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- Abraxas fue un togruta sensible a la fuerza que nació en el año 130 ACL (23 ABY) en Xanarix.
- Virus.DOS.Abraxas, also known as Abraxas-5, is a dangerous file overwriting virus on DOS. There are 7 variants in 3 versions, represented by the following:
* Virus.DOS.Abraxas.1170
* Virus.DOS.Abraxas.1214
* Virus.DOS.Abraxas.1881 There are additional 2 variants which also belong to this family.
- Abraxas is a demon of the astral plane that succeeded in stealing the Book of Shadows from the attic, becoming the first evil being to do so. Abraxas never took the Book out of the Manor he just took it to the Astral Plane lying beyond the physical plane while in the Manor.
- The word Abraxas was engraved on certain antique stones, called on that account Abraxas stones, which were used as amulets or charms. The name is found in the Greek Magical Papyri, and the word may be related to the word abracadabra, although other explanations exist. The name is also found in Gnostic texts such as the Gospel of the Egyptians. Abraxas has also been variously claimed throughout the centuries to be an Egyptian god, a demon and to represent God and Satan in one entity and the dual nature of its essence. Abraxas was an angel who belonged to the order of thrones as Abraxiel, he was responsible for teaching spells, charms and witchcraft to primordial humans on Mount Hermon, where his teachings across generations, In hell he commands the Sabbath of witches.
- Abraxas was a planet in the Abraxas system situated within the Yushan sector of the Mid Rim Territories. Abraxas was ran dry of its rich natural resources by overwhelming mining, and became a base for the Eiattu pirates. Soon after the Battle of Endor, the New Republic discovered and threw the pirates out.
- Abraxas, formerly Jalen, was an Alpha-class ISO that evolved into a computer virus and attacked the Tron system in 1989. He is the main antagonist of Tron: Evolution. Abraxas' features are tall and thin, almost sickly in appearance, and his circuitry is yellow, with more of a "cracked" design to his circuits than traditional program circuitry. He wears a hood and a long black cloak over his right shoulder, all outlined with circuits. His primary weapon is his identity disc, and he also possesses a virulent plague touch.
- Notes
* Immune to Dark-based sleep.
- Abraxas is an uncommon emblem. It can also be transferred to other characters through the vault.
- Abraxas is a cosmic-entity in the Marvel universe who was released when Galactus seemingly died in the Galactus mini-series, whose main opponents were the Fantastic Four as well as a number of cosmic-heroes/beings from across the Marvel universe - although due to the vast nature of his power it could be argued Abraxas has the honor of being the opponent of practically every being in Marvel - hero and villain alike.
- Abraxas était un démon qui résidait dans le Plan Astral. Il était connu pour voler les pouvoirs des bonnes sorcières en diabolisant la source de leur pouvoir. Il a réussi à voler le Livre des Ombres se trouvant dans le grenier du manoir et l'a utilisé pour inverser les formules magiques récitées par les soeurs Halliwell provoquant le retour de certains de leurs ennemis vaincus.
- Abraxas, formerly Jalen, was an Alpha-class ISO that evolved into a computer virus and attacked the Tron system in 1989. He is the main antagonist of TRON: Evolution. Abraxas' features are tall and thin, almost sickly in appearance, and his circuitry is yellow, with more of a "cracked" design to his circuits than traditional program circuitry. He wears a hood and a long black cloak over his right shoulder, all outlined with circuits. His primary weapon is his identity disc, and he also possesses a virulent plague touch.
- Abraxas (pronounced a-BRAHK-zuhs) is called the master of the Final Incantation, demon lord of magic and forbidden lore; he is said to know countless magical formulas, spells and secrets.
- Een Abraxas is een gevleugeld paardenras. Ze zijn gigantisch en zeer krachtig. Madame Olympe Mallemour, Schoolhoofd van Beauxbatons, fokt hen, en gebruikte ze om haar rijtuig te trekken in 1994. Haar paarden drink alleen single malt whisky en vereisen krachtige handeling, het is onbekend of dit geldt voor het hele ras. In 1997, na de dood van Albus Perkamentus, vlogen de Abraxas terug naar Zweinstein met hun poeder blauwe rijtuig waarin Olyme Mallemour zat om de begrafenis van Perkamentus bij te wonen.
- Een Abraxas is een gevleugeld paardenras. Ze zijn gigantisch en zeer krachtig. Madame Olympe Mallemour, Schoolhoofd van Beauxbatons, fokt hen, en gebruikte ze om haar rijtuig te trekken in 1994. Haar paarden drink alleen single malt whisky en vereisen krachtige handeling, het is onbekend of dit geldt voor het hele ras. In 1997, na de dood van Albus Perkamentus, vlogen de Abraxas terug naar Zweinstein met hun poeder blauwe rijtuig waarin Olyme Mallemour zat om de begrafenis van Perkamentus bij te wonen.
- In the year 2381, a protest against the divide of the Romulan people was held on a planet in the Abraxas system. (ST - Typhon Pact novel: Rough Beasts of Empire)
- Abraxas to demon, który znajduje się głównie na planie astralnym. Potężny wróg, zazwyczaj wykorzystuje magię czarownic do ich unicestwienia. Wykradł siostrom Halliwell Księgę Cieni, a następnie, czytając zaklęcia wspak, cofał ich efekty. W ten sposób dążył do odebrania im mocy WYSTĄPIŁ: Pojawił się on w 1 odcinku 2 sezonu S02E01
- [Source] La planète Abraxas est une planète du système Abraxas, connu pour sa richesse en minéraux. Les vaisseaux de transport et les raffineries orbitales de la planète sont tombées en désuétude, au lendemain de la fermeture des mines, et quand les débris issus de l'exploitation minière se sont étendus à l'ensemble du système, rendant tout voyage spatial presque impossible.
- Prawdziwe imię i nazwisko: Abraxas Inne pseudonimy: The Dark Man Aktualny status: Nieznany Uniwersum: 616 Klasa: Istota kosmiczna Narodowość: Nie dotyczy Debiut: Fantastic Four Annual 2001 [2001] Powiązania z grupami: Brak
- Abraxas managed to steal the Book of Shadows from the manor by pulling it into the Astral Plane. He then started reading it backwards, reversing the spells the Charmed Ones had cast and resurrecting their old foes. His goal was to reverse all spells in the book, ending with the "Dominus Trinus" spell that had granted the sisters their powers. Abraxas managed to resurrect the Woogyman, Jeremy Burns, and Nicholas before the sisters used the energy of the equinox to recall the Book of Shadows by reciting the Dominus Trinus. Abraxas was then summoned from the Astral Plane and vanquished.
- Talking raven. Hatched in Valhall a long time ago. Brother of Hugin and Munin, the two ravens belonging to the Norse chief god Odin. Birdnapped by some imps on his first flight away from the nest, and brought to the kitchen of Hell to be cooked. The word "grilled chicken" is still a curse word to him. Saved by Malefica, who hypnotized the chef to bring her the bird alive. Has been her friend and companion ever since. Is always in a chipper mood, and trying to chin up his friends when they are down. Extremely loyal to his friends.
- Tier: Unknown. He only demonstrated level 2-B in practice, but Multi-Eternity asked for help against him, which may place him considerably higher. Name: Abraxas Gender: Male Age: At least billions of years old (older than the current Universe) Classification: Super-dimensional being Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Reality Warping. At his strongest, he destroyed universes with just his mere presence. Lifting Strength: Likely Immeasurable Striking Strength: Unknown. At least Multiversal Class Durability: Unknown. At least Multiverse level Stamina: High
- right En la mitología persa, el dios Abraxas era un mediador entre el bien y el mal, entre Ahuramazda y Ahriman. En la Demología varios escolares lo llaman también Abracax, y en sus escritos definen a este demonio como una idea para explicar la dualidad entre bien y el mal, conceptos opuestos que existen para dar un balance a este pensamiento.
- Abraxas was a word of mystic meaning in the system of the Gnostic Basilides. This is the second Denizen that appears in Gnostic texts (the first being Yaldabaoth). Opinions abound on Abraxas, who in recent centuries has been claimed to be both an Egyptian god and a demon. The Swiss Psychologist Carl Jung wrote a short Gnostic treatise called "The Seven Sermons to the Dead", which called Abraxas a God higher than the Christian God and Devil, that combines all opposites into one Being. This is a concept highly relevant to the Cherub race, and may hint at a connection between the denizen and Calliope, Caliborn, and [[Lord English|LFile:EnglishO.gifrd English]]. It is noteworthy to mention that Calliope told Jake that he would show English his first defeat, and that Caliborn desires to face Ja
- In Gnosticism, Abrasax, or Abraxas, is an Aeon, a divine being residing in the Pleroma. In a great majority of instances the name Abrasax is associated with a singular composite figure, having a Chimera-like appearance somewhat resembling a basilisk or the Greek primordial god Chronos (not to be confused with the Greek titan Cronus). According to E. A. Wallis Budge, "as a Pantheus, i.e. All-God, he appears on the amulets with the head of a cock (Phœbus) or of a lion (Ra or Mithras), the body of a man, and his legs are serpents which terminate in scorpions, types of the Agathodaimon. In his right hand he grasps a club, or a flail, and in his left is a round or oval shield." This form was also referred to as the Anguipede. Budge surmised that Abrasax was "a form of the Adam Kadmon of the Kab