| - Emotion Icons are featured and you can use them in conversations! If you write the code they will show up: {{Smile}} produces File:Smile.gif {{Grin}} produces File:Grin.gif {{Tongue}} produces File:Tongue.gif {{Wow}} produces File:Wow.gif {{Rolleyes}} produces File:Rolleyes.gif {{Thumbs}} produces File:Thumbsup.gif {{Whistle}} produces File:Whistling.gif {{Blink}} produces File:Blink.gif {{Argh}} produces File:Argh.gif {{Getlost}} produces File:Getlost.gif {{Shocked}} produces File:Shocked.gif {{Devil}} produces File:Devil.gif {{Sad}} produces File:Sad.gif {{Cry}} produces File:Cry.gif {{Cool}} produces File:Cool.gif {{Lol}} (or {{LOL}}) produces File:Lol.gif {{Angry}} produces File:Angry.gif {{Wub}} produces File:Wub.gif {{Innocent}} produces File:Innocent.gif {{Joy}} produces File:Joy.gif {{Glasses}} produces File:Glasses.gif {{Fear}} produces File:Fear.gif {{Wink}} produces File:Wink.gif We also have two new special icons, courtesy of MaulYoda: {{Yodasmile}} produces File:Yoda Smiley.PNG {{Vadersmile}} produces File:Darth Vader Smiley.png We also have lightsaber-wielding yellow faces. So far they come in 19 colors: {{sbraqua}} produces File:Sabersmilyaqua.jpg {{sbrblue}} produces File:Sabersmilyblue.jpg {{sbrbluegray}} (or {{sbrbluegrey}}) produces File:Sabersmilybluegray.jpg {{sbrbrown}} produces File:Sabersmilybrown.jpg {{sbrcyan}} produces File:Sabersmilycyan.jpg {{sbrgold}} produces File:Sabersmilygold.jpg {{sbrgray}} (or {{sbrgrey}}) produces File:Sabersmilygray.jpg {{sbrgreen}} produces File:Sabersmilygreen.jpg {{sbrmagenta}} produces File:Sabersmilymagenta.jpg {{sbrorange}} produces File:Sabersmilyorange.jpg {{sbrpink}} produces File:Sabersmilypink.jpg {{sbrpurple}} produces File:Sabersmilypurple.jpg {{sbrred}} produces File:Sabersmilyred.jpg {{sbrredorange}} produces File:Sabersmilyredorange.jpg {{sbrsilver}} produces File:Sabersmilysilver.jpg {{sbrviolet}} produces File:Sabersmilyviolet.jpg {{sbryellow}} produces File:Sabersmilyyellow.jpg {{sbryellowgreen}} produces File:Sabersmilyyellowgreen.jpg {{sbrblack}} produces File:Black Saber Smiley.JPG Add the lowercase letter "d" to the end of each one to get a dual saber icon. Example: {{sbrgoldd}} produces File:Sabersmilygoldd.jpg. Double-bladed saber staffs are coming soon. Thanks goes to Aiddat for the color changes and dual-saber icons, and to Jedi Master 76 for the original icon. Also, we now have double bladed lightsaber smiley icons. To get these, add a lowercase letter "d" to the front of each one. Example: {{dsbrturq}} produces File:Double Bladed Lightsaber Smiley Turquoise.PNG. We only have 12 colors so far, which are blue, red, black, gold, green, orange, cyan, silver, pink, veridian, purple, and turquoise, but there will be more. Thanks goes to User:Squishy Vic and MaulYoda for getting the double bladed lightsaber icons and doing the color changes. Here is the list of them. {{dsbrblue}} produces File:Double Bladed Lightsaber Smiley Blue.PNG {{dsbrred}} produces File:Double Bladed Lightsaber Smiley Red.PNG {{dsbrblack}} produces File:Double Bladed Lightsaber Smiley Black.PNG {{dsbrgold}} produces File:Double Bladed Lightsaber Smiley Gold.PNG {{dsbrgreen}} produces File:Double Bladed Lightsaber Smiley Green.PNG {{dsbrorange}} produces File:Double Bladed Lightsaber Smiley Orange.PNG {{dsbrsilver}} produces File:Double Bladed Lightsaber Smiley Silver.PNG {{dsbrcyan}} produces File:Double Bladed Lightsaber Smiley Cyan.PNG {{dsbrturq}} produces File:Double Bladed Lightsaber Smiley Turquoise.PNG {{dsbrverid}} produces File:Double Bladed Lightsaber Smiley Veridian.PNG {{dsbrpurple}} produces File:Double Bladed Lightsaber Smiley Purple.PNG {{dsbrpink}} produces File:Double Bladed Lightsaber Smiley Pink.PNG Also, Arav the Undersith uploaded some flag-related emoticons and Brandon Rhea created the templates. {{Mex}} produces File:Q.gif {{Aussie}} produces File:Auz.gif {{UK}} produces File:Bill.gif {{USA}} produces File:1502.gif