| - Classes
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- Multiple pre-made classes can be chosen from a list, or a custom class can be created. Players uncertain about which class to take may have the option to take a brief test, which allows an NPC to select a class for them based on their answers. This option was first seen in The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall and carried over to The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, with Baurus's recommendation during the tutorial. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, unlike all titles before it, eradicated the class-structure in favor of more open-ended character customization through the allocation of perks.
- A class refers to the occupation assumed by characters created within the games. The class chosen for the created character will influence the selection of equipment, the growth rate of statistics, and any possible abilities the character may learn or use.
- When creating a character, you'll first notice that there are no options for changing appearance. Once in the game, there are items (costumes, specifically) you will acquire that can change your appearance, such as hair styles, glasses, hats, armor and full-body costumes that can replace the appearance of your armor with something more desirable, even other armor types. See also: Statistics
- Class adjusts a character's attributes, skills and potential in combination with their race. Class also determines what weapons and armors a character will be equipped with. Elona+ also gives each class a unique feat.
- There are 10 classes in Gang Garrison. They are the Runner, Firebug, Rocketman, Overweight, Detonator, Healer, Constructor, Infiltrator, Rifleman, and Quote/Curly. Every character has a health bar, a weapon, and can move and jump.
- La classe définit le rôle du personnage au sein du groupe d'aventuriers et détermine ses pouvoirs. C'est le choix le plus important de la création de personnage.
- Back to Main Page Previous Character Creation Next Attributes
- Canonically, the Warrior, Sorcerer, and Rogue have been given the names of Aidan, Jazreth, and Moreina respectively. All three worked together to defeat Diablo, while it was Aidan specifically who plunged Diablo's soulstone into his forehead. The three heroes appeared in Diablo II under the monikers of the Dark Wanderer, the Summoner, and Blood Raven respectively.
- (no pic)
- We have several classes available for students enrolled in Lavaltrie Wizarding School. The following is a list of classes currently available at the school.
- Class statistics for Bard's Tale I Tales of the Unknown: References:
- The class system in Deicide Online is very unique, because instead of choosing your class in the beginning of the game, you become a class once you reach level 25.
- Dans Rohan, chaque classe est liée à une race, les Humains sont des Chevaliers, les Dhans des Assassins. Vous ne pouvez pas par exemple avoir un Dékan Guérisseur. Au niveau 50, vous avez la possibilité de faire évoluer votre classe parmi deux choix. Vous devez au préalable accomplir une quête spécifique.
- Human Soldier Human Civilian Blood Spectre Pale Spectre Plague Zombie Scavenger Zombie Ancient Skeleton Skeleton Guardian
- Adventurer Soldier Worker Dueler
- Classes are the general categories that characters fit into based on their abilities. Though there are others out there, the following are the most common in the Land of the Living. Actual ability and skills may vary depending on the individual. All classes fall under three focuses: Strength, Magic or Finesse.
- These classes are required by all students, regardless of year or house.
- Image:Necromanser.jpg (Was never developed)
- Huit classes sont prêtes à relever les défis de Taborea. Les braves guerriers, les habiles éclaireurs, les agiles voleurs, les magiciens avisés, les nobles chevaliers, les vénérables prêtres, les puissants druides et les mystérieuses sentinelles enquêtent sur les mythes et légendes de l'antique magie runique. Plus tard dans le jeu chaque personnage peut apprendre une deuxième classe.
- There are 4 different classes in CrazyBobs.
- There are three classes in Huxley, listed below:
- A Class, sometimes called a Job, is a specialization chosen by players when they create their Player Characters. Each class has its own advantages and disadvantages.
- There are approximately 4 types of playable classes in RF Online: Warrior, Ranger, Spiritualist, and Specialist. Most of them have unique abilities that distinguish them from the other class (such as ability to Revive and to build Guard Towers). ACCRETIA: Warrior Ranger Specialist BELLATO: Warrior Ranger Spiritualist Specialist CORA: Warrior Ranger Spiritualist Specialist - These characters can evolve into Summoners, which will grant the player the ability to summon an Animus.
- Classes. Everyone's gotta take them. Otherwise you're just a bum perusing the halls of Dwinelle and Evans, scribbling notes. And really, Berkeley has enough of those already. There are an excellent selection of courses, although it's up to you guys to decide how good the professors and the students really are.
- There are several distinct classes in the Knightfall game.
* Soldier
* Rogue
* Wizard
* Archer
* Healer
* Paladin (Knights only)
* Necromancer (Corsairs only)
* Pirate
* Elementalist
- Les classes sont une mécanique de jeu en développement.
- In Survival Crisis Z's Character Creation, the player has a choice of six classes plus a hidden "class":
- There are seven nine classes to choose from, each class has its own unique characteristics, advantages and dis-advantages. There are 2 upcoming classes: Black Wizzard and Half-Bagi. On this page you can view a brief introduction on each of the classes, click the large images for more in-depth information including skills, builds, PVP, etc... Reference:
- A class may be thought of as the blueprints to a building, schematics to a device, recipe to meals, or even cookie cutters to sugar cookies.
- Luna Online has a total of 60 classes that branch out from four base jobs(Fighter, Rogue, Mage, Majin Apprentice). Players select their class during character creation. Players can design hybrid characters. For example, a Mage who picks Priest can still become a Warlock, and retain all skills trained as a priest.
- There are 22 (twenty prior to 1.2.0) different playable classes in ADOM with a variety of abilities, skills, strengths, and weaknesses. This page lists all of the available classes with a brief description of their features. Some classes are noted as "Newbie Friendly", which indicates that this is a class that the community generally feels are, on balance, classes that tend to be easier for new players to learn the game on. This is with the disclaimer that while some classes may be relatively easy to play in general, some racial combinations may be particularly undesirable (eg. Beastfighters tend to be relatively easy classes, but Troll Beastfighters are quite challenging).
- Players choose their first job at character creation. Once level 50 is reached one of two advanced jobs may be chosen as well. Of major importance is that while advanced classes do not have many entirely new skills in most cases, by advancing to the higher class, some skills which could only be learned up to a certain level as a First class have additional levels.
- One of the most important key features in Frontlines: Fuel of War is the class-based system of picking load outs for play. Both the Western Coalition and the Red Star Alliance each have their own class load outs, but all weapons are roughly equivalent to their counterparts for game play balancing reasons.
- Classes are what you take at the Kinzville Academy. Also known as Attributes.
- A la création de votre personnage vous avez le choix entre 16 classes à incarner, chacune ayant ses sorts et ses rôles :
* L'Etendue de Crâ
* L'Ombre de Sram
* La Chopine de Pandawa
* La Pièce d'Ecaflip
* La Ruse du Roublard
* La Vapeur du Steamer
* Le Bouclier Féca
* Le Coeur d'Iop
* Le Fouet d'Osamodas
* Le Masque du Zobal
* Le Portail Eliotrope
* Le Sablier de Xélor
* Le Sang de Sacrieur
* Le Soulier de Sadida
* Les Doigts d'Enutrof
* Les Mains d'Eniripsa
- Bard Agent Pilgrim Rouge Spy-hunter Witchword Songwarter Horde
- The following is a list of classes in the Telepath RPG series:
- Not everyone can be everything. There are many different classes that one might find themselves in, classified by their element, or stats.
- Classes are what determine one's initial attribute allocations, starting Soul Level, and initial equipment in Demon's Souls. "Soul Level" is your "Experience Level". The higher your Soul Level, the more each stat point costs from the Maiden in Black. "Starting Soul Level" affects how expensive stat upgrades are right off the bat. At level 1, the Royalty has the lowest initial cost for stat upgrades, while the Thief and Barbarian have the highest, at 9.
- Battlefield Heroes is a class based shooter. Like all class-based shooters, it offers a selection of different controllable players. Each class offers different advantages and disadvantages. Battlefield Heroes differs from most other class-based shooters in that there is a strong RPG element as class choice is permanent. Rather than players being able to select a new class on respawn or on game end, the player continues to gain experience with their class or "hero" and unlock access to new abilities and weapons.
- Class declarations define new reference types and describe how they implement agents and components. Every class must implement either an Agent or Component or extend a class that implements an Agent or Component. A class that implements an agent is different from a class that implements a component. A class that implements a component describes its behavior, either by composing member components using connectors or by logic implemented in its methods, whereas a class that implements an agent makes use of connectors and channels to describe the behavior of a composite system where the agent composes components using connectors and communicates with other agents using channels.
- Everyone starts the game as a novice. This class has a level cap of 5, and is used mainly for tutorial purposes.
- There are five unique Classes available at the start of the game. Each class has 3 tiers of skills that are unlocked via use of Proficiency points. Towards endgame, players can unlock a fourth class (Advanced Class) by fulfilling the needed elements. As of the maintenance update on 6/7/16 there is now a second growth ring under (Advanced Classes)
- Classes represent the archetype of the character a player can roll in an RPG. Regnum Online has three classes, each with two subclasses, bringing the final count to six possible classes.
* Classes
* Archer
* Mage
* Warrior
* Subclasses
* Warlock
* Conjurer
* Marksman
* Hunter
* Barbarian
* Knight
- *Class feature unlocked through leveling/unlocking traits.
- Of the classes in Polaqu, all of the standard classes mentioned in the Player's Handbook exist. Many of these classes are associated with guilds or organizations. Also, some new base classes exist, as listed below.
- Perfect World Apresenta 5 Raças e 10 Classes para você escolher e jogar!:
- In Worms Clan Wars, they make larger explosions with any weapon, and huge death explosions that can be fatal to nearby Worms. Generally, they deal more damage. (Ex: 30 damage [standard 25] with a Shotgun.)
- The newbie is the class that you start as in tutorial fields. IF you choose to be a newbie, though it is suggested for first timers.
- There are plenty of learning opportunities in Tsukuba, from language classes, to sports and cultural classes. If you've got a bit of free time, perhaps you'd like to join one of these classes.
* Language Classes
* Language Teachers
* Art Classes
* Culture Classes
* Sports and Exercise Classes TSUKUBA WIKI PROJECT ( pages) home || empty pages || short pages || contact us
- There are 17 classes to choose from, and each class has a male and a female hero. However, only after 5, 8, 9 and 10 generations, will the Swordmage, Warden, Invoker and Avenger classes be unlocked respectively. The two sexes for a class differ in race and starting abilities. However, the class abilities, hit points per level, and primary ability remain the same.
- Squad Leader certifications are key in commanding the many soldiers that operate on Auraxis. For more, see the Squad Leader Page
- Image:Princess.gifPrincess Image:Little witch.gifLittle Witch "Red Stone® is a registered trademark of L&K Logic Korea in the United States and/or other countries. All related materials, logos, and images are copyright to © K2 Network. This site is in no way associated with or endorsed by K2 Network®."
- In Summon Night 5, There are various classes that can be unlocked by either leveling up or certain requirements in the game like completing a mission or upgrade your weapon's level.
- Here are the basic descriptions of the classes taught at Gallagher Academy.
- Currently as per the released information by the developing team there are 7 selectable classes which are divided amongst the 3 races. Much of the data about the classes is unknown and as result much of the following is speculation.
- An adventurer must be at least one of the following character classes. A human adventurer can only be one class, whereas non-humans can combine classes. A character with combined classes has more playing options, but advances more slowly in the professions because experience gets divided between the classes.
- Although you start of as either a Fighter (Uses melee), Mage (Uses magic) or Ranger (Uses long range weapons), you can train any profession at anytime, for example a Mage could start learning Fighter Skills ect. What you train, and what you spend points on when you level up, changes your title under you name. For example; Brainy (Spent points on intelligence) Newbie (Low level) Mage (Class you picked at the start). You could become at Muscular Mage, meaning you picked Mage but you mostly practice melee combat.
- A Class is an aspect of your Hero's personality in Fable and Fable TLC that, in the Hero's description, is preceded by their renown (familiarity status) and followed by their title. Your Hero's class is determined by your experience spending (levelling up) and method of combat (mastery of strength, skill or will). If you want to stay a certain class, keep using the same fighting style and try to avoid levelling up other stats.
- Em Wakfu, existem 16 classes de personagens para se escolher. Cada classe possui suas características e magias próprias. Cada classe possui 3 tipos de elementos em suas habilidades, podendo elas serem terra, água, fogo ar, e/ou stasis, sendo stasis exclusivo de Foggernaut.
- There are 4 classes to begin with: Archer, Warrior, Mage, Summoner. Each class has 2 choices at the first job change and 2 choices at the second job change so there are a total of 16 classes in the end. These 16 Classes are mostly extending versions of the 4 basic classes.
- Combat classes are the character classes that center around strength, endurance, and resistance. Stealth classes are the character classes that center around agility. Magic classes are the character classes that center around intelligence, wisdom, and disipline. Note: classes like spearman can be women as well. If you actually care, change the title to spearwoman on your character infobox. Note2: Stealth classes are stronger against combat classes. Combat classes are stronger against magic classes. Magic classes are stronger against stealth classes.
- One of the great features of Concerto Gate is the large amount of jobs/professions and classes you can choose from. There are 3 different classes of professions in Concerto Gate: Combat Classes, Production Classes, and Special Classes.
- Zephyrwind offers 12 distinct classes for a player to choose from upon character creation. Also keep in mind that not all races can aspire to be any player class.
- During the Hero Setup phase, after selecting a hero, players choose one Class deck matching their chosen hero’s archetype icon. Each archetype has different classes available, each one defining which skills are available to a hero of that class. When a player chooses a class for his hero, he takes the deck of cards for that class. This Class deck includes the starting equipment for the hero, as well as all of the skills associated with that class. A player may not select a hero class that does not match the archetype icon shown on the hero’s Hero sheet. Furthermore, a player may not select a class that has been chosen by another player. Any Class deck belonging to a class not chosen is returned to the game box. The currenlty avalable classes are as followed:
- Il y a seize classes confirmées actuellement sur Wakfu, basé sur les douze classes à l'origine trouvée dans Dofus et encore quatre ajoutés plus tard. Catégorie:Classes Catégorie:Navigation
- AQW includes many classes like warrior and mage. It also includes advanced classes like dragonslayer. Players can unlock these jobs , typically by completing a chain of quests. Each class currently has 5 skills and two passive skills. As a player uses a class more, he/she gets experience in that particular class. Each class has 10 ranks that can be reached by gaining class experience. Each rank (up to rank 5) unlocks a new skill (or at rank 4, 2 passive skills) for the player to use. Some classes also have passive skills unlocked at rank 10.
- A character's class is the character type he/she has chosen to use. Class choice is restricted by race choice, since not all races can be all classes. Skill Calculator by Class, Character level and Skill level - Ecatomb The "Perfect World Classes" below are the classes that are available to all players when creating a character.
- There are three playable classes in Remnants of Skystone: Aeronauts, Crags and Ferrics. Aeronauts have a jetpack and fire bursts of ether-infused steam from blaster cuffs. They do more damage the closer they are to enemies, or they can throw a continuous stream of steam at close range. Crags are faster and hardier, using an arm mounted whip to swing through areas and zip up heights. They can also cling to walls, but their action charge time is a lot slower than the Aeronaut. Ferrics are purely melee, and have the largest moveset, being able to back dash, double-jump, climb walls and dive attack, however their close ranged nature causes them to get hit a lot more.
- Em FFRPG, todo personagem pertence a uma Classe que determina suas habilidades básicas. Os Guerreiros possuem uma grande variedade de técnicas diferentes de luta. Os Experts utilizam sua ingenuidade para construir armas poderosas, compor melodias mortais ou misturar poções. Os Magos apresentam um poder natural com a magia. E os Adeptos lançam magias e lidam com espadas com a mesma habilidade.
- The Best Melee Fighter with Unrivalled Strength There are a total of 6 combat skills known as the "Authentic Six" which have been inherited among the Nevarethians. Among the Authentic Six, the "Warrior", "Blader" and "Wizard" skills were established before Nevareth Exodus, the Honorable Age. According to theory, at the time when Core Technology was at its peak, hundreds of groups were practicing and studying their own unique skills. However, the current skills were developed by the first generation of the 7 Sages, based on the Nevareth Exodus survivors' knowledge.
- There are a total of five different archetypes to play as in "Too Human". All of these archetypes play and handle differently. Each with its strengths, weaknesses, and special skills. The one you choose to play as determines your play style in Too Human. If you prefer to be the guy who dishes out all the damage, then you would choose to be a Berserker. If your vision of Baldur is the type of guy who uses nano-technology to heal others, then you would choose to play as a Bio-Engineer. If you want to be the guy who supports from the back and annihilates guys from afar, using mines and other tricks to escape when the enemy draws near then you would enjoy playing as a Commando. If you prefer to be the bulky character that can take the hits and withstand all kinds of mobs, then you would prefe
- Choosing your class is possibly the most important decision you will make in the game. There are 15 different classes in the game, Each is given by choosing 2 of the main 5 class types: Warrior - Master of blades and melee combat. Cleric - Gifted in the art of healing and divine light. Mage - Advanced in offensive magics, high damage potential. Archer - Trained with a bow, focuses on taking enemies out from distance. Thief - Master of the darkness and stealth, focuses on quick sharp strikes to the enemies' weak spots rather than rely on brute force. File:Class Table .jpg STR+2 DEX+8 CHR+2
- Adventurers are extraordinary people, driven by a thirst for excitement into a life that others would never dare lead. They are heroes, compelled to explore the dark places of the world and take on the challenges that lesser men and women can’t stand against. Basic classes—listed in the Classes table—are found in almost every D&D world and define most typical adventurers. Barbarian A fierce warrior of a primitive background who can enter a battle rage, d12, Strength and Constitution, light and medium armor, shields, simple and martial weapons
- BLOW - Physical impact. Punches, kicks. Also, compressed-air weapons. EDGE - Blades, Spears. Sharp pointies. ENRG - Energy. Lasers, Plasma, Beam-weapons. BLST - Ballistics. High-velocity projectiles. Machine-guns. Gauss. EXPL - Explosives. Rockets, Missiles, Grenades. SON - Sonics. Destructive low/high frequency vibrations. ELEC - Electric. Shocks, Lightning. CHEM - Chemical. Acids, Bases, Catalysts. Typically corrosive. EMR - Electromagnetic radiation. Magnetics, EM waves, radiation. BLND - Blinding. Assaults against the eyes. Flashes, Photon weapons FIRE - Fire. Napalm, Flamethrowers.
- Classes in Mortal Online will work rather different than in most other MMORPG’s. You don’t begin the game as a specific Class, although you may choose from different presets to get some help along the way to become one. Classes are managed by special Guilds in the game (meaning “traditional” labor- or profession-guilds like merchant-guilds, blacksmith-guilds, thief-guilds and so on) where you have to apply and get accepted to get the specific Class-title. (You may choose whether to show the title publically or not).
- A player's class shapes their entire life. It usually dictates what kind of weapons they use, how they make money, what kind of creatures they prefer to hunt, and many more things about them. You may decide which class you would like to join as soon as you create your character. There are few certain items you will need to join a specific class though. When you create your character you will first be a citizen and will later be able to choose to join one of three classes.
- WARRIORS The basic Warrior is a melee class is a tried and proven brawling class; adept in all weapons except backswords and bows. Warriors are simple; balanced characters that hold their own The Warrior's normal skills are: Dash where a warrior pushes an enemy monster or player.but if you push your opprent agesnt a wall it does X2 damage (very useful if timed right in pvp). Shield Block increses your chance of blocking a attack and making the damage decrease by half (always keep active at fixed it last for 60 seconds and gives 30% block). Warriors have five XP skills: Hybrid Warriors:>>> TROJANS
- There are 12 classes in Florensia, each with unique skills, stats and abilities. At level 40 you can do your job change, each class splits into one of two paths. Classes differenciate users by the weapons and equipment they can use, the stats they must raise and above all, the unique skills each class can use. Each class can be categorized in ways such as Melee combat or Distance combat or Support class. Below are all the classes currently available.
- The warrior boasts a powerful arsenal of offensive melee and defensive abilities. Warriors are capable of wielding two-handed greatswords and polearms or a one-handed weapon with a shield.
* Scout The scout specializes in a variety of long ranged and close combat skills. Supported by the Hide skill, they are able to harass their opponents in close-range combat with a variety of debuffs or assault their enemy from afar through the use of bows and guns.
* Sorcerer
* Fencer
* Cestus
- Nodiatis offers a wide range of classes, each unique in their own way. Each class confers a bonus to a particular skill set or in-game attribute, causing members of certain classes to tend to pursue specific builds (e.g. a Beastmaster dual-wielding whips). All skills that say "up to X%" are up to said percent with both Class Enhancement available at the beginning of the game, Class Specialization available after reaching level 20, and Secondary Specialization after reaching level 40. Some classes even allow the usage of class-specific gems. In addition to boosting the rate of active experience gains in certain Stats, all classes will also have a penalty in active experience gains in other Stats. Magic-based ("caster") classes tend to have relatively large bonuses to Magic and Recovery, but
- The classes in Archlord are divided among the races that inhabit Chantra, Classes are gender and race specific Humans: Humans are capable of choosing from the following three classes
* Knight- Male warrior class that wears heavy armor, can use multiple weapons such as two handed swords and halberds and various one handed weapons with a shield equipped.
* Mage- Female Offensive spell caster with low armor and high damage, attacks with magical weapons drain mana.
* Archer- Male ranged class using the bow or crossbow, more survivability than the mage but quite weak when in melee range. Moon Elves:
- Classes are special suits and abilities that your player can buy and wear. Different Classes have different abilities and looks. Able to deal massive damage in up-close combat,they are the most ideal class in dealing heavy damage in close combat. However, Warriors cannot use their spells from long-range unlike the Mages. To use their spells, they have to be up-close. Warrior attacks include:
* Decisive Strike
* Imbalancing Strike
* Prepared Strike
* On guard Roobie
* Diamond Kiss
* Blast strikes
* Mega Blade
* Shine
- As in most RPGs, a character's class is an indication of what that specific character is good at. In The Last Remnant, the class of a character is chosen by the game based on what that character does in battle. Classes usually give a bonus to one or more stats or skills, or in the case of higher rank classes, can even grant unique abilities. For a list of characters that start with each classes, see .
- Class(es) is what defines a creature's role and profession. There are four groups of classes: warrior, priest, mage and rogue. Classes in each group, with a few exceptions, follow the same basic rules and have access to similar high-level class ability pool. A creature's class affects nearly all aspects of the rules: the weapons and armor they may use, whether they may cast spells, and which spell books they use. The class also grants the creature special abilities, passive effects, defines which benefits they gain with level advances.
- The Adventurers of Alyria may choose to join up to four classes during their course of adventure. Classes are like professions to some extent, but it is also the qualities and race of the adventurer that determines what they will and can become. The are four categories and a total of fourteen classes, and adventurers may choose one from each category when they have meet the required experience.
- A new character in Mass Effect, Mass Effect 2, and Mass Effect 3 in can choose from six different classes, each of which may have one or two focuses in either combat, tech, and biotic talents. Each class has a corresponding class talent which improves abilities important to that class. Class also decides what weapons a character is proficient with; an untrained character cannot even aim (Mass Effect) or use (Mass Effect 2) a weapon. It also determines what armors they may wear, and what other talents they possess. See also: Talents __TOC__
- Each Hero Class is unlocked by completing an extra Quest-line from a specific Kingdom. You must complete the original Quest-line before the Hero Class Quest-line becomes available. At Class Level 10, the Hero counts as being from that Kingdom. Each Class starts at Level 1 and can be upgraded up to Level 20 by spending souls. Each Hero Class has 4 rewards to unlock by earning victories while you have the Class selected. (Note that the Hero doesn't actually need to be in your team for the victory to count toward these.)
- However, soldiers are able to equip different cards in their bags in Super Soldiers, allowing them to change classes upon each respawn. Most classes are available immediately to players but some versions may force players to win specific ones with this mode's reward system. It is also possible to upgrade your class with various enhancement system available within the new mode's lobby or the inventory. Thus giving them better stats overall and will likely improve their performance on the field. |-| Classes (1)= |-| Classes (2)= |-| Classes (3)= |-| Others=
- Choosing your character’s race and class is one of the most special and shaping events you will experience as you begin to play Lineage II. Your character will be what you identify with strongly, what other players see when they think of you, and it will decree much of your gaming experience. Most of all, your character is someone you will enjoy being and playing.
- When players first begin playing Elder Tale, they must select a class (メイン職業 mein shokugyou) (also translated as "occupation"). There are four groups of classes: Warrior, Weapon-based, Healer and Mage. These four types are similar to the Tank/Healer/Damage per second (DPS) roles commonly found in most MMORPGs. In Elder Tale, though, the DPS roles are split into two groups of base classes that differentiate between physical and magical damage.
- There are many classes to choose from in this game, as such it may seem a little over whelming at times, but that just means there are more options for you to choose from. Please note that all classes do not naturally get Techniques in either Phantasy Star, the techniques need to be bought as feats in the algol saga (Except Espers, Espers can choose a starting package), or be bought as a tech disc in the Ragol saga (except Forces who get Foi and Res naturally), or attached to a staff in the Guhral saga. Androids cannot take Techniques no matter the class, but they can use special abilities.
- Borderlands 2 redraws the playing field with a new set of character classes that players may select from. The original cast from Borderlands return in supporting roles. The Borderlands 2 classes are:
* Maya - The Siren, who can Phaselock her enemies in a stasis bubble to help control the field of battle.
* Cataclysm tree: Skills offering a wide range of damage types; Harmony tree: Defensive upgrades focusing on character health values. Defensive upgrades based around damage prevention. Motion tree: Upgrades to Phaselock for crowd control. Mixture of defensive and offensive abilities.
* Salvador - The Gunzerker, who can unleash a wild barrage of gunfire as he launches into a gun-waving battle frenzy.
* Brawn tree: Focuses on physical toughness; Gun Lust tree: Increases weapo