| - The Eggman Empire is a technology-based empire ruled by Dr. Eggman that seeks to lay claim to the entire planet. It has claimed parts of the world through the might of its Egg Army and Badnik Horde, as well as the advanced technology created by Eggman and his underlings. However, the empire faces continued opposition in the form of nations such as the Kingdom of Acorn, Avalon, and the United Federation, as well as in small groups of Freedom Fighters, the most notable being led by Sonic the Hedgehog.
- Das Eggman Empire ( エッグマン帝国 Egguman Teikoku), früher auch als Robotnik Empire bekannt, ist ein Zusamenschluss aus Dr. Eggmans Roboter und Wissenschalftlern. Das Imperium wird vom Diktator Dr. Eggman, ein böses Wissenschaftler-Genie mit einem IQ von 300, regiert.
- frame|Logo del Eggman EmpireEl Eggman Empire (エッグマン帝国 Egguman Teikoku?) también conocido como el Robotnik Empire, es un imperio de científicos y robots de la serie de Sonic the Hedgehog. Como su nombre lo indica, el líder de este imperio es el Dr. Eggman. Este a sido el mayor objetivo que el doctor a querido realizar después de conquistar el mundo. Para su desgracia, este imperio nunca a llegado a construirse debido a que sus planes para crearlo siempre son frustrados.
- The Eggman Empire, also sometimes called the "Empire of Eggman" and the "Robotnik Empire", is a totalitarian empire consisting of robots and scientists led by the mad genius Dr. Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik which it is named after, and it is a recurring antagonistic faction in Sonic the Hedgehog series. The Empire's headquarters change constantly in the video games, but in the cartoons (as depicted in a Sonic the Hedgehog episode "Sonic Boom") and comic books the imperial capital is called Robotropolis. For most cases, the Eggman Empire's structure is a technocratic one. In general, as far as the social order of each continuity's Eggmanland spans out, robots and scientists employed by Eggman are granted greater social status than that of other denizens.
- The Eggman Empire (エッグマン帝国 Egguman Teikoku?), also known as Robotnik Empire, is an empire of scientists and robots in the Sonic the Hedgehog series. The Eggman Empire, as its name shows, is led by Dr. Eggman. It is the doctor's ultimate goal to have the Eggman Empire encompass the entire Earth in his quest to achieve global dominance. So far, the Eggman Empire has never actually been seen or built, and merely refers to the territories Eggman has claimed and plans to claim.