| - The Radial Menu is a feature added in the Tireless Menace Update. This Menu is used in Various ways. You can:
* Select Light Sources
* Read Journals
* Select Weapons
* Use the First Aid Menu
* Drop Decoys
* Craft items
* Select a Campcraft option
* Equip an Emergency Stim
* Open your Inventory The radial menu provides a quick and alternative way to interact with items in your inventory.
- Almost every object in Star Wars Galaxies has a "Radial Menu". This refers to the selection of options that appears as a "hub" around the object when you right-click or left-click and hold on any object. Most objects have at least the Examine action in their radial menus. An alternate way to access the radial menu is to target an NPC or object and press the tilde key (the "~" key). Here, you can choose to interact with objects, such as sitting in a chair, or you can use it to start trades with other players, examine them, or challenge them to a duel!
- The radial menu is the primary tool for interacting with the world of Neverwinter Nights. The radial menu is brought up by right-clicking an object (or location) with the mouse. The menu itself consists of up to eight options radiating from the center point, with the mouse moved to the center point if needed. These options cover all possible interactions with the target object or location, including such things as casting a spell at it or attacking.
| - The Radial Menu is a feature added in the Tireless Menace Update. This Menu is used in Various ways. You can:
* Select Light Sources
* Read Journals
* Select Weapons
* Use the First Aid Menu
* Drop Decoys
* Craft items
* Select a Campcraft option
* Equip an Emergency Stim
* Open your Inventory The radial menu provides a quick and alternative way to interact with items in your inventory.
- Almost every object in Star Wars Galaxies has a "Radial Menu". This refers to the selection of options that appears as a "hub" around the object when you right-click or left-click and hold on any object. Most objects have at least the Examine action in their radial menus. An alternate way to access the radial menu is to target an NPC or object and press the tilde key (the "~" key). Here, you can choose to interact with objects, such as sitting in a chair, or you can use it to start trades with other players, examine them, or challenge them to a duel!
- The radial menu is the primary tool for interacting with the world of Neverwinter Nights. The radial menu is brought up by right-clicking an object (or location) with the mouse. The menu itself consists of up to eight options radiating from the center point, with the mouse moved to the center point if needed. These options cover all possible interactions with the target object or location, including such things as casting a spell at it or attacking. A left-click selects an option from the menu. If the option has a small arrow beside it, then selecting that option brings up a submenu with another level of options. Around such options is a ring previewing the next level of the menu, allowing one to see at a glance what the next level will hold. Clicking the center of the submenu will return to the parent menu (or dismiss the radial menu if already at the highest menu level). The numeric keypad can be used to access the radial menu. Each number key (except 0) on the keypad corresponds to a location in the radial menu, with the 5 key being the center. (So the 8 key selects the topmost option, the 7 the top-left, etc.) The 0 key on the numeric keypad will bring up the radial menu on the player's character. This allows some abilities to be "speed dialed" with the numeric keypad. (Here, the "speed" aspect is relative to using the mouse, not the number of keys that must be hit.)