| - Samantha Carter is an astrophysicist, engineer and pilot who has been the operational leader of the Atlantis Expedition for one year, after playing a key role in bringing the stargate program into existence. Considered Earth's leading expert on the stargate and a host of other alien technology, Jack O'Neill once emphatically proclaimed her brain to be a national resource.
- Brig. Gen./Dr. Samantha Carter, Ph.D is an astrophysicist, engineer and pilot who served as second-in-command, and later leader, of SG-1 as well as commander of the Atlantis Expedition. Prior to joining the team, she was instrumental in assisting Daniel Jackson in bringing the Stargate Program into existence, and quickly accepted a post at Stargate Command to explore alien worlds across the galaxy. Considered Earth's leading expert on the Stargate and a host of other alien technology, her husband Jack O'Neill once emphatically proclaimed her brain to be a national resource. Since 2009 she has served as the commanding officer of the DSC-304 George Hammond.
- Samantha Carter was a noted Human female Starfleet Marine that also was a well noted quantum astrophysicist, weapons and technical engineer and starfighter pilot and is the head of both of the Federation's interspace transit systems Project Antares and the Iconian Gateway. Samantha is currently the CO of the Daedalus class battlecruiser the USS George Hammond.
- Samantha Carter es una astrofísica, ingeniera y piloto además de que fue la jefe de operaciones de la expedición Atlantis por un año, después de jugar un papel clave en llevar el programa Stargate como miembro del SG-1. Es considerada como la principal experta de la Tierra en el Stargate y en tecnología alienígena. Deecho, Jack O'Neill, dijo una vez que el cerebro de Carter deberia ser reconocido como recurso nacional. En 2009, Carter se hizo comandante de la nave de la clase Dédalo, George Hammond que originalmente era llamado Fénix, pero cambió su nombre en honor al ex jefe del Programa Stargate, George S. Hammond, que murió en 2009 después de sufrir un ataque cardíaco.
- Samantha Carter is an astrophysicist, engineer and pilot as well as a member of the United States Air Force who played a key role in establishing the Stargate Program before being assigned to the SGC's flagship team, SG-1 where she was the second-in-command for eight years before becoming the commanding officer of SG-1 for a year. Considered Earth's leading expert on the Stargate and a host of other alien technology, her former commanding officer, Jack O'Neill once emphatically proclaimed her brain to be a national resource.
- Dr. Samantha Carter, Ph.D is a human astrophysicist, engineer, and soldier who served as second-in-command, and later leader, of SG-1. Prior to joining the team, she was instrumental in assisting Daniel Jackson in bringing the Stargate Program into existence, and quickly accepted a post at the International Stargate Command to explore alien worlds across the galaxy. Considered Earth's leading expert on the stargate and a host of other technologies, her husband Jack O'Neill once emphatically proclaimed her brain to be a natural resource. After the Fall of Earth, she left her duties as an SG team member, and has served as captain of the MBP-305 Jupiter and commander of the human starfleet ever since.
- Captain Samantha Carter made her first appearance in "Children of the Gods", the pilot episode of Stargate SG-1, as a United States Air Force captain who joined the fictional SG-1 team under the command of Colonel Jack O'Neill. After being promoted to major in season 3, Carter remained O'Neill's second-in-command until her promotion to lieutenant-colonel early in season 8, at which point she assumed command of the SG-1 team and O'Neill was promoted to brigadier-general in order to lead Stargate Command. Between seasons 8 and 9 of SG-1, following the defeat of the Replicators and downfall of the Goa'uld system lords she accepted a position as Head of the Stargate Research and Development programme, based in Nevada. At the time of the emergence of the Ori she was engaged in deep-space resear
- Samantha "Sam" Carter är en kvinnlig Tau'ri och är en astrofysiker, ingenjör och pilot som var operativ ledare för Atlantis Expeditionen i ett år, efter att ha spelat en viktig roll för att föra Stargate programmet till existens som en medlem av SG-1. Anses vara Jorden ledande expert på Stargate och en mängd andra utomjordisk teknologi, Jonathan J. O'Neill en gång med eftertryck proklamerade hennes hjärna att vara en nationell resurs.
- Samantha Carter is a Sexiful character played by celebrated religious leader Amanda Tapping and is a popular and blonde character in the television series Stargate. The character of Carter is based on the communal hive-mother of the show's writers and has latterly begun to reflect much of the real life reality of Tapping herself.