- References:
* Your Resume's Audience, Cheers or Silence?
* Is Your Resume Telling the Wrong Story?
* The Anatomy of a Great Resume This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
- A rezoom (or résumé if you're an anal retentive jerk like those doofuses at Wikipedia) is a brief, organized list of calculated lies, embellishments, and misrepresentations written by desperate persons with the intention of securing employment at any place other than a fast food restaurant or a Supermarket™. It is typically written while currently already employed, and printed and copied on paper stolen from one’s current employer. Remember to write down that poop is very tasty or the boss will pee on you!
- Your land consists of a number of territories, each with its own characteristics and population. Most events and actions of the game will take place in a specific territory. In each territory you will be able to build facilities, some to allow you to produce resources, some of a military use, and others that serve as infrastructures to develop your economy/populations. All aspects of military warfare, including recruitment, orders, and combat will take place in a specific territory. In Land => Briefing you will find global information about your land, namely your total population, the stored gold of the Land, and the total number of territories. You will also find the more relevant news of what happened in the previous turn, such as gain and/or loss of territories, resources traded with ot
- OBJECTIVE: To entitle a learning enviornment that every student will achieve goals, maintain a positive attitude within the learing experience, and close the gap for the studetns who struggle Clarion University of Pennsylvania, Clarion PA College of Education and Human Sevices Bachelor of Science Degree in Education, May 2010 Major: Elementary Education/ Special Education Overall GPA:3.3 · Elementary Block Placement: Keystone Elementary; Knox, PA 4th grade elementary classroom Spring 2009 o Tutored students who required extra help o Assisted with classroom management, grading, and attendance
- A resume, or résumé, is generally a one-page summary of educational and professional background that can include awards, objectives, related experience, techinical training and fortitude, as well as hobbies and interests where relevant. Resumes are often accompanied by a cover letter which furhter details one's interest and unique qualifications for a position. Outside of the US, a resume is also known as a CV, though in the United States, a CV generally refers to a seperate document, required of academics and researchers.
| - A resume, or résumé, is generally a one-page summary of educational and professional background that can include awards, objectives, related experience, techinical training and fortitude, as well as hobbies and interests where relevant. Resumes are often accompanied by a cover letter which furhter details one's interest and unique qualifications for a position. Outside of the US, a resume is also known as a CV, though in the United States, a CV generally refers to a seperate document, required of academics and researchers. Resumes are not always required in the creative professionals; on some occaisons, a portfolio and artist's statement or bio will suffice. It is generally recommended to have copies of a scanable (or ASCII) résumé, a PDF résumé and a multimedia résumé, in addition to the traditional word document résumé, in order to be prepared for any type of requested format at a moment's notice.
- A rezoom (or résumé if you're an anal retentive jerk like those doofuses at Wikipedia) is a brief, organized list of calculated lies, embellishments, and misrepresentations written by desperate persons with the intention of securing employment at any place other than a fast food restaurant or a Supermarket™. It is typically written while currently already employed, and printed and copied on paper stolen from one’s current employer. Remember to write down that poop is very tasty or the boss will pee on you! The contents of a resume varies, depending on how gullible one thinks one’s prospective new employer is. Once completed, the resume is usually submitted either to one potential new employer at a time along with a separate introductory fraudulent document known as a cover letter; or, alternatively, they are posted on specialized internet sites such as monster.com, where criminals, lunatics and otherwise deranged individuals, can access the resume and harass the author with email about home business ripoffs. Resumes are rarely used by actual businesses as the basis for hiring; most such decisions are based on more solid criteria such as nepotism, race or religious prejudice, or random sexual encounters. Most resumes are used solely by Human Resources departments in companies to justify their existence (and their huge budgets) for receiving, sorting, storing, ignoring and shredding resumes. The terms "resume" and "CV" are sometimes differentiated. "CV" is an abbreviation for complete version, with a CV typically containing an unabridged listing of the candidate's retrenchments/work history, and a full list of all articles written by authors who happen to have the same surname and initials. Occasionally "CV" is explained as being curriculum vitae, but that is merely a backronym.
- OBJECTIVE: To entitle a learning enviornment that every student will achieve goals, maintain a positive attitude within the learing experience, and close the gap for the studetns who struggle Clarion University of Pennsylvania, Clarion PA College of Education and Human Sevices Bachelor of Science Degree in Education, May 2010 Major: Elementary Education/ Special Education Overall GPA:3.3 · Elementary Block Placement: Keystone Elementary; Knox, PA 4th grade elementary classroom Spring 2009 o Tutored students who required extra help o Assisted with classroom management, grading, and attendance o Designed, planned and implemented an integrated unit plan based on the novel The Bread Sisters of Sinking Creek -Dean's List, three semeste Alpha Sigma Tau Sorority(2008-PRESENT) -Risk management executive position(2009) Special Olympics: Co-chair of volunteers( 2008-2009) Relay for Life Team Captain(2009) Challenger Baseball(2003-2007) Shaler Area Activities for the Handicapped(2003-2005) Fashion Bug Sales Associate (summer 2005-Present) o Responsible for customer satsifaction o Responsible for visual appearance of the store, freight, and cashiering Shaler Area School Distrtict Swimming Aide Instructor(2001-2005) o Responsible e safety of all students’ in the pool o Maintaining proper skills to the students o Aid in the instructor’s lesson REFERENCES � ________________________________________________________ References are distributed based upon request
- References:
* Your Resume's Audience, Cheers or Silence?
* Is Your Resume Telling the Wrong Story?
* The Anatomy of a Great Resume This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
- Your land consists of a number of territories, each with its own characteristics and population. Most events and actions of the game will take place in a specific territory. In each territory you will be able to build facilities, some to allow you to produce resources, some of a military use, and others that serve as infrastructures to develop your economy/populations. All aspects of military warfare, including recruitment, orders, and combat will take place in a specific territory. In Land => Briefing you will find global information about your land, namely your total population, the stored gold of the Land, and the total number of territories. You will also find the more relevant news of what happened in the previous turn, such as gain and/or loss of territories, resources traded with other lands and field battle that took place.