| - El Dementia es un auto de la saga GTA que sólo aparece en GTA 2.
- - WIP -
- ...has crumbled.
- Dementia was the first section of the Village of the Doomed. It was where Alice first received her primary weapon, the Vorpal Blade.
- Das Herzogtum Dementia wird von der Bosmer Syl regiert. Unter ihren Anhängern ist Syl als Fürstin der Paranoia bekannt. Es sind Gerüchte im Umlauf, dass Syl eine Affäre mit Thadon Herzog von Mania hat. Syl regiert aus dem Haus von Dementia, in Sheogoraths Palast.
- Psionicist area-of-effect damage spell.
- The Dementia is a vehicle in Grand Theft Auto 2.
- Dementia is a nanny who was hired by Cousin Itt and Margaret to take care of their baby, What. Upon seeing her come in, Fester is immediately attracted to her, a sentiment which she likewise returns. The two are implied to be similar, most significantly in terms of their physical appearance. Later, during Gomez's toast at Pubert's party, the two are seen to be close together, happy and smiling at each other, when Gomez toasts "to new friends". Her name, she states "means insanity".
- Dementia on Looniesin jengiauto pelissä Grand Theft Auto 2. Dementia on erittäin hidas eikä näin ollen hyvä autovalinta,sillä parempia autoja on tarjolla lähes aina. Lisäksi Dementia on yksipaikkainen. Dementian esikuva on BMW Isetta. Luokka:GTA 2 ajoneuvot
- Dementia is a broad syndrome that can affect several cognitive functions, including memory, attention, and problem solving abilities. Some people who suffered from dementia spoke their native language again. (ENT: "Strange New World") The Vidiian phage could also cause hallucinatory dementia. (VOY: "Coda")
- Dementia [03:32] is the twelfth and final track on Nebular Spool's EP Exposery.
- Dementia – pojazd występujący w Grand Theft Auto 2, używany jako pojazd gangu Loonies. Tak jak ten gang, Dementia występuje tylko w Downtown. Samochód wzorowany jest na minisamochodach BMW Isetta. Dementia ma dość dobrą prędkość maksymalną, lecz trudno się ją prowadzi. Po jej zezłomowaniu gracz otrzyma niewidzialność.
- The light rained on Connor as he stared at the blinking orb. "Welcome home, Connor," the orb would always say. "There's something special about you, and we need you..." Then the demonic voice would always jump in. "END IT! END IT ALL!" it would scream, and a shadow, HIS shadow, would outstretch its hands and grab him, and that's when he'd always wake up. He was on board the expedition to the next galaxy, the Red Flower, they'd called it, still far from view. The space station was huge, and housed more than 50 people. More space than needed, but it didn't matter. He couldn't believe it.
- General mental enfeeblement. This causes characters to become prone to incoherent mumbling, paranoia, and fear. Each time the character takes any kind of psychological test (i.e., tests against Ld, Int, Cl, WP, or Fel), the GM should first impose a WP test. If this test is failed, the character does not take the psychological test, but suffers the following temporary effects:
* Amnesia
* All percentage characteristics drop to 10
* The character becomes subject to stupidity
* The character begins to babble incoherently and is unable to stop
- Dementia is the darker side of the Shivering Isles and is home to paranoid and dangerous psychopaths. It is located on the southern side of the Shivering Isles. In contrast with Mania, the landscape is drab and is a dark swamp. Its inhabitants are just as bad. Unlike the exuberant citizens of Mania, Dementia's citizens are miserable and eager to end their lives. Dementia shares a high ridge with Mania. The ridge rises as it runs east, and peaks southeast of Dunroot Burrow. An ancient pillar topped by a broken-armed bust marks the peak.
- Dementia (from the Latin for "without mind") describes any negative effect on brain function such as memory, attention, language and problem solving. A typical example is where a person is unable to recognize people or surroundings. It may be permanent or the patient may have periods of lucidity. In patients with severe dementia, they may not be able to recognize even things that are extremely familiar, such as their home, spouse or children.
- Depending on the person, the symptoms are different and happen more quickly, depending on the length of the exposure to a Marker signal or the psychological state of the subject. First the hallucinations consist of mostly from voices in the head or visual hallucinations such as people. Depending on the situation, the hallucinations maybe be calm or violent. On the Sprawl, the children were reported seeing their dead relatives as a result of the Site 12 Marker's signal. However, sometimes the subject is already mentally in a bad shape that they begin to immediately experience violent hallucinations (such as Nickolas Kuttner experiencing the death of his daughter again and again after touching a piece of the Marker 3A).
- Armor Other I Ure Cug Ioq Kah //// Armor Other II Ure Cug Ioq Kah Mux//// Armor Self I Hez Cug Ioq Kah//// Armor Self II Hez Cug Ioq Kah Mux//// Cure Other I Ure Cug Lux Kah Cure Other II Ure Cug Lux Kah Mux//// Cure Self I Hez Cug Lux Kah//// Cure Self II Hez Cug Lux Kah Mux//// Dexterity Other I Ure Cug Ioq Dez//// Dexterity Other II Ure Cug Ioq Dez Mux//// Dexterity Other III Ure Cug Ioq Dez Gaf//// Dexterity Self I Hez Cug Ioq Dez//// Dexterity Self II Hez Cug Ioq Dez Mux//// Dexterity Self III Hez Cug Ioq Dez Gaf//// Heal Other I Ure Cug Lux Aon//// Heal Other II Ure Cug Lux Aon Mux//// Heal Self I Hez Cug Lux Aon//// Heal Self II Hez Cug Lux Aon Mux//// Hero Other I Ure Cug Ioq Xyx//// Hero Other II Ure Cug Ioq Xyx Mux//// Hero Other III Ure Cug Ioq Xyx Gaf//// Hero Self I Hez Cug I
- Me despierto en un páramo desolado, de un cielo gris y apagado, tierra yerma y muerta, sin ningún rastro de vida, más que unos pastos secos. Me levanto y empiezo a caminar. No sé por qué, solo camino y camino a través de ese mundo desconocido. El sonido de miles de voces, acompañadas de una espeluznante pista, viene a mi cabeza. -Oye, despierta. -¿Mm? ¿M-Mamá? ¿Qué sucede? -Parece que tuviste una pesadilla. Estabas llorando y gritabas "basta, basta" cuando llegué. -¡Ja, ja, ja! Te dije que esos dibujos chinos que miras hasta tan tarde te están haciendo mal. -¡Mamá! ¿Dónde estas? Mira esto.