| - Lance O'Donnell war ein Tischler und ein Bewohner der Davenport Siedlung. "Das Werkzeug ist die Braut des Tischlers." ―Lance
- - Lance's roll call Lance O'Donnell was the Black Treasure Hunter of Power Rangers Treasure Hunt, and the second-in-command of the Treasure Hunters.
- Lance O'Donnell is a famous socialite who lived in New Mombasa, in the East African country of Kenya. The top floor of his former residence, Ivory Tower, is currently used as a public park.
- Lance O'Donnell fue un ciudadano muy popular de Nueva Mombasa, al este de África en el país de Kenia. Él vivía en la parte superior de su residencia, la Torre de Marfil, que era usada como un parque recreacional. Se desconoce lo que pasó con él durante la Invasión Covenant a la Tierra.
- Lance jest stolarzem, który zamieszkiwał jeden z domów w Osadzie podczas rewolucji amerykańskiej.
- Prior to his move to the Homestead, Lance was a carpenter residing in Boston, but as his views were not supportive of the British, he was forced out of his home and workshop by Loyalists. He then spent his time on the road, evading the British and moving from inn to inn. One day while traveling, Lance attracted the attention of four thugs who attempted to rob him. When they discovered he had little money, the bandits hung Lance from a steep rock face by his ankles and proceeded to burn his cart and carpentry equipment.