| - Ryan: “Wonder what kind of Pokemon we’ll see in here. Probably Bug and Grass Types.” Ryan: “Hmm…” Pokédex: “Beedrill, the Bug/Poison Type Poison Bee Pokemon. Beedrill swarms have been known to be extremely territorial, and will attack anyone they think is an intruder.” Ryan: “Uh oh.” Ryan: “That’s not good.” Chespin: “Ches?” Ryan: “Yeah, that sounds like a good idea.” Ryan (turning and running backwards): “Froakie, help us evade the Beedrill!” Ryan: “Froakie, I know there’s a lot of them, but try to Pound as many as you can!” Ryan: “Good attempt Froakie! Return!” Ryan: “Thank you for understanding!”
| - Ryan: “Wonder what kind of Pokemon we’ll see in here. Probably Bug and Grass Types.” Ryan: “Hmm…” Pokédex: “Beedrill, the Bug/Poison Type Poison Bee Pokemon. Beedrill swarms have been known to be extremely territorial, and will attack anyone they think is an intruder.” Ryan: “Uh oh.” Ryan: “That’s not good.” Chespin: “Ches?” Ryan: “Yeah, that sounds like a good idea.” Ryan (turning and running backwards): “Froakie, help us evade the Beedrill!” Ryan: “Froakie, I know there’s a lot of them, but try to Pound as many as you can!” Ryan: “Good attempt Froakie! Return!” Ryan: “Look, Beedrill, I’m sorry we disturbed you!” Ryan: “We just want to get to Santalune City! We didn’t want to cause you trouble!” Ryan: “Thank you for understanding!” Ryan: “Huh? What is it Chespin?” Ryan: “Huh. Wonder which Pokemon that is.” Pokédex: “Scatterbug, the Bug Type Scatterdust Pokemon. When under attack it spews a poisonous black powder that causes paralysis on contact.” Ryan: “Whoa. Better watch out for that Chespin.” Ryan: “Alright you two. Chespin, Vine Whip. Froakie, Pound it while its off guard.” Ryan: “Pokeball, let’s go!” Ryan: “Hmm...Must’ve been weak, and we made it weaker. Still, we caught Scatterbug!” Ryan: “Alright, now we can finally get to Santalune City!” Narrator: Ryan and Chespin entered Santalune Forest, but were quickly attacked by Beedrill. Luckily, the situation was resolved and the Beedrill left. Ryan saw a Scatterbug and used both Chespin and Froakie to battle it, and Ryan was able to capture Scatterbug. Now, our hero progresses onto Santalune City.