Shazam! is an American Superhero Action Drama Television Series, based off of the DC Superhero Captain Marvel, and debuted on November 20, 2015, airing on the CW Television Network. It is a Spin-Off of CW's two DC series, The Flash and Arrow, existing in the same fictional universe as the two. The series follows Billy Batson (portrayed by Dylan Sprayberry), an orphaned 14 year old, after he is granted god-like powers, becoming the superhero, Captain Marvel, when he speaks the magic word "Shazam".
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| - Shazam! is an American Superhero Action Drama Television Series, based off of the DC Superhero Captain Marvel, and debuted on November 20, 2015, airing on the CW Television Network. It is a Spin-Off of CW's two DC series, The Flash and Arrow, existing in the same fictional universe as the two. The series follows Billy Batson (portrayed by Dylan Sprayberry), an orphaned 14 year old, after he is granted god-like powers, becoming the superhero, Captain Marvel, when he speaks the magic word "Shazam".
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| - Shazam! is an American Superhero Action Drama Television Series, based off of the DC Superhero Captain Marvel, and debuted on November 20, 2015, airing on the CW Television Network. It is a Spin-Off of CW's two DC series, The Flash and Arrow, existing in the same fictional universe as the two. The series follows Billy Batson (portrayed by Dylan Sprayberry), an orphaned 14 year old, after he is granted god-like powers, becoming the superhero, Captain Marvel, when he speaks the magic word "Shazam". The positive reception Sprayberry received in the series' two backdoor pilots on the second season of The Flash led to the choice of a full budget pilot. The series would later have a cross-over episode with The Flash, and later had a cross-over with Arrow.