| - Prism Ace (プリズムA(エース) Purizumu Ēsu) is an UltramanImage:Icon-crosswiki.png-like hero who is the final enemy faced by the Akibarangers in Season Two. He first appears during their final confrontation against ©Na and helps them defeat her. However, it is later revealed that he is the main hero of Unofficial Giant Prism Ace (非公認巨神プリズムA(エース) Hikōnin Kyojin Purizumu Ēsu), a show created by Toei's rival company Chigauyo Productions (チガウヨープロダクション Chigauyō Purodakushon) who made use of a spy to have Saburo Hatte relinquish the Super Sentai timeslot to their new series, with Hakase transformed as the main hero's little sister who empowers him with a crystal on her forehead. Assisted by Saburo and ©Na, the Akibarangers confront Prism Ace by enlarging Super Akiba Red. In a disadvantage at first, Nobuo makes a comeback when he changes sides with Prism Ace, and reminding him that in all tokusatsu productions, the heroes usually unleash their finishing moves from the right side of the screen, he defeats him, returning the Super Sentai Series to normal.