| - This page contains the cell phones that have been used by characters of Gossip Girl in each season. The series is sponsored by Verizon Wireless, so almost all the phones come from the company.
- This wiki is an overview of the cell phone and some of the effects it has had on the lives of the many people who use it. It’s mission is to examine the uses of cell phones in our society, from gathering groups of people in protest, to storing music, movies, and our daily routine while we make a phone call.
- When I'm on my medication, I'm pretty much normal. Eccentric, yes, but nothing for worry. It's taken me years to get this far, a multitude of failed prescription cocktails, and over a dozen institutions, but what I tell you next is true, is real, and is, most importantly, urgent. I know that knowledge of my past will work against me, but please try to look past that and see me for who I am now. Do I sound mad? Do I sound irrational? Ask yourself these things as you listen, and ask yourself what you would have done. It's been roughly eight months, and I've seen thousands of cell phones.
- Cell Phones have a multitude of uses. From calling for help to defeat an enemy to wanting to spice up your love life. Cell Phones are interesting items worth trying out. File:Cellphonegirl.png If you don't have any friends, call up the prism rangers, they don't either! Using the phone is a standard action, unless one of them gets you in a lengthy conversation. If you need help, a prism ranger will appear in 1d4 rounds to aid you. The prism ranger is always 1d4 levels lower than the person who made the call. The Prism Ranger stays until the end of the encounter. Unless he tries to hang out with you or something...
| - This wiki is an overview of the cell phone and some of the effects it has had on the lives of the many people who use it. It’s mission is to examine the uses of cell phones in our society, from gathering groups of people in protest, to storing music, movies, and our daily routine while we make a phone call. A mobile or cellular telephone is, by definition, a long-range, portable electronic device for personal telecommunications over long distances. In laden terms, it is a cordless phone you can carry around in your pocket. This day and age the cell phone, as most have come to refer to it as, is owned by almost everyone. The owners range from elementary school students all the way to senior citizens. Most current mobile phones connect to a cellular network of base stations, or cell sites, which is in turn interconnected to the public switched telephone network, or PSTN. The exception of these would be satellite phones. Throughout the progression of technology there have been great strides in cellular phone advancements. Features seem almost endless and will only continue to advance and become more numerous. Because cell phones are so popular and used by 2/3 of the United States adult population, issues such as tracking, etiquette, and smart mobbing have become synonymous with cellular devices.
- When I'm on my medication, I'm pretty much normal. Eccentric, yes, but nothing for worry. It's taken me years to get this far, a multitude of failed prescription cocktails, and over a dozen institutions, but what I tell you next is true, is real, and is, most importantly, urgent. I know that knowledge of my past will work against me, but please try to look past that and see me for who I am now. Do I sound mad? Do I sound irrational? Ask yourself these things as you listen, and ask yourself what you would have done. It occurred roughly eight months ago. I work the graveyard shift at a 7-Eleven (Unfortunately, with my sort of past, it's one of the only jobs available, but it's an honest living and it gets the bills paid, but I digress) in Chicago. One of the benefits of living in the city is that I'm walking distance from my apartment, so there's no need for a car. As I was walking home, my cell phone went off. I remember thinking it was strange since it was a little after four in the morning, but I wasn't too alarmed. My friends and family know I work the graveyard so there was a good chance it was someone I know being polite and not interrupting my sleep during the day. Whoever it was hung up before I could answer and I couldn't call back because the number was listed as private. Shrugging it off, I continued on, only to have it ring again as I got to my apartment door. This time I answered in time, but the line was so filled with static that I couldn't make anything out. That's all that happened that night. They may seem mundane and unimportant, but it isn't. It happened again the next night, the next, and has happened every night since then, including last night, and I'm sure it will happen tonight. It was the first sign that something had gone wrong, but I didn't know it until four days later. I had assumed that someone was just prank phone calling me every night, but when I went to see my sister that weekend I found my second sign. My sister lives in the suburbs, has been happily married for the last eight years, and has a three year old son named Francis. It's become something of a tradition that I take a taxi over to her place for dinner once or twice a month, so my showing up on a weekend unannounced shouldn't have been a surprise, but when I got there her house was empty. Ah, I can tell. You don't understand. When I say her house was empty, I mean it was empty. Deserted. Nobody was there, and there were no signs of people having ever been there. There was no furniture, no locks on the doors, and no light fixtures - just bare walls with exposed outlets and bare floors. I told you of my condition earlier. While I had never had this sort of hallucination before, I knew better than to think that what I saw was real. An entire family just disappearing in the middle of suburbia doesn't make sense, so the logical thought was that they hadn't disappeared, I just wasn't seeing reality as it was. I called another taxi, went home, and called my psychiatrist. Three days and innumerable blood tests later, it was declared that my medication was still at full strength in my blood stream and that perhaps I had dreamed the whole thing. It is worth noting that at this point I had tried calling my sister several times and only received a wrong number message. With no immediate options available, I decided to take a friend to see my sister's house. If nothing else, I would at least have someone to confirm that it was empty. I should note again that this started with receiving phone calls. The day that I decided to enlist the help of a friend, the number of calls doubled. I don't have many friends, and of the friends I do have there aren't many who are aware of my condition, so I didn't have many options to choose from. I eventually decided on Lisa. She knew the most about my past, the most about my problem, and I knew I could trust her not to judge. When I called her, she told me that I was dumb to have waited that long to call her and to get my ass over there so my life could get back to normal. God, I miss Lisa. She was always so good to me. I headed over to her place that evening only to discover it empty as well. Since then, everyone I know has disappeared, one by one, and the damn phone calls have continued to plague me. I threw away my cell phone months ago but to no avail: pay phones ring as I pass, I find cell phones in my pockets... the type always varies, but the end is always the same. Ringing. The world continues on, though, even though every last house I come to looks as if it's never seen a living soul. When I pass a street vendor's empty shop I can still pick up a paper with today's date and a new story. That's why I'm writing this. If the world can still talk to me, then maybe I can still talk to it. Maybe I can still send out a message, and it is a very important message. You see, I don't care so much about the loneliness - I don't even care that much about the prospect of never seeing another living creature again. I care about warning the outside world. Reading the papers has become an obsession of mine, and I've come to realize something: it isn't the world that's disappeared, it's me. I also know why I haven't been missed. You see, I didn't just vanish without a trace, I was replaced. I don't know what it was that replaced me, but it doesn't have good intentions. When I said earlier that I'm okay with the prospect of never seeing another living soul again, I meant it...but every time I open up one of the cell phones that appear in my pockets, I'm greeted by an image of my hand clutching a knife and a slit throat. It's been roughly eight months, and I've seen thousands of cell phones.
- This page contains the cell phones that have been used by characters of Gossip Girl in each season. The series is sponsored by Verizon Wireless, so almost all the phones come from the company.
- Cell Phones have a multitude of uses. From calling for help to defeat an enemy to wanting to spice up your love life. Cell Phones are interesting items worth trying out. File:Cellphonegirl.png If you don't have any friends, call up the prism rangers, they don't either! Using the phone is a standard action, unless one of them gets you in a lengthy conversation. If you need help, a prism ranger will appear in 1d4 rounds to aid you. The prism ranger is always 1d4 levels lower than the person who made the call. The Prism Ranger stays until the end of the encounter. Unless he tries to hang out with you or something... Are you constantly threatened by a costumed maniac whom wants to steal/kill something that belongs to you or your family and constantly stalks you regardless of restraining orders? Well you need a hero, not just any hero, but a defender of Earth! Using this phone is a standard action that calls a Defender of Earth to your aid in 1d4 rounds. The Defender of earth is always 1d4 levels lower than you and stays until the end of the encounter. Do you need to bully some nerds? Ding dong ditch a whole neighborhood? Call a Dark hero! Using this phone is a standard action that calls a Dark hero to your aid in 1d6 rounds. Sometimes dark heroes don't show up at all however as they are far too cool for you. You're in a ditch, with only 16 shots left in your gun. You look to the left, the Baciel you recruited has long since died, to your right, your samurai companion is hiding as well. The sound of lasers, missiles and bullets flying above you make you think that it's the end. But then, it happens. You hear the honk and the squeal of wheels as the pizza man drives his badass truck into the ditch. "That'll be $22.95....". Call the Mid Battle Delivery man. It is a standard action to use the phone and you receive a pizza in 1d4-2 rounds. This pizza heals 2d8 hit points when consumed. Any time is Pizza Time. Learn to love with a rock hard fist. Calling the delinquent hotline, you can get love advice, find out if "SHE" likes you, and learn how to get poo stains off of carpets. In addition, if you need something cleaned up, or a fund raiser, they may be able to help. The DM determines final results. Low on money? Need to buy a new sword so you can kick someone's ass for calling you fat? Take out a loan! Call up HoggMeiser and he can get you your money within 1d6 days, and in 2d6 weeks you'll need to pay him back with interest. No strings attached... heh.. heh. Senator Phone Call and complain! Get a senator phone and use it to call a specific party of senators! Maybe you can trick them into voting for your next topic at the dark assembly... You must make a Bluff or Diplomacy check, either of which gains a +2 circumstance bonus. If you succeed, expect good results! Puuuuure Loooooove. When you use a Flonne Phone, you can call up the Archangel herself. She can give great advice on topics as love and peace, and maybe even send some battle aid as well. Using the Flonne Phone is a Standard action and it's up to the DM to decide what the phone actually does. Call the Dean of Evil Acadamy. There is a 25% chance he's doing something more important though... or playing videogames, which he feels is more important. If it does go through, you could get help in a multitude of ways, The DM decides the final result. Your Flambe not quite up to par? Need a better Tossed Salad? Is your pineapple upside down cake standing on it's side? Call the Home Ec room! Doing so is a standard action, and it grants you a +4 bonus on any craft culinary check you make within the next hour.