The IKS Maht-H'a was a Vor'cha-class heavy warship that saw service with the Klingon Empire during the 24th century. In 2369, the Maht-H'a was under the command of Captain Nu'Daq and was part of the hunt to solve a four billion year old genetically encoded message. (TNG: "The Chase")
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- IKS Maht-H'a
- IKS Maht-H'a
- IKS Maht-H'a
| - De IKS Maht-H'a was een Klingon Vor'cha-klasse aanvalskruiser onder het commando van kapitein Nu'Daq en was in dienst tijdens de 24e eeuw. In 2369 verzamelde de Maht-H'a DNA monsters om een 4 miljard jaar oud programma van de oude humanoïden te ontcijferen. Het schip was verantwoordelijk voor de uitroeiing van al het leven op de planeet Indri VIII. Dit deden ze omdat ze niet wilden dat iemand anders de monsters in handen zou krijgen. Later kwam het schip samen met de USS Enterprise-D en twee Cardassian Galor-klasse oorlogschepen bij de planeet Loren III. De Maht-H'a raakte lichtbeschadigd tijdens een aanval van de Cardassians, waardoor het schip de Enterprise niet kon volgen naar Vilmor II. (TNG: "The Chase")
- Die IKS Maht-H'a ist ein Kreuzer der Vor'cha-Klasse. Sie steht unter dem Befehl von Nu'Daq, als sie im Jahr 2369 den Auftrag erhält, eine Botschaft zu untersuchen, welche die Wissenschaftler der Föderation in der menschlichen DNA gefunden haben. Diese Botschaft führt letztlich zur Entdeckung einer Spezies, welche als Urhumanoide bekannt wird, von welchen die meisten humanoiden Spezies abstammen, darunter auch die Cardassianer und Romulaner. (TNG: )
- Nave al mando del Capitán Nu'Daq, quien se vió envuelto junto con el Capitán Jean-Luc Picard y la Comandante Cardassiana Gul Ocett en una carrera frenética para descifrar el llamado "Acertijo de Galen" en el año 2369.
- The IKS Maht-H'a was a Vor'cha-class heavy warship that saw service with the Klingon Empire during the 24th century. In 2369, the Maht-H'a was under the command of Captain Nu'Daq and was part of the hunt to solve a four billion year old genetically encoded message. (TNG: "The Chase")
- In 2369, under the command of Nu'Daq, the Maht-H'a was collecting DNA samples to decipher a four-billion-year-old genetic program left by the ancient humanoids. The ship was responsible for the eradication of all life on Indri VIII, to prevent any other parties from collecting samples, and later met the USS Enterprise-D and two Galor-class Cardassian warships at Loren III. The Maht-H'a was slightly damaged by a Cardassian attack despite advance warning, and so was unable to follow the Enterprise to Vilmor II for the final piece of the program. (TNG episode: "The Chase")
- The IKS Maht-H'a was a Klingon Vor'cha-class attack cruiser that was in service with the Klingon Defense Force in the mid-24th century. The Maht-H'a was commanded by Captain Nu'Daq. In 2369, the Maht-H'a was collecting DNA samples to decipher a four billion-year-old genetic program left by the ancient humanoids. The ship was responsible for the eradication of all life on Indri VIII, to prevent any other parties from collecting samples, and later met the USS Enterprise-D and two Galor-class Cardassian warships at Loren III. The Maht-H'a was slightly damaged by a Cardassian attack despite advance warning, and so was unable to follow the Enterprise-D to Vilmor II for the final piece of the program. (TNG: "The Chase" )
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| - The IKS Maht-H'a was a Klingon Vor'cha-class attack cruiser that was in service with the Klingon Defense Force in the mid-24th century. The Maht-H'a was commanded by Captain Nu'Daq. In 2369, the Maht-H'a was collecting DNA samples to decipher a four billion-year-old genetic program left by the ancient humanoids. The ship was responsible for the eradication of all life on Indri VIII, to prevent any other parties from collecting samples, and later met the USS Enterprise-D and two Galor-class Cardassian warships at Loren III. The Maht-H'a was slightly damaged by a Cardassian attack despite advance warning, and so was unable to follow the Enterprise-D to Vilmor II for the final piece of the program. (TNG: "The Chase" ) The Starships RPG sourcebook gives its registry as IKC-11574.
- De IKS Maht-H'a was een Klingon Vor'cha-klasse aanvalskruiser onder het commando van kapitein Nu'Daq en was in dienst tijdens de 24e eeuw. In 2369 verzamelde de Maht-H'a DNA monsters om een 4 miljard jaar oud programma van de oude humanoïden te ontcijferen. Het schip was verantwoordelijk voor de uitroeiing van al het leven op de planeet Indri VIII. Dit deden ze omdat ze niet wilden dat iemand anders de monsters in handen zou krijgen. Later kwam het schip samen met de USS Enterprise-D en twee Cardassian Galor-klasse oorlogschepen bij de planeet Loren III. De Maht-H'a raakte lichtbeschadigd tijdens een aanval van de Cardassians, waardoor het schip de Enterprise niet kon volgen naar Vilmor II. (TNG: "The Chase")
- Die IKS Maht-H'a ist ein Kreuzer der Vor'cha-Klasse. Sie steht unter dem Befehl von Nu'Daq, als sie im Jahr 2369 den Auftrag erhält, eine Botschaft zu untersuchen, welche die Wissenschaftler der Föderation in der menschlichen DNA gefunden haben. Diese Botschaft führt letztlich zur Entdeckung einer Spezies, welche als Urhumanoide bekannt wird, von welchen die meisten humanoiden Spezies abstammen, darunter auch die Cardassianer und Romulaner. (TNG: )
- Nave al mando del Capitán Nu'Daq, quien se vió envuelto junto con el Capitán Jean-Luc Picard y la Comandante Cardassiana Gul Ocett en una carrera frenética para descifrar el llamado "Acertijo de Galen" en el año 2369.
- The IKS Maht-H'a was a Vor'cha-class heavy warship that saw service with the Klingon Empire during the 24th century. In 2369, the Maht-H'a was under the command of Captain Nu'Daq and was part of the hunt to solve a four billion year old genetically encoded message. (TNG: "The Chase")
- In 2369, under the command of Nu'Daq, the Maht-H'a was collecting DNA samples to decipher a four-billion-year-old genetic program left by the ancient humanoids. The ship was responsible for the eradication of all life on Indri VIII, to prevent any other parties from collecting samples, and later met the USS Enterprise-D and two Galor-class Cardassian warships at Loren III. The Maht-H'a was slightly damaged by a Cardassian attack despite advance warning, and so was unable to follow the Enterprise to Vilmor II for the final piece of the program. (TNG episode: "The Chase") Although most other Vor'cha-class starships are referred to as attack cruisers in canon, the Maht-H'a and other Vor'cha-class vessels listed by the Decipher RPG as battle cruisers. It is not clear if this is because they are outfitted differently or if the two cruiser terms had become somewhat synonymous.