheld capsules called "Pokeballs," which allow the trainer to command the Pokemon to do his or her bidding, which includes defending the trainer from other pokemon.
- Die Pokémon sind eine, aus aktuell 719 Mitgliedern bestehende, Fabelwesen-artige Spezies, die hauptsächlich in der Pokémon-Serie, aber auch seit Super Smash Bros. in der Mario-Serie, auftreten. Pokémon werden in 18 Elemente eingeteilt, welche hauptsächlich deren Attacken, Fähigkeiten und Schwachpunkte beeinflussen. Pokémon leben in freier Wildbahn, werden allerdings von Pokémon-Trainern eingefangen, um sie als Haustiere zu halten, oder gegeneinander antreten zu lassen.
- Nintendo had to stop manufacturing the Japanese version of the Trading Card called "Koga's Ninja Trick" because it had a "manji", which is a traditionally Buddhist symbol that has no negative connotations. The Jewish civil rights group Anti-Defamation League, however complained because the manji was the reverse of a swastika, which Jewish people consider offensive. The cards were originally intented for sale in Japan only, but Pokémon's popularity led them to be imported to the US, with approval from Nintendo. The Anti-Defamation League understood that the issue symbol was not intented to be offensive and acknowledged the sensitivity that Nintendo showed when they removed the product.
- Pokémon is one of Nintendo's most famous video game franchises, having been created by Satoshi Tajiri, the president of the Game Freak Inc. Upon the release of Pokémon Red and Pokémon Green, the franchise became popular enough in Japan that Nintendo started to release it in other countries such as North America, Australia and those within Europe under the names of Pokémon Red and Pokémon Blue. Some time after, Nintendo expanded the franchise into an anime series and a trading card game. The series follows a concept of a Pokémon Trainer that goes across a land capturing and training different creatures known as Pokémon in order to defeat other Trainer's Pokémon and eventually (after defeating the Elite Four) become the Pokémon champion. The franchise originally had 151 Pokémon, but as of n
- The name Pokémon is the romanized contraction of the Japanese brand, "Pocket Monsters" (ポケットモンスター Poketto Monsutā?), as such contractions are very common in Japan. The term "Pokémon", in addition to referring to the Pokémon franchise itself, also collectively refers to the 493 fictional species that have made appearances in Pokémon media as of the recent release of the newest Pokémon role-playing games (RPGs) for the Nintendo DS, Pokémon Diamond and Pearl. Like the words deer and sheep, the singular and plural forms of the word "Pokémon" do not differ, nor does each individual species name; in short, it is grammatically correct to say both "one Pokémon" and "many Pokémon".
- Pokémon is a popular media franchise owned and originated by Japenese video game company, Nintendo. Following its first video game release, Pokémon soon became a hit and was soon featured in more games, anime, trading cards, toys, books, and other media. The 2011 line of the Pokémon toys included, Pikachu, Reshiram, Zekrom, Snivy, Tepig, Oshawott, Zorua, Zoroark. Additionally, random cards for the Pokémon card game are included in the line. The commercials promoting the 2012 line showed the characters from the Farm era alongside Pikachu.
- Pokémon is a role-playing video game franchise owned by Nintendo and mostly developed by Game Freak. It first released in 1995 as Pokémon Red and Green, and arriving worldwide as Pokémon Red and Blue. The games were critically acclaimed by critics, and the series soon had a large fanbase. The Pokémon franchise continues strong today with over 180 million sold copies, an anime adaptation, manga adaptations, toys, spinoffs, and a trading card game.
- Originally released in 1996 in the form of two video games, Pokémon Red and Pokémon Green, Pokémon has since gained worldwide media and attention, and become one of the leading trademarks of the Nintendo company in the form of the Electric Mouse Pokémon, Pikachu.
- Pokémon (pronounced Pocketmen or Pocketrash in PAL regions) are a species of five hundred and twenty-seven+ creatures (more or less) scattered around the Isle of Stupidity. They "star" in the Pokémon series. They are not to be confused with the entirely and in every way different Pokemon, which is a type of disease that can't be cured.
- Video Games Main Series:
* Pokémon Red and Blue(Also Red and Green, Yellow,Fire Red and Leaf Green)
* Pokémon Gold and Silver(Also Crystal, Heart Goldand Soul Silver)
* Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire(Also Emerald, Omega Ruby, and Alpha Sapphire)
* Pokémon Diamond and Pearl(Also Platinum)
* Pokémon Black and White
* Pokémon Black 2 and White 2
* Pokemon X and Y
* Pokémon Stadiumand Battle Revolution
* Pokémon Colosseumand XD: Gale of Darkness
* Pokémon Ranger
* Pokémon Mystery Dungeon
* Pokémon Pinball
* Pokémon Rumble
* Poke Park Wii
* Pokémon Snap
* Hey You Pikachu
* Pokémon Channel
* My Pokémon Ranch
* Pokémon Conquest
* Pokémon anime
* Pokémon films
* Pokémontrading card game
* Various Pokémonma
- The name Pokémon is the romanized contraction of the Japanese brand, (ポケットモンスター Poketto Monsutā), as such contractions are very common in Japan. The term "Pokémon", in addition to referring to the Pokémon franchise itself, also collectively refers to the 649 Pokémon species that have made appearances in Pokémon media as of the most recent Pokémon role-playing games (RPGs) for the Nintendo DS, Pokémon Black and White. Like the words deer and sheep, the singular and plural forms of the word "Pokémon" do not differ, nor does each individual species name; in short, it is grammatically correct to say both "one Pokémon" and "many Pokémon". Nintendo originally translated Poketto Monsutā literally, but a naming conflict with the Monster in My Pocket toy line caused Nintendo to rebrand the franchis
- Pokémon learn various moves, dependent on their type, which are used for battles. A Pokémon has HP (Hit or Health Points) and PP (Power Points). HP is the stamina of a Pokémon. Without health, the Pokémon can no longer fight, and faints. PP is similar to HP, but is used for attacks. If the PP of a move runs out, the Pokémon can't use that move again until healed or given a special item. If the PP of ALL of the attacks run out, the Pokémon can only use the move Struggle. To heal a Pokémon's HP and PP, its trainer must heal it at a Pokémon Center, or give it certain items, such as Ether, which restores 10 PP of a move, and Elixir, which restores 10 PP of all moves.
- The Pokémon card game which was started in 1999 is a card game based on the Pokémon game and anime series. The first set was simply called 'Base Set' but it soon grew into something more. The basic outline of the Pokémon cards (Not including energies and trainers, which have remained basically the same) from 'Base Set' to 'E-Expedition' was as follows. In the top left corner it showed a small picture of the previous stage if it had one. Then at the top to the right it would say what the card evolves from... For example; Stage 2 Evolves from Kadabra Put Alakazam on the stage 1 Pokemon
- Pokémon (ポケモン Pokemon?), abbreviated from the Japanese title of Pocket Monsters (ポケットモンスター Poketto Monsutā) and currently advertised in English as Pokémon: The Series, is a Japanese anime television series, which has been adapted for the international television markets. It is based on the Pokémon video game series and is a part of the Pokémon franchise.
- Pokémon (ポケモン, Pokemon), abbreviated from Pocket Monsters (ポケットモンスター, Poketto Monsutā), is a Japanese animated series, which has since been adapted for the North and South American, Australian and European television markets. It is based on the Pokémon video game series and is a significant part of the Pokémon franchise.
- Welcome to the Pokémon category in Novelas, the fiction wiki. To add a new story in this category, just [ edit this page], add a link to your story in [[double square brackets]], save the page, and follow the link. You can then start writing immediately!
- Pokémon is essentially the brainchild of a fat American watching popcorn. It's thought the idea for pokemon came about randomly in the form of a dove - that flew into the window of video game designer Mr Yagamuchi. Yagamuchi quickly turned on his window electricity and laughed stereotypically fanaticly at the cooked bird. Later collecting his fried bird he began playing "war" with the deceased bird's various limbs and using the feathers in a complicated way of calculating "damage".
- Pokémon is a media franchise published and owned by the video game company Nintendo and created by Satoshi Tajiri in 1996. Originally released as a pair of interlinkable Game Boy role-playing video games, Pokémon has since become one of the most successful and lucrative video game-based media franchises in the world. Pokémon properties have been merchandized into anime, manga, trading cards, toys, books, and other media. Adapted from the Wikipedia article on Pokémon.
- thumb|250px|Logo oficial de Pokémon en occidente. Pokémon (también abreviado PKMN; Pocket Monsters en japonés) es una franquicia de videojuegos que comenzó siendo de tipo RPG para las consolas de Nintendo creada por Satoshi Tajiri en 1995. Su éxito fue tal que abarcó otros géneros de videojuegos y campos del entretenimiento tales como una serie de anime, manga y una gran variedad de artículos de colección, como cartas del TCG, muñecos, etc.
- “Logré salir…” El entrenador Pokémon había pasado la semana entera en esas cavernas. Se había comido todo lo que había y había mantenido a sus Pokémon tan saludables como pudo… dadas las circunstancias. Y todo lo que podía ver era blanco. “Tengo qué seguir…” El joven entrenador continuó con su duelo mental, tratando de regresar incluso si sabía que no podía. El entrenador miró su cinturón, o al menos lo que podía ver a través del clima, y agarró una Pokéball. La bola contenía a su Pidgeot, que podía volar para sacarlo de ahí. Pero él sabía que no podía. “¡No puedo volar así!” “No puedo regresar. No.