| - Average Height: 1.5 meters Average Lifespan: 95 years Not overly tall, not overly short, the Eloms race is broad, covered with a thick, bushy fur. Their beady black eyes stick out on stubby, bald stalks on either side of their head, and their mouths are covered by a pair of sharp mandibles. These stocky sentients are difficult to kill, and ferocious in a fight.
| - Average Height: 1.5 meters Average Lifespan: 95 years Not overly tall, not overly short, the Eloms race is broad, covered with a thick, bushy fur. Their beady black eyes stick out on stubby, bald stalks on either side of their head, and their mouths are covered by a pair of sharp mandibles. These stocky sentients are difficult to kill, and ferocious in a fight. Unfortunately for them, no amount of ferocity or tenacity could keep them on their home planet of Kessel V. Eloms were thrust rudely into the galaxy millenia ago when Huttese prospectors began mining the barren world. They found the tunnel-cities of the Eloms, once beautiful, and rich deposits of spice. The Eloms were then displaced, and nothing now remains of their ancient civilization. Managing to make a home where they could, the Eloms have made new tunnels on various Outer Rim worlds-- Tatooine, Paxo and Dantooine, to name a few. But they have had to be rugged to survive, and they have had to learn from experience the foul ways of crime on the Outer Rim: a body of knowledge now traditionally passed on from father to children. Eloms tend to stick together in packs, and exploit their knowledge of the underworld, some of the time while keeping their own muzzles clean.