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- "Got it!" the sorcerer screamed. "Let´s run!"
- Pointing at the druid he said: "And you can use your spell to move faster. You will need only 5 minutes."
- Once upon a time, there have been a knight, a druid, a paladin and a sorcerer that survived the great battle upon the fields of glory. Some of them were wounded, some not. All were deadly tired. They had to escape from a hord of orcs, a whole tribe with more then 35 fighters. Late in the night, they came to a huge bridge, or at least the rest of a once mighty bridge. It was small and seemed to be not very save. The sorcerer screamed some loud and mighty words and for a second the bridge glew in a blue light.
- "What shall we do now?" asked the paladin "How can we all reach the other side before the evil orcs will get us? I have no arrow left and we can´t fight them! In which order we have to pass the bridge? Who should go first?" The druid started to grumbel: "Let me say k for knight, d for druid, s for sorcerer, p for paladin. hmmm.... and now let me thing:
- Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm."
- The riddle
- and hmmmm nonono.
- dk-d-dp-
- "Ok then, let´s go! Don´t waste time" shouted the knight and started to go. But then he stopped. "I can´t see anything. The bridge is dangerous. We will need your magic light wand to cross it. Without light we will fall down in the cold and deep water. So always someone has to return to bring back the wand of light to the others."