| - Backstory Horror is when something that seems harmless or is marketed as harmless has something horrible embedded in the Backstory. This backstory is Word of God - it's All There in the Manual in full horror for anyone who bothers to read. It's a fully intentional hidden well of Nightmare Fuel on the part of the creators, almost like a creepy Easter Egg for the fans. Unlike Fridge Horror, which is made up of the audience extrapolating horrible things from given evidence without any confirmation from the creators, in Backstory Horror the creators have said it themselves and the horror is an (at times neglected) part of Canon. Unlike Fridge Horror, this trope is not founded on implications or Fanon and doesn't require any extra thought to "get", all the horror is right there in black and white via Word of God. For example, let's say we have a story about fluffy bunnies, the story sets them out as being cute and cuddly good guys. If the author's Web site explicitly states that the reason there are no guinea pigs running round is that the bunnies rounded them up and murdered them as a form of "cleansing" - it's this trope. The creators came out and said it, and it's all out in the open for those who feel like reading; no extra thought is needed to figure it out. If, on the other hand, you read the bunny story and later realize (without Word of God saying so) that the bunnies killed all the guinea pigs, then it is Fridge Logic or Fridge Horror. The creators did not say this happened and the audience may have guessed wrong. It also required extra thought on the part of the audience to figure out. Backstory Horror can lead to Fridge Horror, but the two are not the same. Related to Mind Screw and Surprise Creepy. Compare and contrast Fridge Horror. Can lead to a Crap Saccharine World. Note: To be this trope, examples must be canon in some way. Fanon and dreams generally don't count! If it's implied but not confirmed canon by any source, it's Fridge Logic instead.